The 400th Ferrari Enzo was sold at auction by Sotheby’s for €950,000 (£640,000), almost twice its list price, in order to benefit survivors of the 2004 tsunami. Pope Benedict XVI was presented with this sum, while former Ferrari Formula One driver Michael Schumacher gave the Pope a steering wheel to commemorate the donation.
2005年6月28日,苏富比拍卖会以95万欧元(64万英镑)的价格拍卖了第400辆法拉利恩佐,用以资助2004年海啸幸存者,这一价格几乎是其标价的两倍。教皇本尼迪克特十六世接受了这笔捐赠,前法拉利一级方程式赛车手迈克尔·舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)送给教皇一个方向盘以纪念这次捐赠。
编译 / 闫宏宇
审核 / 吴丹
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