来自美国密苏里大学的Sayantika Bhowal 和 Sashi Satpathy两位研究人员,使用了一套普适参数以及密度泛函理论,计算了特定界面(SIO)1/(SMO)1结构的反常霍尔电导率。通过改变反演对称性破缺的强度,电场改变了Rashba相互作用,而Rashba相互作用反过来又改变了Berry曲率的大小,而Berry曲率是决定反常霍尔电导率的关键物理量。利用外加电场对Rashba自旋轨道相互作用进行修正,可以调节3d-5d界面处的反常霍尔效应。电场依赖性的主要贡献来源于靠近费米能量的能带交叉点。此外,反常霍尔电导率可以通过掺杂来调控电子态,从而实现调整反常霍尔电导率。他们为说明该结果,使用了铁磁晶格模型,并使用了最近生长的亚锰酸盐-铱酸盐界面 [(SIO)1/(SMO)1(001)]的密度泛函计算。实际上,最近的一些实验已经发现了氧化物异质结构中反常霍尔电导率随电场变化的证据。因此,从理论上和实验上进一步发展这种效应,并着眼于潜在的自旋电子学应用将是极具价值的。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 61 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
Electric field tuning of the anomalous Hall effect at oxide interfaces
Sayantika Bhowal & Sashi Satpathy
Anomalous Hall effect is the phenomenon where the transport properties of the spin-polarized electrons are governed by the spin-orbit coupling that couples the orbital and spin degrees of freedom of the electron. Here we show that the anomalous Hall effect at a magnetic interface with strong spin-orbit coupling can be tuned with an external electric field. By altering the strength of the inversion symmetry breaking, the electric field changes the Rashba interaction, which in turn modifies the magnitude of the Berry curvature, the central quantity in determining the anomalous Hall conductivity. The effect is illustrated with a square lattice model, which yields a quadratic dependence of the anomalous Hall conductivity for small electric fields. Explicit density-functional calculations were performed for the recently grown iridate interface, viz., the (SrIrO3)1/(SrMnO3)1(001) structure, both with and without an electric field, which show a strong electric field dependence. The effect may be potentially useful in spintronics applications.
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