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Rachel & Ilene: From Jakarta to Ningbo
Two years ago, two girls from Indonesia who had never met each other before applied to study at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), becoming part of this university shortly thereafter. The two girls are Rachel Violetta RUSLI, majoring in International Economics and Trade, and Ilene Chelsea SENTOSO, majoring in International Communications and Chinese. Apart from their common hometown, they are also members of an Indonesian organization named Permit Ningbo located in Ningbo and roommates.
We are here today to present you with the new chapter in UNNC of these two young students, beginning from the journey of their first meeting.
“We didn't know each other before we came to Ningbo." Rachel and Ilene said. When it comes to their acquaintance experiences, “We met at a welcoming party held by PERMIT Ningbo in our freshman year,” Ilene added “We exchanged details with each other, realizing surprisingly that we had a lot of close friends in common. More coincidentally, Rachel and Ilene both chose to come to China and enrol at UNNC due to the scholarships offered to international students by UNNC, and their families shared similar expectations that they would be able to learn Chinese whilst here.
"The reason I chose UNNC is that I wanted to study International Economics and Trade," said Rachel, who was eager to pursue majors in the category of economics, and was influenced by her family, "Even though this major is not mainstream in international universities, I still favour it very much." As for Ilene, before coming to UNNC, she was already a fashion blogger of some renown on two social media platforms, Instagram and TikTok, and had arrived here for her beloved major, " International Communications offered by UNNC is what I have always been looking for, and it is highly recognized and accredited by other universities as well."
Since neither had a high level of Chinese, one of the key reasons they chose UNNC is its arrangement of Chinese and English courses for international students. Rachel and her parents agreed that this course setting can create a balance between Chinese and English courses, and taking courses in China would simultaneously improve Rachel’s professional and Chinese language skills. Moreover, the optional language modules in International Communications drove Ilene to be even more determined to apply to UNNC, due to her desire to upgrade her Chinese competency.
Rachel and Ilene had to spend their first year at UNNC online unexpectedly due to the pandemic. However, everything became realistic and interesting in the second year as they were able to engage with the university F2F. Seeing friends in the classroom and on campus made Rachel delighted and feel at home in day-to-day life here. Ilene has enjoyed the mutual interactions as well in offline classes, which has not only prompted her to be more focused in class, but also given her a new type of motivation to study.
Although Rachel found the knowledge of economics challenging, she continued to enjoy courses in Macroeconomics and Development Economics which she is looking forward to studying in her senior year, out of the many economics courses she has tried. Asked about her favourite teacher, Rachel mentioned Dr Wai-Heng Loke, who taught on the course Economic Integration 2 last year, "She was committed and dedicated to teaching the students online, and in between classes, she frequently asked me if I had heard clearly what she had said."
Ilene, who is keen on socializing and writing, has made it her goal to work in the entertainment industry. She found it enjoyable attending the classes of Dr Paul Martin and Dr Lei Hao, and though the lectures were online, the content was concise and contained all the information she needed to know, making the process of learning about abstract topics quite pleasurable. "I am also looking forward to discovering the changes in the curriculum for the next academic year, which I believe will be very helpful in achieving my future career."
Colourful activities and second classes at UNNC not only enriched their extracurricular lives, but also allowed them to experience campus and local life more realistically, better integrating into social groups here. Rachel participated in the 5-HT event organised by Vis-à-Vis in 2022 as a committee member, and joined in the dumpling-making for the Chinese New Year 2023 and a day trip to Fenghua Village. Ilene also took part in a camping and barbecue trip held by UNNC. All of these activities have offered the two girls unique experiences and they have made many new friends in the process. They mentioned that although they have relatively different cultural backgrounds compared to the local students, they all spent a good time communicating with each other, also, they were well taken care of in daily life.
The Colour Run and the weekly Campus Run at UNNC have generated a positive sports atmosphere. Rachel, who has been practicing long-distance running for the past few months, said that she has developed an interest in running at UNNC, while Ilene keeps up her workout routine and comes to the gym at 7am every morning. In addition, she likes to dance or participate in activities like HIIT or Spinning classes in her free time. All of the activities have assisted them to become more energetic in the new environment.
When it comes to plans for the future, these two girls with very distinctively different personalities also have varied individual plans. Rachel, who always plans ahead of schedule, says she will definitely pursue a Master's degree, possibly in International Trade, government economics, or anything related to Macroeconomics. Ilene, on the other hand, is open to future possibilities and says she doesn't have a clear plan yet, but she already considers herself part of the entertainment industry and is determined to pursue her future career in it.
So, what are these two girls’ interactions and stories with each other? What are their impressions of Ningbo? And what are their plans for the future? Let's hear what they have to say!
两年前,两个素不相识的印尼女孩,不约而同地选择了申请就读宁波诺丁汉大学(以下简称“宁诺”),并都在不久后成为了宁诺中的一员。她们就是如今宁诺大三国际经济与贸易专业的Rachel Violetta RUSLI和国际传播学与汉语专业的Ilene Chelsea SENTOSO。除了有着共同的家乡雅加达之外,她们还是印尼在宁波的当地组织PERMIT Ningbo的成员,更是学号只差了一位的亲密室友。
国际经济与贸易 国际传播学与汉语
“我们在来宁波前并不相识。”问及两个人的相识过程,Rachel和Ilene这样说道。“我们是在PERMIT Ningbo举办的欢迎会上认识的,” Ilene补充说, “经过交谈,我们发现彼此有很多共同好友。” 很巧的是,由于宁诺给国际学生提供的奖学金和她们各自家庭对于她们能够学好汉语的期望,Rachel和Ilene都选择来到了中国并入读宁诺。
虽然经济学知识让Rachel觉得很有挑战性,但在众多经济学课程中,她依旧很喜欢《宏观经济学》、《发展经济学》和她期待在大四学习的《国际贸易》。被问及最喜欢的老师,她提到去年教她《经济一体化2》课程的Wai-Heng Loke博士的用心特别打动她。“她真的很努力在教在线上课的学生,在课间她常常叫我并问我是否有听到她讲的话。”
喜欢与人交际和写作的Ilene把在娱乐行业工作作为自己的目标。她非常喜欢国际传播系的Paul Martin博士和Lei Hao博士的课堂。她认为,尽管他们的讲座是在线的,但既简洁又包含了所有她需要知道的信息,把学习抽象主题的过程变得相当愉快。“我也很期待看到下一学年课程的变化,我相信这些课程对实现我的职业愿景是很有帮助的。”
同时,宁诺有趣的彩虹跑活动和每周举办的校园跑(Campus Run)活动都在校园中营造了积极的运动氛围。过去几个月都在坚持练习长跑的Rachel表示自己在宁诺培养了对跑步的热爱。Ilene则保持了她锻炼的习惯,每天早上七点就会来到健身房锻炼。此外,她还喜欢在有空的时间跳舞或参加像HIIT或Spinning课程活动。这让她们在新环境中变得越来有活力。