1.我与春风皆过客 你携秋水揽星河
The spring breeze and I are passing by.
2.小时候我们词不达意 长大后我们言不由衷
As children we don't mean what we say as adults we don't mean what we say.
3.你是我淋过最大的雨 也是我闭口不谈的话题
You are the biggest rain I've ever been and the topic I never talk about.
4.我厌恶的都是我赖以生存的 我深爱的都是我遥不可及的
What I hate is what I live by and what I love is what I cannot reach.
5.没有人会突然不爱你 只是你突然知道了而已
No one will suddenly love you just you suddenly know.
6.惊喜大概就是 不期而遇后的目光所及
Surprise is probably after the unexpected sight.
7.有时候太过在意 只会显得自己自作多情
Sometimes too much care will only appear their own amorous.
8.生活无非八个字 顺其自然 随遇而安
Life is nothing more than eight words let nature take its course.
9.不辜负时光的馈赠 努力活成希望的模样
Live up to the gift of time efforts to live into hope.
就像是 南京的上海路和上海的南京路
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