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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Let’s follow "The World’s Specialty” and meet a "civilization friend" | Step into Mexico and find another ancient civilization.提到墨西哥,当脑海中浮现出这个远在地球另一边的拉美国度,你会想到什么词汇来形容它?When it comes to Mexico, when you think of this Latin American country far across the earth, what words do you use to describe it?墨西哥驻华大使施雅德的答案是:历史悠久、文化多样。是的,在历史和文化方面,墨西哥与中国的确有很多共同语言。The answer of the Mexican Ambassador to China is: a long history and diverse cultures. Yes, Mexico does have a lot in common with China in terms of history and culture.【古老灿烂的历史足迹】Ancient and Splendid History 众所周知,中国有五十六个民族。而在使馆的陈列区,孟慧俊先生作为墨西哥驻华大使馆文化处的负责人,向来访的节目组展示了墨西哥六十八个土著民族所穿戴的传统服饰。他对节目组说:“我为墨西哥文化的多样性感到自豪。”As we all know, China has fifty-six ethnic groups. In the exhibition area of the embassy, Mr.Cristóbal MarYán as the head of the cultural department of the Mexican Embassy in China, showed the traditional costumes worn by 68 indigenous ethnic groups in Mexico to the visiting program team. He told the team: " I am proud of the diversity of Mexican culture.”和中国一样,墨西哥也拥有古老灿烂的文明,历史深刻地嵌入了这个国家的基因。墨西哥驻华大使施雅德向观众介绍了墨西哥悠久璀璨的文明史。 墨西哥是美洲大陆古老的文化中心之一。古代墨西哥的奥尔梅克人创造了大量的建筑和雕塑作品,包括他们最著名的“奥尔梅克石头人”。 此外,他们还种植玉米、制作陶器、艺术品等,为我们追溯和了解这个国家留下了丰富而多彩的人文历史足迹。Like China, Mexico also has an ancient and splendid civilization, and its history is deeply embedded in the country's genes. Mexican Ambassador to China Jesús Seade introduced the long and splendid history of Mexican civilization to the audience. Mexico is one of the ancient cultural centers of the American continent. The Olmec people of ancient Mexico created a large number of architecture and sculpture, including their most famous "Olmec Stone Head". In addition, they also grow corn, make pottery, works of art, etc., leaving a rich and colorful cultural and historical footprint for us to trace and understand the country.奥尔梅克文化影响了许多中美洲文明,举世闻名的特奥蒂瓦坎文明、玛雅文明、托尔特克文明、阿兹特克文明等都是受其影响而先后发展,同样见证着诸多世界文化遗产的诞生。例如,帕林基古城、奇奇尼察古城、蒂尔蒂瓦肯的太阳金字塔和月亮金字塔,都是墨西哥丰富文化遗产的代表。Olmec culture has influenced many Central American civilizations. The world-famous Teotihuacan, Mayan, Toltec and Aztec civilizations have all developed successively, and also witnessed the birth of many world cultural heritages. For example, the ancient city of Palenque, Chichén Itzá, the pyramid of the Sun and the pyramid of the Moon in Tiltivalken are all representatives of Mexico's rich cultural heritage.“这就是墨西哥,一个有着悠久历史的国家,这里的人民勤劳好客, 有着悠久的传统。我希望你有机会去感受它的每一寸土地。”墨西哥驻华大使施雅德阁下在节目中由衷地说。"This is Mexico, a country with a long history, and the people here are hard-working and hospitable, and they have a long tradition. I hope you have a chance to feel every inch of it." Ambassador Seade said heartily on the program.【源远流长的文明交往】Long History of Interactions正因为中墨两国都是文明古国,所以两国交往的历史也十分悠长。中墨两国都是古代海上丝绸之路上的重要文明节点,早在十六世纪,中墨两国就有存在频繁而广泛的经贸往来, 明代中国的丝绸、瓷器、纺织和刺绣工艺由此传入墨西哥。