在初春周末 读一部世界史
那奇妙 是敏感到万古
一句轻飘飘的话 就概括了大规模流血
只留下皇冠 化作星辉的一点
一撇一捺 便从猿类走完了进化
一横一竖 悬挂起照耀千秋的痛苦
又冷漠又灿烂 史书上的拼音文或象形字
阳光下的影子 是青铜的回声
是朝代的梦 是河流平原的呼吸
我在鸟语花香的树下 读一部世界史
Yang Ran
Reading a World History at a Weekend in the Early Spring
At a weekend in the early spring I read a world history
My curiosity is my timeless sensitiveness
In a character there was a city buried
A woman could have a kingdom rise or falls
An easily-written sentence has summarized a large-scaled bloodshed
The pyramid is not casually included in the record
Even the Great Wall
is written down in less than a drop of ink
A man will leave no trace in the book
The only left crown turned into a dot of starlight
I know how unimportant I am
just three letters m-a-n is the result of evolution from apes
A horizontal and vertical cross is just an unforgettable suffering hanging there
The heroes of great achievements
only left some simple record of birth and death
Detached but brilliant the letters and pictographs
The shadow in the sun is the echo of bronze
The dream of dynasties, the breath of rivers and flatlands
I spend my seconds and minutes to taste the living greatness
My timeless sensitiveness is a kind of happiness
Under a tree where birds sing and flowers bloom, I am reading a world history
杨然(1958— ), 原名杨天福,生于四川成都。1996年毕业于四川教育学院。现在四川邛崃冉义中学任教。1982年开始发表文学作品。主要作品有:诗集《黑土地》《遥远的约会》《寻找一座铜像》《雪声》《千年之后》《杨然诗歌读本》《杨然短诗选》(中英对照)等。
About the author:
Yang Ran (1958— ), his true name is Yang Tianfu; and he was born in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. He at present teaches at Ranyi Middle School, Qionglai City, Sichuan province. Since 1982 he began to publish his literary works. His major poetry publications include: The Black Land, A Remote Appointment on Love, Looking for a Bronze Statue, The Sound of Snow, After One Thousand Years, Yang Ran’s Poems Reader and Selected Verset of Yang Ran (Chinese-English), etc.
(Translated by Yang Zongze)
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