戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Ambassador of Moldova to China visits The World’s Specialty| Experience the strength of national products of the "Fruit Kingdom" and see the unlimited vitality of Sino-Moldovan cooperation本期《全球国货之光》,我们深入欧洲大陆,来到了摩尔多瓦共和国。带着本国优质国货,摩尔多瓦驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什自豪地向我们讲述着他美丽、恬静而纯粹的祖国。In this episode of The World’s Specialty, we go deep into the European continent to the Republic of Moldova. With his country's high-quality national products, Ambassador of Moldova to China, Dumitru Braghiș, proudly tells us about his beautiful, quiet, and pure homeland.摩尔多瓦共和国位于欧洲大陆的中心,自然赠予了这片土地美丽与富饶。葡萄酒、水果和蜂蜜,无一不是摩尔多瓦人民珍视的宝藏国货,而在这些国货背后也诞生了许多美妙的故事和传说。The Republic of Moldova is located in the heart of the European continent, a land blessed by nature with beauty and richness. Wines, fruits, and honey are the treasures of the Moldovan people, and behind these national products are born many wonderful stories and legends.【“葡萄味儿”的文化与传统】Culture and tradition with a "grape flavor"“摩尔多瓦的葡萄酒在整个欧洲乃至全世界都享有盛名。在这里,你可以游览享誉世界的酒窖,品鉴独具特色的陈年佳酿、感受来自东欧古老酿酒王国的独特魅力。”这份魅力来自摩尔多瓦与葡萄之间的深厚渊源。杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使在现场讲述了一个与葡萄有关的历史故事。"The wines of Moldova are renowned throughout Europe and the world. Here you can visit world-renowned wine cellars, taste unique aged wines and experience the unique charm of the ancient winemaking kingdom of Eastern Europe." This charm comes from the deep connection between Moldova and the grape. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș told a history story about grapes.很久以前,摩尔多瓦的一座城堡被敌人包围,由于缺乏食物和水,士兵们失去了力量和希望,准备向敌人投降。但出乎意料的是,在城堡的花园上方出现了白鹳,它们喙里衔着一串串葡萄,葡萄掉进了城堡里,有了白鹳带来的葡萄,军队情绪高涨,士气大增,击退了敌人。“从那时起,鹳就是摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的象征,也是好运的象征。”杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使笑着讲述道。A long time ago, a castle in Moldova was surrounded by the enemy, and for a lack of food and water, the soldiers lost their strength and were ready to surrender to the enemy. But unexpectedly, above the castle's garden appeared white storks with bunches of grapes in their beaks, which fell into the castle. With the precious help of grapes from storks, the army was in high spirits and morale was boosted, and they repelled the enemy. "Since then, the stork is a symbol of Moldovan wine and good luck." Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș said with a smile.不管在哪个国家,节日都是传统得以在现实生活中得以维持的关键。摩尔多瓦人民珍视他们与葡萄酒紧密相关的传统文化,所以每年10月的第一个周末,摩尔多瓦都会举办为期两天的葡萄酒节。在节日上,摩尔多瓦人会品尝庄园和酒窖中的收获,跳起世代相传的霍拉舞蹈,所有人围成一个大圆圈,或者排成长龙,载歌载舞。用大使的话说:“整个国家变成了一个露天酒窖。”Regardless of the country, festivals are the key to keeping traditions alive in real life. The people of Moldova cherish their traditional culture, which is so closely tied to wine. Every year, on the first weekend of October, Moldova hosts a two-day wine festival. At the festival, Moldovans taste the harvest from the estates and cellars, dance the hora, which has been passed down through the generations, and all people gather in a large circle or in a long line to sing and dance. In the words of the ambassador, "The whole country becomes an open-air wine cellar."杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使表示,葡萄酒产业是摩尔多瓦最大的骄傲之一。葡萄园在摩尔多瓦占据了巨大的面积,超过四分之一的国家土地和近40%的当地人口从事摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的生产。假如把自家酿酒的也算上,毫不夸张的说,这个350万人口的国家,家家户户都在参与葡萄酒的酿造。Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș said that the wine industry is one of the greatest pride of Moldova. Vineyards occupy a huge area in Moldova, with more than a quarter of the country's land and almost 40 percent of the local population engaged in the production of Moldovan wine. If we include homemade wines, it is no exaggeration to say that every household in this country of 3.5 million people is involved in winemaking.正因如此,葡萄酒成为摩尔多瓦在世界上的一张液体“名片”。“我们在全球葡萄酒出口商中排名第11位,我们向全球67个国家出口葡萄酒,每年总出口量超过1.56亿升。”杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使自豪地介绍道。That's why wine has become a liquid " business card " of Moldova in the world. "We rank 11th among the world's wine exporters and we export wine to 67 countries around the world, with a total annual volume of more than 156 million liters." Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș proudly explains.【自然的馈赠「何止葡萄酒」】Nature's Gift "More than Wine"虽然摩尔多瓦以“葡萄酒国度”之名闻名世界,但这只是其绿色有机食品中的一个代表。杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使对本国各色果蔬如数家珍:苹果、核桃、西兰花、卷心菜、杏子、葡萄、甜菜根、西瓜、胡萝卜、黄瓜、西红柿、桃子、油桃、梨、各种浆果、各种颜色的甜椒......它们在摩尔多瓦俯拾即是,一个人在后院、农场、果园里,随便走一走,就可以饱餐一顿。而为了让这些果蔬的滋味穿越季节,摩尔多瓦的人们创造了用鞭打蔬菜和水果的方式制作果酱。Although Moldova is known worldwide as a "wine country", this is only one representative of its green and organic food. