2021-2022 Mycology 分领域文章列表,
Taxonomy, systematics and evolution
Blake Commer & Brian D. Shaw (2021) Current views on endocytosis in filamentous fungi, Mycology, 12:1, 1-9, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1741471
Ibrahem G. Wasti, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Henry B ernard, Noor Haliza Hassan, Tom Fayle & Jaya Seelan Sathiya Seelan (2021) Fungal communities in bat guano, speleothem surfaces, and cavern water in Madai cave, Northern Borneo (Malaysia), Mycology, 12:3, 188-202, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1877204
Olga Ianieva & Valentin Podgorsky (2021) Enological potential of non-Saccharomyces yeast strains of enological and brewery origin from Ukrainian Collection of Microorganisms, Mycology, 12:3, 203-215, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1837272
Laura F. Villamizar, Gloria Barrera, Mark Hurst & Travis R. Glare (2021) Characterization of a new strain of Metarhizium novozealandicum with potential to be developed as a biopesticide, Mycology, 12:4, 261-278, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1935359
Jian Bing, Sijia Wang, Heping Xu, Shuru Fan, Han Du, Clarissa J. Nobile & Guanghua Huang (2022) A case of Candida auris candidemia in Xiamen, China, and a comparative analysis of clinical isolates in China, Mycology, 13:1, 68-75, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1994479
Hong-Wei Shen, Dan-Feng Bao, Darbhe J. Bhat, Hong-Yan Su & Zong-Long Luo (2022) Lignicolous freshwater fungi in Yunnan Province, China: an overview, Mycology, 13:2, 119-132, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2058638
Anthony T. Buaya & Marco Thines (2022) Miracula einbuarlaekurica sp. nov., a new holocarpic endoparasitoid species from pennate freshwater diatoms in Iceland, Mycology, 13:2, 153-161, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1980446
Li Jia-Xin, He Mao-Qiang & Zhao Rui-Lin (2022) A review of Cystoderma (Agaricales/Basidiomycota) from China with four new species and two new records, Mycology, 13:3, 163-176, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.2013969
Bin Lu, Feng-Ming Zhang, Fu-Qiang Yu & Andrea C. Rinaldi (2022) Ethnobiological notes and volatile profiles of two rare Chinese desert truffles, Mycology, 13:3, 177-184, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2035005
Viktor Papp & Yu-Cheng Dai (2022) What is the correct scientific name for “Fuling” medicinal mushroom? Mycology, 13:3, 207-211, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2089755
Ming Zhang, De-Chun Xie, Chao-Qun Wang, Wang Qiu Deng & Tai-Hui Li (2022) New insights into the genus Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales), with establishment of four new sections and description of five new species from China, Mycology, 13:3, 223-242, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2094012
Bingjie Liu, Rong Fu, Bing Wu, Xingzhong Liu & Meichun Xiang (2022) Rockinhabiting fungi: terminology, diversity, evolution and adaptation mechanisms, Mycology, 13:1, 1-31, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.2002452
Fungal pathogenicity and interaction
Oumi Nishi, Hirotoshi Sushida, Yumiko Higashi & Yuichiro Iida (2021) Epiphytic and endophytic colonisation of tomato plants by the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain GHA, Mycology, 12:1, 39-47, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2019.1707723
Laura F. Villamizar, Gloria Barrera, Sean D.G. Marshall, Marina Richena, Duane Harland & Trevor A. Jackson (2021) Three-dimensional cellular aggregates formed by Beauveria pseudobassiana in liquid culture with potential for use as a biocontrol agent of the African black beetle (Heteronychus arator), Mycology, 12:2, 105-118, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1754953
Lovely Gupta, Maansi Vermani, Simran Kaur Ahluwalia & Pooja Vijayaraghavan (2021) Molecular virulence determinants of Magnaporthe oryzae: disease pathogenesis and recent interventions for disease management in rice plant, Mycology, 12:3, 174-187, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1868594
Paula Baptista, Paula Guedes de Pinho, Nathalie Moreira, Ricardo Malheiro, Francisca Reis, Jorge Padrão, Rui Tavares & Teresa Lino-Neto (2021) In vitro interactions between the ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus tinctorius and the saprotroph Hypholoma fasciculare fungi: morphological aspects and volatile production, Mycology, 12:3, 216-229, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1876778
