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日期: 来源:乐道院潍县博物馆收集编辑:乐道院潍县博物馆





       Peace education on the basis of formation

       The nonviolence that Peace Research, Peace Education, and Peace Building aim to orient people towards is attainable due to the assumption that human can be moulded through activities that make the phenomena of our daily practice of nonviolence apparent, as well as showing us spectacular nonviolent activities. Therefore, each instance of socialisation (from kindergarten to adult education) has to recognize the connections between educational inputs and the expected outcomes. They also need to have knowledge about the function of nonviolence on different social levels. But most important is discovering the daily experiences of nonviolence of children and youths. However, before they teach, the educators themselves have to be conscious of these connections. They need to know and understand the newest findings in Peace Research, the principles and goals of Peace Education and procedures of Peace Building. Much more than knowledge, Peace Education needs the strong conviction that peace is the educational goal and therefore also the educational way.Last but not least is the personal willingness to get involved with creating peace. Moreover, Peace Education has to be authentic. The question of formation relates not only to the addressed people but also to the educators. Formation is not only created through information and teaching special connections but also through critical self-education, through self-critical reflection of personal negative habits, through dialogue, and through continuously expanding our capacity for resilience.

       Countless social movements all over the world

       Peace is not only the result of peace movements. Every social activity is a contribution to whatever peace means. Peace in its broad spectrum of varied phenomena is based on innumerable activities right up to and including animal protection. Therefore, it makes no sense to look for peace only under the term itself. We find the challenges of peace on all levels of life and in all areas. Countless social movements all over the world are the epitome of peace building, perhaps in the most important, genuine and efficient ways. Without these movements the world would not only be poorer, the world might not exist at all. Millions of private, semiofficial, and institutionalized social initiatives, movements and organizations, involving millions of meetings, workshops, conferences, and congresses, have prevented the collapse of our-at times pretty conflict-ridden-worldwide community in the past, and will continue to prevent it in the future. Some initiatives are locally based; others are regionally oriented or have intermational dimensions. Some are organized by two or three individuals alone; others are carried out by thousands of participants. Thus, there is a dense network of movements all over the world which keeps the world together. Discovering and appreciating the reality of such extensive social networking, of solidarity, communication, and cooperation, allows us an optimistic view of our world.


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