Because both China and Mexico are ancient civilizations, the exchanges between the two countries have a very long history. Both China and Mexico were important civilization nodes on the ancient Maritime Silk Road. As early as the 16th century, there were frequent and extensive economic and trade exchanges between China and Mexico, and Chinese silk, porcelain, textile and embroidery techniques in the Ming Dynasty were introduced into Mexico.据学者研究,今天墨西哥的传统工艺“凿纸”技艺,就曾经受到中国文化的影响,明代中国用于瓷器图案转印的模板印制技术,曾通过海上航线被传到墨西哥,由此,一些中国瓷器上的传统纹样就为当地的“凿纸”艺术所借鉴。According to scholars, the traditional craft "punched paper" in Mexico today was once influenced by Chinese culture. In the Ming Dynasty, the template printing technology used for porcelain pattern transfer in China was transmitted to Mexico through sea routes. Therefore, some traditional patterns on Chinese porcelain were used for reference by the local "punched paper" art.古时先辈们交往的足迹直到今天还在继续延伸。今年是中国和墨西哥两国建交51周年,两国携手走过了半个世纪。目前中国已经成为了墨西哥的第二大贸易伙伴和亚太地区的第一大贸易伙伴,而墨西哥也是中国在拉美地区的第二大贸易伙伴。In ancient times, the footprints of our ancestors continue to extend even today. This year marks the 51st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mexico. The two countries have passed through half a century together. China has now become Mexico's second largest trading partner and the largest trading partner in the Asia-Pacific region, while Mexico is also China's second largest trading partner in Latin America.【大使童年的中国情结】Ambassador’s Story with China 施雅德大使在节目中分享了自己的“中国故事”。他形容中国是“我一生都深爱的国家。”从孩提时起,他就梦想前往东方的另一个文明古国——中国。“人类历史上只有四个文明古国发明了文字,中国和古墨西哥都位列其中。”Ambassador Seade shared his "China story" during the show. He described China as " a country I have loved all my life."As a child, he dreamed of going to China, another ancient civilization in the east."In human history, only four ancient civilizations have invented written characters, and China and ancient Mexico are among them.”也正因为如此,他在大学期间选修了中文课。任职墨西哥驻外大使之初,他还曾与中国大使紧密合作,在世贸组织发起的谈判中发挥重要作用。Because of this, he took Chinese courses in college. In his early career as a Mexican ambassador, he also worked closely with the Chinese ambassador and played an important role in the WTO negotiations.施雅德大使自2022年来华履职,一年多的驻华经历让他不禁感慨:“这是一个伟大的国家,我很惊讶我在中国发现了这么多和墨西哥的相似之处。我爱中国如同爱我自己的家乡。”Ambassador Seade has been in China since 2022. After more than a year of experience in China, he said" This is a great country and I am surprised that I have found so many similarities with Mexico in China. I love China as I love my own hometown.”在节目的最后,施雅德大使和孟慧俊先生衷心祝愿墨中友谊长存,同时也衷心祝愿墨西哥的文化、美食和产品在中国更加广为人知。At the end of the program, Ambassador Seade and Mr.Cristóbal MarYán sincerely wish that the Mexican-China friendship will last forever, and also that Mexican culture, food and products will become more widely known in China.世界好物这么多追随各国驻华大使聆听国货故事共享下单快乐There's so much specialties in the worldFollow the diplomatic envoys in ChinaListen to the story of domestic productsShare the joy of ordering每周六晚19:30关注《全球国货之光》国货之美,美美与共Every Saturday night at 19:30Pay attention to "The World’s Specialty”We celebrate the specialties of nations and share with the world.扫描下方二维码获取更多精彩节目内容Scan the QR code belowGet more highlights抖音直播间全球国货之光新浪微博@全球国货之光• END•新海南 | 世界眼 | 家国情 | 潮流范海南卫视带你看世界


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