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超级工程在贵州 | 太上头了!一起来贵阳坐“过山车”

日期: 来源:贵州日报收集编辑:贵州日报

Standing on the top of Qianling Mountain and looking south, what you can see is not only half of Guiyang city, but also various bridges, old and new, magical and modest. They connect the east and the west, the north and the south, turning Guiyang City into a chessboard that extends in all directions.


The Yachihe (Yachi River) Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge in Guizhou, China. The bridge is the fourth highest in the world and also one of the longest cable-stayed bridges with a main span of 800 m (2,600 ft), a height of 1450 m (4757 ft), placing the bridge among the tallest bridges in the world. It is part of the expressway which connects Bijie and Guiyang City in Guizhou Province. Flying over the top of the mountain and across the river, it forms a majestic beauty with nature. In June, 2018, the bridge won the highest award of the 35th International Bridge Conference — the Gustavus Lindsall Award, known as the "Nobel Prize in the International Bridge Industry".


The Yachihe Bridge surrounded by clouds and mist, like a road in the sky


Qianchun Overpass, the "8D Magic Overpass", is right in the city center. Its "magic" comes from the extremely complex curves and super high drop. It has 5 levels of intersections, 11 ramps, 8 entrances and exits. The maximum vertical drop is 55 meters,making people dizzy like riding a roller coaster. When night falls, the bridge and passing vehicles are like beautiful notes, composing a dynamic urban music together.

这里有“8D魔幻立交桥”—— 位于城市中心的黔春立交桥。它的“魔幻”,源于其极为复杂的弯道和超高的落差,有5层立体交叉、11条匝道、8个出入口,最大垂直落差为55米,让人似坐“过山车”般目眩神迷。当夜幕降临,蜿蜒的桥身和来往的车辆,犹如美妙的音符,共同谱出一曲活力四射的城市乐章。

When night falls, the bright lights of the Qianchun Overpass interweave with the vehicles, forming a colorful geometric picture


Right below is the G320 Huayudong Bridge, the first X-type bridge in Guizhou. With a total length of 270 meters, this ¥110 million "small bridge" is a pioneer project of "demolishing and rebuilding simultaneously". The "zero pollution of water sources and zero disturbance of scenic spots" made it win the world's top award of the bridge industry, that is, the Gustavus Lindsall Award of the 39th International Bridge Conference, thus becoming a "small but fine" masterpiece in mountain canyon bridges.


The old Huayudong Bridge, the Hongfenghu Bridge on the Hukun Expressway, and the G320 Huayudong Bridge are the epitome of Guizhou's traffic and bridge construction works


Zhucheng Square Bridge is China's first double pier small radius curve bridge with steel truss beam. The bridge is divided into upper and lower layers, each being two-way four lanes. It is the first double-layer passable bridge in Guiyang. Spanning across the twisting Nanming River, the beautiful bridge has passed the Nanming River twice, forming a unique urban scenery of Guiyang.


Here comes the Guanshan Bridge fully displayed the beauty of Guiyang. This two-way six-lane bridge is the main traffic route connecting Guanshan Lake District to the main urban area of Guiyang. The semi-circular bridge is reflected in Guanshan Lake, like a full moon rising from the sea.


Looked like a rainbow, Guanshan Bridge, also known as "Rainbow Bridge", spans  Guanshan Lake Park


In the city of Guiyang, hundreds of bridges, large and small, shuttle through mountains and waters. Through the bridges, we can see a prosperous Guizhou, moreover, an eye-catching vibrant China.


撰文摄影:贵州日报天眼新闻记者 周雅萌 高航 刘义鹏 黄怡雯 周璇

设计:成桂红 聂婧文



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