Samim Dullah, Dibya Jyoti Hazarika, Assma Parveen, Merilin Kakoti, Tanushree Borgohain, Trishnamoni Gautom, Ashok Bhattacharyya, Madhumita Barooah & Robin Chandra Boro (2021) Fungal interactions induce changes in hyphal morphology and enzyme production, Mycology, 12:4, 279-295, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1932627
Amrita Kumari, Ankita H. Tripathi, Poonam Gautam, Rekha Gahtori, Amit Pande, Yogendra Singh, Taruna Madan & Santosh K. Upadhyay (2021) Adhesins in the virulence of opportunistic fungal pathogens of human, Mycology, 12:4, 296-324, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1934176
Noemi Carla Baron & Everlon Cid Rigobelo (2022) Endophytic fungi: a tool for plant growth promotion and sustainable agriculture, Mycology, 13:1, 39-55, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1945699
Mingxun Zhu, Liang Yan, Sybren de Hoog, Wanqing Liao, Hong Zhang, Rongfen Zhao & Shuwen Deng (2022) Invasive infections due to Magnusiomyces capitatus: case report and review of its prevalence in China, Mycology, 13:1, 76-80, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.2000059
Oumi Nishi, Hirotoshi Sushida, Yumiko Higashi & Yuichiro Iida (2022) Entomopathogenic fungus Akanthomyces muscarius (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) strain IMI 268317 colonises on tomato leaf surface through conidial adhesion and general and microcycle conidiation, Mycology, 13:2, 133-142, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1944929
Shalene da Silva Santos, Angela Aparecida da Silva, Julio Cesar Polonio, Andressa Domingos Polli, Ravely Casarotti Orlandelli, João Arthur dos Santos Oliveira, José Usan Torres Brandão-Filho, João Lúcio Azevedo & João Alencar Pamphile (2022) Influence of plant growth-promoting endophytes Colletotrichu msiamense and Diaporthe masirevici on tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), Mycology, 13:4, 257-270, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2050825
Paris Chakravarty (2022) Mycobiota and mycotoxin-producing fungi in southern California: their colonisation and in vitro interactions, Mycology, 13:4, 293-304, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2104950
Genetics, omics and mycobiome
Avishek Roy, Ajeet Kumar, Darshana Baruah & Ranjan Tamuli (2021) Calcium signaling is involved in diverse cellular processes in fungi, Mycology, 12:1, 10-24, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1785962
Xueyan Hu, Yun Zhang, Minghao Du & Ence Yang (2022) Efficient and specific DNA oligonucleotide rRNA probe-based rRNA removal in Talaromyces marneffei, Mycology, 13:2, 106-118, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.2017045
Biosynthesis, synthetic biology and biotechnology
Suresh Nath & Naveen Kango (2022) Recent developments in industrial mycozymes: a current appraisal, Mycology, 13:2, 81-105, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1974111
Fungal natural product and metabolism
Nitin Mahendra Chauhan & S. Mohan Karuppayil (2021) Dual identities for various alcohols in two different yeasts, Mycology, 12:1, 25-38, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1837976
U. V. A. Buddhika, S. Savocchia & C. C. Steel (2021) Copper induces transcription of BcLCC2 laccase gene in phytopathogenic fungus, Botrytis cinerea, Mycology, 12:1, 48-57, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1725677
Chetsada Pothiratana, Wasapon Fuangsawat, Anchalee Jintapattanakit, Churapa Teerapatsakul & Surachai Thachepan (2021) Putative hydrophobins of black poplar mushroom (Agrocybe cylindracea), Mycology, 12:1, 58-67, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1804474
Prerana Venkatachalam & Varalakshmi Kilingar Nadumane (2021) Modulation of Bax and Bcl-2 genes by secondary metabolites produced by Penicillium rubens JGIPR9 causes the apoptosis of cancer cell lines, Mycology, 12:2, 69-81, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2019.1707315
Chung-Hsiung Huang, Wei-Kang Lin, Shun‐Hsien Chang & Guo-Jane Tsai (2021) Evaluation of the hypoglycaemic and antioxidant effects of submerged Ganoderma lucidum cultures in type 2 diabetic rats, Mycology, 12:2, 82-93, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1733119
Nilesh Rai, Priyanka Kumari Keshri, Ashish Verma, Swapnil C. Kamble, Pradeep Mishra, Suvakanta Barik, Santosh Kumar Singh & Vibhav Gautam (2021) Plant associated fungal endophytes as a source of natural bioactive compounds, Mycology, 12:3, 139-159, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1870579
Chung-Hsiung Huang, Wei-Kang Lin, Shun‐Hsien Chang & Guo-Jane Tsai (2021) Ganoderma lucidum culture supplement ameliorates dyslipidemia and reduces visceral fat accumulation in type 2 diabetic rats, Mycology, 12:2, 94-104, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1740409
