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Sixth Tone is Hiring - Editor

日期: 来源:Sixth Tone收集编辑:Sixth Tone

Sixth Tone is looking for a seasoned, passionate editor.


1. Attend morning news meetings, and help decide which stories to pursue.

2. Shepherd other staff through the research and writing process when necessary.

3. Edit news stories to a ready-to-publish state in a time-efficient manner.

4. Help develop new editorial projects when needed, and coordinate with members from other teams to optimize stories for audiences.

5. Support features, visuals, and social media teams with their editing needs on an ad hoc basis.


1. Native or native-level English speaker with a keen understanding of Chinese society and culture.

2. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, English, or a related field.

3. Three to five years of relevant full-time work experience, ideally with China-focused media. Leadership experience preferred.

4. Strong attention to detail and a meticulous approach toward work in general.

5. Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

6. Good Chinese language skills are desirable.

To apply, please send your CV and a brief cover letter, including salary expectation and earliest availability, to careers@sixthtone.com.



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  • Sixth Tone is Hiring - Editor

  • Sixth Tone is looking for a seasoned, passionate editor.Responsibilities:1. Attend morning news meetings, and help decide which stories to pursue.2. Shepherd ot