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双语 | 蓬莱站:万华新材料低碳产业园项目

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线

 蓬莱站 | “万华新材料低碳产业园”项目:一二期压茬同步实施,万华项目主打“快”节奏

  Wanhua New Material Low-carbon Industrial Park:Phase I and Phase II Simultaneously Implemented under Fast Pace


  The project is invested and built by Wanhua Group with a total planning area of 11.48 square kilometers and a total investment of 126 billion RMB. The expected annual output value after completion is 180 billion RMB. It will be implemented in three phases, the first phase of which is planned to cover an area of 2.21 square kilometers with a total investment of 31.6 billion RMB, mainly for the construction of high-performance new materials integration project and the production of downstream products like propylene and ethylene.


  Phase I takes the world's top-scale propane dehydrogenation project as the leading part, and downstream projects include epoxy propane units, propylene acid and ester units, polyether units and so forth, which will be interconnected with the Wanhua Yantai Industrial Park through a long-distance pipeline. Phase I project is a significant implementation project of Shandong in 2022 and 2023, whose construction began in March 2022. Currently, the office building of maintenance station, geothermal heating system, and maintenance workshop have been put into use. The main structure of the comprehensive warehouse has been completed, 116 orders of long-cycle equipment have been placed, and 1 billion RMB has been invested. The completion of the project is due in June 2024 and the expected annual output value after reaching full capacity is 27 billion RMB, with taxes of 5.5 billion RMB. The Phase II Project is a significant implementation project of Shandong in 2023 and is planned to be carried out in the first half of 2023, in parallel with the Phase I Project.


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