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《中国推介》延吉市:多彩延吉 风景这边独好

日期: 来源:延吉融媒收集编辑:延吉融媒




















Here are the undulating Changbai Mountains with ups and downs, and the Tumen River rushing forever and ever. In this holy and pure scenic area, Yanji, a city of both natural and humanity wealth, a city of integration between traditions and fashions, exhibits his unique charm and elegance.

Hello, everyone! I am Wu Xianzhe, the mayor of Yanji City, Jilin Province. Please follow me to go through the 1748km2 of lucid water and lush mountains and visit the eastern China border city – Yanji, an open and inclusive city of unique customs and national unity.

This is the fascinating Yanji

Yanji, located in the hinterland of Northeast Asia, is the capital of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. It is the largest concentrated area of the Korean ethnic, and also an important hub of the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

It is a city of development of inclusiveness. Neighboring the DPRK and Russia on the east, and being adjacent to South Korean and Japan from the sea, there are 11 foreign trade ports nearby. It boasts an international airport ranking the first in Jilin Province, and the fourth in Northeast China, which has direct flights to large and medium-sized domestic cities and main cities in South Korea, Japan, and Russia. The Changchun-Hunchun Intercity Railway, connecting the intercity railway network of northeast China, is known as the “Most Scenic High Speed Railway in Northeast China”.

This is the ecological Yanji

Yanji has excellent natural environment, with embracing mountains and waters, pleasant climate, and no extreme hot or cold weathers around the year.

It is a green and habitable city. Yanji has more than 900km2 of thriving forests and grassland, making the local forest coverage rate of 64%. Here reserves precious wild economic plants and animals. The number of days with good air quality has reached 364. The park or green area per capita has reached 13.23m2.

This is the cultural Yanji

The Yanji culture has a long standing history. From paleontological culture to humanistic culture, from migrant culture to folk culture, from historical culture to commercial culture, all of them demonstrate the breath of the times.

It is a city of cultural integration. With a profound history, Yanji owns the largest dinosaur oryctocoenosis which was unearthed in the urban area. It has multiple historical relics, such as the ruins of Mountain City in the ancient Balhae, which has witnessed the amazing vicissitude of the old town. There are plenty of relic reserves from the Northeast China Resistance Association. “Mountains with blossom Rhododendron dauricum, and villages with memorial to martyrs” is the ode to this heroic city of shining red glory.

This is the distinctive Yanji

The Yanji cuisines are unique with specialties. The ethnical singing and dancing are famous all around the country. It is an Internet-famous city worth visiting.

Yanji is one of the Korean commodity distributing centers in China. The Mao'er Mountain (Dinosaur) Cultural Tourism Area, Korean Ethnical Customs Park, Internet Celebrity Wall of Yanbian University, and the Market on Water have become popular all over the county. The Korean ethnical dances are of distinctive characteristics. The beats of janggu, with rhythms of flutes, dancing with the traditional dress and swirling tail of the elephant hat. Delicious food of Yanji gives you lingering aftertaste. Korean ethnical food such as cold noodles, glutinous rice cake, and kimchi bring sensational pleasure to your taste bud and its aroma lingers in your mouth.

This is the vibrant Yanji

Yanji has National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Provincial Airport Development Zone. It is one of the Top 100 County/City of Investment Competitiveness and a city of industrial clustering.

Yanji is a piece of fertile land for investment on industries, with eight advantageous industries, food & tobacco, new energy automobile, ginseng, medicine & health, e-commerce & logistics, information technology, equipment manufacturing, and culture & tourism progressing shoulder to shoulder. It boasts a bonded logistics center (Type B) and an airport International Cargo Center Station as national comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border E-commerce.

Dear friends, the six hundred and eighty thousand people of Yanji are here with me, making our invitation to you, welcome to the colorful Yanji, your dreamland in real life, a place for you to slow down and experience the poetic tour.

I am Wu Xianzhe. I am in Yanji, just waiting for you!


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