7月26日,国家英文日报China Daily (《中国日报》)第七版重磅推出“非凡十年·安徽篇”整版报道,以“文字+图片+图表”的形式多角度、系统性展现了安徽省在过去十年中取得的高质量发展成就和全新的发展理念。
文字方面,主稿Anhui leverages new philosophy to succeed(《新理念助力安徽跨越式发展》)从宏观层面讲述安徽制造业和战略性新兴产业发展的全新理念和最新成果;配稿Quantum talent helps spur on development(《量子人才助力快速发展》)则从微观层面以国盾量子项目总监周雷的个人视角展现高层次人才和高技术企业与安徽省相伴成长的故事。
Anhui leverages new philosophy to succeed
Province sheds agricultural image to become national manufacturing powerhouse
By ZHU LIXIN in Hefei
安徽黄山新安江山水画廊。(潘成 摄)
From a once largely agricultural province, Anhui has risen in recent decades to become a manufacturing powerhouse, according to provincial leaders and entrepreneurs.
Ranked 11th among the 31 provincial-level regions on the Chinese mainland, Anhui’s annual gross domestic product last year climbed to nearly 4.3 trillion yuan ($636.8 billion) — higher than that of Sweden — from 1.83 trillion yuan in 2012.
Over the course of the decade, Anhui has reversed the old stereotype that it is an agricultural region or inland hinterland, Zheng Shanjie, Anhui Party chief, said at a news conference on July 20 in the provincial capital, Hefei.
工作人员在合肥一家新能源燃料电池生产企业操控生产设备。(解琛 摄)
Wang Qingxian, provincial governor has witnessed the change firsthand. Starting out as a journalist, he remained in media until 2004, when he entered politics. He became Anhui governor early last year.
“I used to come to Anhui to cover agriculture as a reporter, but when I came back 20 years later, I discovered that the province had become a powerhouse of industrial development,” Wang recently said during a program on China Central Television.
合肥包河创意文化产业园一角。(陈登余 摄)
In recent years, provincial authorities have emphasized the manufacturing sector more than ever.
Wang applied three factors to explain the sector’s success; rapidly growing the gross volume of leading high-tech companies, consolidating the scientific base and technological strength.
In the past, local governments nationwide pursued somewhat similar policies to attract investors, offering land use incentives and tax cuts. Anhui seemingly shaped a philosophy of its own.
The province listed 10 main sectors as strategic emerging industries, among them new-generation information technology, new-energy and intelligent and connected vehicles, artificial intelligence and new materials.
“The provincial government has created a team of officials specifically for each of the sectors, and each is headed by a provincial leader who is known as the ‘chain head’,” Wang said during the CCTV program.
“我们为前面提到的十大产业成立了十个产业专班,每一个产业专班都由一位省领导来牵头,这个人就成为‘链长’,” 王清宪在央视的节目中说。
The governor himself is the chain head of the new-generation information technology sector, which now includes major semiconductor makers like ChangXin Memory Technologies and Nexchip Semiconductors, as well as some 300 upstream and downstream firms.
“The chain is actually four-in-one, namely combining the industrial development, science and technology innovation, finance and talent chains,” he said.
The main plants of BOE Technology Group Co Ltd and Visionox Technology Inc — both leading domestic Chinese display panel suppliers — are in Hefei.
“We have located our flexible and foldable screen plant here primarily because of market regulations,” said Zhang Deqiang, president of Visionox.
“维信诺的柔性屏项目落户安徽,首先是市场化选择的结果,” 维信诺董事长张德强说。
“With the support of successive chain heads over the years, Anhui has built up a cluster of display panel and semiconductor companies. For example, we can easily get materials like glass, chips and organic materials locally, which helps us save up to 15 percent on logistics costs,” he said.
“在历任‘链长’的领导下,安徽已经建成了显示产业和半导体产业的产业集群。举个例子,维信诺在这里,玻璃、芯片和有机材料等都是本地化供应,为我们节省了最高多达15%的物流费用,” 张德强说。
Li Bin, president and CEO of Nio, a major NEV maker whose China headquarters are in Hefei, echoed the Visionox president’s comments.
With an intact supply chain in Anhui and the Yangzte River Delta Region, which also includes Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and Shanghai, manufacturing vehicles in Hefei helps save the firm as much as 5,000 yuan per car, Li said.
The Anhui and Hefei governments have made plentiful governmental funds available to support firms through investment, rather than subsidies.
