The Horn of Youth
The horn of youth is on
指引着我们 勇敢向前闯
leading us to march forward bravely
无惧风雨 赢得胜利
No fear of difficulties, the final triumph is ours
青春的骄傲 迎风绽放
The pride of youth blooms in the wind
走进了军营 穿上了军装
Walking into the barracks and putting on military uniforms
Faith has been engraved in my heart ever since
锤炼过硬本领 变得更加坚强
Temper the ability to become stronger
青春的笑容 挂在脸庞
The smile of youth hangs on his face
仰望着军旗 热血在胸膛
Look up at the flag with blood in the chest burning
许下的志愿 藏在心上
The promise is hidden in my heart
牢记强军目标 不忘使命担当
Keep in mind the goal of building a strong army and fulfill its mission
绿色的军营 给我力量
Green barracks give me strength
青春的号角 已吹响
The horn of youth is on
指引着我们 勇敢向前闯
leading us to march forward bravely
不怕风雨 不畏艰难
Nothing can intimidate us
坚定的信念 不可阻挡
Firm faith in mind, nothing can stop us
青春的号角 正吹响
The horn of youth is on
召唤着我们 勇敢向远方
guiding us to march forward fearlessly
无惧风雨 赢得胜利
No fear of difficulties, the final triumph is ours
青春的骄傲 迎风绽放
The pride of youth blooms in the wind
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