Nattida Namnuch, Anon Thammasittirong & Sutticha Na-Ranong Thammasittirong (2021) Lignocellulose hydrolytic enzymes production by Aspergillus flavus KUB2 using submerged fermentation of sugarcane bagasse waste, Mycology, 12:2, 119-127, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1806938
Mustafa Sevindik, Hasan Akgul, Zeliha Selamoglu & Nady Braidy (2021) Antioxidant, antimicrobial and neuroprotective effects of Octaviania asterosperma in vitro, Mycology, 12:2, 128-138, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1816584
Gabriela Verónica Díaz, Romina Olga Coniglio, Clara Inés Chungara, Pedro Darío Zapata, Laura Lidia Villalba & María Isabel Fonseca (2021) Aspergillus niger LBM 134 isolated from rotten wood and its potential cellulolytic ability, Mycology, 12:3, 160-173, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2020.1823509
Jessica Mélanie Wong Chin, Daneshwar Puchooa, Theeshan Bahorun & Rajesh Jeewon (2021) Antimicrobial properties of marine fungi from sponges and brown algae of Mauritius, Mycology, 12:4, 231-244, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1895347
Francis Imade, Edgar Mugizi Ankwasa, Hairong Geng, Sana Ullah, Tanvir Ahmad, Gang Wang, Chenxi Zhang, Oyeyemi Dada, Fuguo Xing, Yongquan Zheng & Yang Liu (2021) Updates on food and feed mycotoxin contamination and safety in Africa with special reference to Nigeria, Mycology, 12:4, 245-260, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1941371
Amisha Patel, Jyoti Divecha & Amita Shah (2021) Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2, a novel brown rot for endoglucanase: emphasis towards enhanced endoglucanase production by statistical approach, Mycology, 12:4, 325-340, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1918277
Jinyu Zhang & Wen-Bing Yin (2022) Characterisation of two unique sesquiterpenoids from Trichoderma hypoxylon, Mycology, 13:1, 32-38, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1964630
Simon Schuster & Adeline Su Yien Ting (2022) Decolourisation of triphenylmethane dyes by biogenically synthesised iron nanoparticles from fungal extract, Mycology, 13:1, 56-67, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1948928
Firew Tafesse Mamo, Bo Shang, Jonathan Nimal Selvaraj, Yongquan Zheng & Yang Liu (2022) Biocontrol efficacy of atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus strains against aflatoxin contamination in peanut field in Guangdong province, South China, Mycology, 13:2, 143-152, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2021.1978573
Baosong Chen, Jinghan Lin, Ao Xu, Dan Yu, Dorji Phurbu, Huanqin Dai, Yi Li & Hongwei Liu (2022) Glyceroglycolipids from the solid culture of Ophiocordyceps sinensis strain LY34 isolated from Tibet of China, Mycology, 13:3, 185-194, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2036841
Run Tian, Hui Chai, Jun-Qiang Qiu, Zhi-Qun Liang, Hui-Jing Xie, Yong Wang & Nian-Kai Zeng (2022) Preparation, structural characterisation, and antioxidant activities of polysaccharides from eight boletes (Boletales) in tropical China, Mycology, 13:3, 195-206, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2069172
Si-Xian Wang, Ping Huang, Hongwei Liu, Yucheng Dai, Xiao-Ling Wang & Gao-Qiang Liu (2022) Optimization for the production of a polyketone 3S,4S-DMD from Panus lecomtei (Agaricomycetes) by submerged fermentation, Mycology, 13:3, 212-222, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2036842
Chandrashekar Srinivasa, Govindappa Mellappa, Shashank M. Patil, Ramith Ramu, Bhargav Shreevatsa, Chandan Dharmashekar, Shiva Prasad Kollur, Asad Syed & Chandan Shivamallu (2022) Plants and endophytes – a partnership for the coumarin production through the microbial systems, Mycology, 13:4, 243-256, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2027537
Priyashini Dhaver, Brett Pletschke, Bruce Sithole & Roshini Govinden (2022) Isolation, screening, preliminary optimisation and characterisation of thermostable xylanase production under submerged fermentation by fungi in Durban, South Africa, Mycology, 13:4, 271-292, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2079745
Venkatramanan Mahendrarajan & Vinay Kumar Bari (2022) A critical role of farnesol in the modulation of Amphotericin B and Aureobasidin A antifungal drug susceptibility, Mycology, 13:4, 305-317, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2138599
英文期刊Mycology由中国科学院微生物研究所、中国菌物学会主办,由Taylor & Francis开放出版,多年来得到依托单位及国内外真菌学家的大力支持,呈现出良好的发展态势,已被CABI、CSA、PubMed、Scopus、DOAJ、Biosis Preview等主流数据库收录,并于2021年通过科睿唯安综合评估,进入了ESCI数据库。Mycology作为国内唯一一本自主创办的真菌学英文刊物,在本领域显示出了强大的学术影响力,欢迎大家持续关注并踊跃投稿!