

1.谋爱先谋生 爱人先爱己

Love yourself before you earn your living.

2.有时候不是对方不在乎你 而是你把对方看得太重

Sometimes it's not that they don't care about you but that you take them too seriously.

3.遗忘是最好的解脱 沉默是最好的诉说

Forgetting is the best relief and silence is the best telling.

4.所有不合时宜的相遇 都遗憾的令人心疼

All untimely encounters are regretful.

5.深情总是被辜负 只有薄情才会被记住

Deep love is always disappointed only love will be remembered.

6.与其庸人自扰 不如看淡点好

It is better to see light than to worry.

7.你越来越优秀的时候 会遇到越来越好的人

As you get better and better, you will meet better and better people.

8.不以物喜 不以己悲 顺其自然 一切随缘

Not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses let it be.

9.愿你忠于自己 活得认真 笑得放肆 走也走的潇洒

Wish you to be loyal to oneself live seriously smile unbridled walk also walk natural and unrestrained.

愿你夜里有灯 梦里有人 平安喜乐 得偿所愿

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