一二三产业 the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries
拖欠工资 wage arrears
农村电网升级改造 rural power grid upgrading
农村危房改造 to renovate dilapidated rural houses
厕所革命 Toilet Revolution
垃圾污水治理 garbage and sewage treatment
收容遣送工作 handling of indigent migrants
保障性安居工程 government-subsidized housing
资源性经济 the resource-based economies
优势产业 competitive industries
We will provide support to people who are returning or moving to the countryside to start businesses or pursue innovations, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and strengthen county economies. Income from nonagricultural work plays a big part in increasing rural incomes. We must address at the root wage arrears owed to rural migrant workers, act fast to draw up government regulations specifically with this aim, and make sure that our hard - working rural migrant workers get the pay they have eared on time.
We will take solid steps to upgrade rural infrastructure. To significantly improve living and working conditions, we will design sound development plans and put them into effect. Complementation will be accelerated of programs to consolidate and build on progress already made in providing safe drinking water in rural areas. Remaining problems in access to safe drinking water will be resolved within two years so that an additional 60 million rural residents have access to safe drinking water. The new round of rural power grid upgrading will be completed. Roughly 200,000 kilometers of rural roads will be built or improved. We will continue to renovate dilapidated rural houses. We will work to improve rural living environments in light of local conditions, make progress in the Toilet Revolution, and improve garbage and sewage treatment to build a beautiful countryside.
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