主讲人简介:黄家声现为中国科学院国家天文台研究员,主要研究领域为红外天文。他本科和硕士毕业于南京大学,之后在当时的北京天文台担任助理研究员。他于1997年在美国夏威夷大学获博士学位;1997年至1999年初在德国马普天文研究所从事博士后研究;之后加入美国哈佛-史密松天体物理中心的Spitzer/IRAC团队,为高级科学家。他于2012年6月加入国家天文台,并参与组建了中国科学院南美天文研究中心(简称中智中心)。从 2014年开始,他全职加入国家天文台。
Title: History of Galaxy Spectroscopy
Abstract: Dr. Jiasheng Huang will present the history of galaxy redshift observation. His focus will be on the breakthrough of Lyman break selection for spectroscopy of galaxies at high redshifts with Kecks in 1990s. Dr. Jiasheng Huang will also present recent spectroscopy of passive galaxies at z~2. In particular he will talk about GTC early GTO program “SHARDS”, and a similar program with Subaru telescope by astronomers at NAOC.
Bio: Dr. Jiasheng Huang is an astronomer working on IR astronomy. He graduated from Nanjing University and obtained master degree, and worked in the Beijing astronomical observatory theoretical group for three years. He went to Hawaii for Ph.D. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 1997 and a very brief postdoc time working in MPIA in Heidelberg, he went to Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to join the Spitzer IRAC team as a senior astrophysicist and a staff member in the center in 1999 . In 2012 he partly returned to NAOC to establish CASSACA/China-Chile Center for astronomy. He returned in full time to NAOC in 2014, and has been serving as chief scientist in CASSACA since then.
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