导语近日,全国两会胜利闭幕。两会被视为观察中国外交“风向标”的重要窗口,中国的外交理念和对外政策备受外界关注。透过两会,我们看到中国在国际事务上扮演的角色越来越重要。本期《参考观点》是“两会声音”系列主题下篇,聚焦两会期间热议的中国外交相关话题,供参考。 一、外交部长秦刚在十四届全国人大一次会议举行记者会上说,党的二十大对中国外交规划了顶层设计,明确了使命任务,作出了战略部署。当前,国内新冠疫情形势好转,中外交往有序恢复,中国外交已经按下“加速键”,吹响“集结号”。中国将促进大国协调和良性互动,同各国发展友好合作,推动构建新型国际关系。 China's major-country diplomacy has pressed the "acceleration button" this year as the COVID-19 situation improves and the country resumes exchanges with the rest of the world, Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday. On building the country's extensive partnerships, Qin said China will pursue coordination and sound interaction with major countries, seek friendship and cooperation with other countries, and promote a new type of international relations. "China has a growing network of friends, made more and more new friends, and strengthened ties with old ones," he added. Su Xiaohui, an associate research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies, said the message Beijing wants to deliver via Qin's news conference is clear, as the foreign minister touched upon interactions among major countries and China's push to build a new type of international relations. Qin's remarks show that China's diplomacy subscribes to its principles in a faithful, consistent manner, she said. "We have a sober mind and cool head over the existing issues and problems in the world, and we have drawn lines that should not be crossed," she said. Qin noted that over the past 10 years, President Xi Jinping has put forward a host of major initiatives and proposals, and the core message is that countries are interdependent, mankind has a shared future, and the international community should unite and cooperate. (March 08, 2023. China has very dynamic interaction democracy: international observers. China Daily) 图片来源:CGTN 二、中国的朋友圈不断扩大,因为中国的经济在过去几十年中一直在快速增长,使其成为对世界各国越来越有吸引力的伙伴;中国在国际事务中发挥着越来越重要的作用;中国展示了其对多边主义和合作共赢的承诺;中国在应对国际挑战方面彰显了领导力。 Building "a human community with a shared future" is one of China's top aims, and widening its social network is a component of that. China's circle of friends is growing for several reasons, including its economic growth and increasing global influence, its commitment to multilateralism and win-win cooperation, and its leadership in addressing global challenges. Firstly, China's economy has been growing rapidly over the past several decades, making it an increasingly attractive partner for countries around the world. Secondly, China has been playing an increasingly important role in international affairs and has demonstrated its commitment to multilateralism and win-win cooperation. Through initiatives such as the BRI and its participation in international organizations, China has shown a willingness to work with other countries to promote peace, stability, and prosperity. Finally, China's leadership in addressing global challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, has won it friends and supporters around the world. What's interesting in the Chinese approach, be that in the development or the security component: the focus on shared interests, the focus on mutual respect, and the focus on comprehensive, sustained solutions. These are concepts that are very consistent with and adopted by countries like mine and by the non-aligned and developing worlds. (March 09, 2023. China has very dynamic interaction democracy: international observers. Global Times) 图片来源:CGTN 三、两会之后,中国未来发展方向更加清晰。对于国际社会来说,中国两会传递出的和平发展、合作共赢的坚定信念,以及推动高水平对外开放、构建人类共同未来的愿景,正是当今世界所需。 The 20th National Congress of the CPC drew a grand blueprint for China's future. The first session of the 14th NPC successfully completed various agendas and elected state leaders and endorsed the new lineup of the State Council, which indicates that the pace of the new journey has already been set. Indeed, after the two sessions, the sense of direction of the Chinese society has become clearer, and confidence and enthusiasm have been consolidated and supplemented. For the international community, the firm belief in peaceful development and win-win cooperation conveyed by China's two sessions, and the vision of promoting high-level opening-up, building a human community with a shared future are all scarce goods and positive energy in today's world. In fact, as long as China puts forward a strategic plan or long-term goal, not only the Chinese people, but even the whole world believes that China is definitely not just shouting slogans, but will definitely do what it says. There are still various difficulties on the way forward for China, as well as foreseeable and unforeseen storms, but China has always achieved new development through overcoming difficulties. This will also form a huge appeal and attraction to the outside world, thereby providing new ideas and new methods for the world to solve problems and benefit all mankind. (March 14, 2023. China building a great country will form a greater appeal to the world. Global Times) 四、国际友人盛赞中国坚持和平发展、坚定维护国际和平与安全的努力。中国《全球安全倡议概念文件》的发布,为国际社会应对全球安全挑战提供了中国智慧,有利于减少恶性国际竞争和战争。 "Peaceful development as emblematic of China's international cooperation has seen Beijing welcomed in many countries around the world," said Cavince Adhere, a Kenya-based international relations scholar. Currently, a myriad of factors, including geopolitical conflicts, bloc confrontation and terrorism, are posing challenges to global peace and stability. The world pays more attention to China's insights into how to stave off security dilemmas and achieve lasting peace. "China's commitment to peace is historic since the appearance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence," said Eduardo Regalado, senior researcher at the International Policy Research Center of Cuba. China has always been for peace and dialogue. As a major contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget and the largest troop-contributing country among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, China has sent more than 50,000 personnel on peacekeeping missions over the last three decades. "We are very grateful to Chinese peacekeepers. They offer us the most realistic help when we face the hardest time," a resident of Mali's Gao region told Xinhua. Last month, China released The Global Security Initiative (GSI) Concept Paper, demonstrating the country's responsibility to safeguard world peace and its resolve to defend global security. "China believes in a 'Let's grow together' policy, a policy of peace, equality and friendship," said Mohammad Reza Manafi, editor-in-chief for the Asia-Pacific news desk of Iran's official news agency IRNA. If such a policy becomes popular worldwide, it would end unhealthy competition and deadly wars, Manafi said. (March 08, 2023. World Insights: How China brings prosperity, stability to world. Xinhua) 五、两会期间,在中方的斡旋下,经历了七年关系紧张的伊朗和沙特于3月10日在北京达成历史性协议,两国同意重新建立外交关系并重新开放大使馆和代表团。这是对话的胜利、和平的胜利,为当前动荡不安的世界提供了重大利好消息,传递了明确信号。这也彰显了中国为地区和平所作的努力和在穆斯林世界不断增长的影响力。 In a significant breakthrough with longstanding policies of the past, Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies and missions after seven years of tensions over numerous issues. The historic deal, struck in Beijing on March 10, represents a major diplomatic victory for the country. After the deal, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani and Saudi Arabia's National Security Advisor Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban released a joint communique with China, which endorsed the agreement. The joint statement calls on Tehran and Riyadh to dial down tensions and de-escalate, in order to promote regional and international peace and security. The major agreement, brokered by Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, is the sum of many acts. It comes as Beijing tries to help end the war in Yemen, in which both Iran and Saudi Arabia are heavily involved. If there is one salient takeaway from the rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh, it’s worth fighting for. China's role in arranging the deal highlights its growing influence in the Muslim world. After the signing ceremony, Wang Yi said, "This is a victory for dialogue, a victory for peace, and is major positive news for the world which is currently so turbulent and restive, and it sends a clear signal." (March 11, 2023. China-brokered Iran-Saudi deal an example for all. CGTN) 图片来源:CGTN