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș knows the country's fruits and vegetables very well: apples, walnuts, broccoli, cabbage, apricots, grapes, beet, watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, pears, berries of all kinds, bell peppers of all colors ...... They are so plentiful in Moldova that one can find enough fruits and vegetables to fill a meal in a random walk through a backyard, farm, or orchard. And to make the taste of these fruits and vegetables travel through the seasons, the people of Moldova have created a way to make jam by whipping vegetables and fruits.杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使回忆起自己的母亲曾从院子里收集了900多公斤的水果和蔬菜,用来制作果酱。“因此,在寒冷的季节我们从不缺乏维生素。”除了果蔬之外,摩尔多瓦还有蜂蜜、坚果等多种有机食品。Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș recalls how his own mother used to collect more than 900 kilograms of fruits and vegetables from her yard to make jams. "As a result, we never lacked vitamins in the cold season." In addition to fruits and vegetables, Moldova has a wide range of organic foods such as honey and nuts.我们生活在一个有机产品蓬勃发展的时代,一个对生态产品需求逐渐增长的时代。杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使表示,摩尔多瓦致力于有机农业,考虑到摩尔多瓦良好的农业和气候条件,任何产品都可以用有机清洁的方式生产。因此,摩尔多瓦已成为一个专注于扭转环境恶化、保护生态系统功能和减缓气候变化的国家。为了推广有机产品,摩尔多瓦还在收获季节,设立很多有机节日。在这些节日上,游客可以品尝有机美食,欣赏由当地艺术家和音乐团体带来的音乐表演。We are living in a time when organic products are booming, a time when the demand for ecological products is gradually growing. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș said that Moldova is committed to organic farming. Considering the good agricultural and climatic conditions of Moldova, any product can be produced in an organic and clean way. As a result, Moldova has become a country focused on reversing environmental degradation, protecting ecosystem functions and mitigating climate change. In order to promote organic products, Moldova also has many organic festivals during the harvest season. At these festivals, visitors can taste organic cuisine and enjoy musical performances by local artists and musical groups.【「中摩友谊」生机盎然】Sino-Moroccan friendship is flourishing葡萄酒作为摩尔多瓦的特色国货,也搭建起中摩两国友谊的桥梁。杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使表示,中国是摩尔多瓦葡萄酒的首个亚洲市场,同时也是摩尔多瓦葡萄酒产品的主要进口国之一。“作为摩尔多瓦驻中国大使,我很自豪地说,以出色的政治合作为标志,我们的紧密关系堪称成功的典范。”在谈到摩中关系时,他这样说道。Wine, as a special national product of Moldova, also builds a bridge of friendship between China and Moldova. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș said that China is the first Asian market for Moldovan wines and also one of the main importers of Moldovan wine products. "As the Ambassador of Moldova to China, I am proud to say that our close relationship, marked by excellent political cooperation, is a model of success." He said this when talking about Moldova-China relations.来到节目现场的特别嘉宾,中国驻欧盟使团前公使夏翔也表示,他在欧盟常驻的时候,经常品尝到摩尔多瓦的产品,“摩尔多瓦的有机产品在欧盟十分有名,随着中国老百姓生活水平不断提高,对有机食品的需求会越来越大,所以我相信通过这次介绍,摩尔多瓦产品对中国的出口会不断增加。”The special guest who came to the program, Xia Xiang, former Minister of the Chinese Mission to the European Union, also said that when he was based in the EU, he often tasted Moldovan products, "Moldovan organic products are very famous in the EU, and as the living standard of the Chinese people continues to improve, the demand for organic food will grow, so I believe that through this introduction, Moldovan products to China's exports will keep increasing."恰逢今年是摩中建交30周年,两国友好合作源远流长。杜米特鲁•贝拉基什大使对摩中关系也有很高的期待:“虽然我们在地理上不是很近,但我可以自豪地说,摩尔多瓦共和国与中国的关系正在上升,在政治、经济和文化方面的合作非常出色。”This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moldova and China, and the friendship between the two countries goes back a long way. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș also has high expectations for Mo-China relations: "Although we are not very close geographically, I am proud to say that relations between Moldova and China are on the rise, with excellent cooperation in political, economic and cultural terms."仰赖于这片神奇国土上得天独厚的自然条件,肥沃的土壤、适宜的温度和丰富的日照,摩尔多瓦的有机食品正如这片土地上人们的日常生活,充满了甜蜜和幸福,更像中摩两国蒸蒸日上、欣欣向荣的合作与发展关系。《全球国货之光》期待着,未来中摩两国在经贸、人文、教育、旅游等方面的合作会更加紧密。Thanks to the natural conditions of this magical land, with fertile soil, suitable temperature, and abundant sunshine, Moldovan organic food is just like the daily life of people in this land, full of sweetness and happiness, and more like the flourishing relationship between China and Moldova. The World’s Specialty looks forward to closer cooperation between China and Moldova in the future in the fields of economy, trade, humanities, education, and tourism.世界好物这么多追随各国驻华大使聆听国货故事共享下单快乐There's so much specialties in the worldFollow the diplomatic envoys in ChinaListen to the story of domestic productsShare the joy of ordering每周六晚19:30关注《全球国货之光》国货之美,美美与共Every Saturday night at 19:30Pay attention to "The World’s Specialty”We celebrate the specialties of nations and share with the world.扫描下方二维码获取更多精彩节目内容Scan the QR code belowGet more highlights抖音直播间全球国货之光新浪微博@全球国货之光• END•新海南 | 世界眼 | 家国情 | 潮流范海南卫视带你看世界