When Nio, a publicly-traded company, was facing financial difficulties in 2020, the Anhui government invested billions of yuan in the company via its funds, which Li considered vital to the firm’s continued development.
Later Nio’s share price surged. “So we bought back part of the government stake in 2020 and 2021. Its original value was 1.5 billion yuan, and we paid 7.5 billion yuan to buy it back,” said Li, adding that the Anhui government then used the gains to establish another fund to further support the entire NEV and ICV industry.
后来,蔚来汽车股价大涨。“我们于是在2020年和2021年分两次回购了一部分股份。这部分股份的原值是15亿元,我们回购已经付了75亿元,” 李斌说,安徽又用这笔钱设立了一支基金,来支持整个新能源汽车和智能网联汽车产业链的发展。
“Governmental departments must familiarize themselves with market laws and learn to respect and use them, and also take advantage of macro regulation tools when they fail. Doing these things will allow governments to better play their role,” Wang said.
Realizing that many companies did not have enough knowledge of financing and relied too heavily on banks, the provincial government launched a plan last year to comprehensively train their senior executives.
“So far, about 16,000 entrepreneurs have participated in the training program,” said Wang, adding that 23 Anhui companies became publicly traded last year, the highest single figure ever.
“目前我们已经培训了1.6万名董事长、总经理和企业高管,” 王清宪说,去年安徽新上市的企业数量达到了23家,为历年最多。
“A region’s business climate is best examined during hard times, just as fuel delivered when it snows moves more hearts,” Zheng told the news conference, using a traditional Chinese proverb.
The Chinese Government Transparency Index Report (2021) recently released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shows Anhui ranked third among provincial-level administrative regions, second only to Beijing and Shanghai.
With a plethora of scientific institutes, among them the Hefei-based University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui got central authority approval in 2017 to create the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, one of four in the country.
合肥国家级高新技术产业开发区一角。(陈仁磊 摄)
“Training well-rounded talent familiar with science and technology, industrialization, finance, market and management it is crucial to promoting the integration of sci-tech and industrialization, and we still don’t have enough such people,” said Wang.
To do so, the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the provincial government plan to create a top-notch science and technology business school at USTC, which will be part of the province’s more ambitious plan to create the USTC-version of Silicon Valley.
Quantum talent helps spur on development
A sculpture entitled Ruziniu, or the Willing Steers, has graced the lawn of the University of Science and Technology of China's Hefei campus for nearly 40 years.
Donated in 1983 by alumni from the Class of 1978, it depicts two steers turning the Earth using all their strength.
The word "steer" in Chinese is niu, which can also mean powerful and awesome, and the university says the sculpture illustrates their determination to change the world.
Zhou Lei studied and worked at the campus in Anhui province's capital for 11 years before he left to start work at QuantumCTek, a local leader in the field of quantum information.
"As a student, my dream was to work at an awesome company doing awesome things," Zhou told China Daily.
Born in 1981 in Changchun, capital of the northeastern province of Jilin, Zhou started at USTC in 2000 and got his first degree in physical electronics. In early 2009, as he was about to graduate with a PhD, he received an offer to work in RD at the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei in Shenzhen.
It was a prestigious offer, but Zhou was already focused on another goal. Renowned quantum physicist Pan Jianwei had been assembling an academic team at USTC since 2001, and in 2009, he proposed that the university help found a company to continue the group's research and commercialize its findings.
The company they created, QuantumCTek, started up in the Hefei National High-tech Industry Development Zone in May 2009 as the first quantum information company in Anhui and would become the country's first publicly traded company in the field in 2020, with USTC as its largest shareholder.
Zhou spent two more years doing postdoctoral work at the university with Pan's team, keeping abreast of the latest scientific breakthroughs and developing a better understanding of business opportunities before joining QuantumCTek in 2011.
Today, he is the company's project director and has been involved in many of the national breakthroughs in quantum communications and quantum computing.
He said QuantumCTek's primary task is to turn quantum theory from research into actual products and services. Their dream is to build quantum information networks, like a quantum internet, capable of connecting quantum computers, sensors and other terminals via quantum information technology.
Zhou joined the Communist Party of China in 2009 and was recently elected as an Anhui representative to the 20th National Congress of the CPC, which will be held in Beijing later this year.
Anhui now has dozens of quantum information companies, most of them in Hefei and many in the same district where Zhou works, which has now been dubbed "Quantum Avenue".
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