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日期: 来源:五莲县融媒体中心收集编辑:五莲县融媒体中心


Growing on the ground 

Rural revitalization reaps real benefits

Every four days a week, baker Chen Yan takes out trays packed with piping hot bread from a wood-fired oven for crowds of customers who crave her European style rolls.

For the past eight years, Chen, 40,has been making at least 5,000 yuan($685) a month training and working in the bakery, a significant amount compared with the farming she had previously subsisted on from the family plot of less than 0.2 hectares.

“Our village is nearby and it’s very convenient,” Chen said. “My husband also works here, driving an excavator.” 

Chen is one of more than 500 workers, most of them local residents, of the Bailuwan area in Wulian county of Rizhao, East China’s Shandong province. Covering more than 600 hectares,Bailuwan is a comprehensive development project Encompassing residential zones, farming and public spaces that strive to provide cultural and social amenities and facilities such as museums ,libraries, fruit orchards and gardens, under a major sustainable approach in the county fueling rural revitalization. 

Sun Qian, a director of the project, said partnerships and cooperatives with the villagers help drive inclusive development, becoming a major draw for Bailuwan’s residents. 

Wang Andong, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Wulian’s Chaohe town, said Bailuwan offers a model for rural revitalization, complementing the pillar agricultural sector.

“Young residents are also increasingly returning to do their part, ”Wang said. “We’re tapping their enthusiasm, energy and enterprise moving forward,” he said. 

Unlike many of his peers who chose to advance their careers in the big city, Hou Chuanlong, 34, leveraged local knowledge in tea cultivation, helping to set up more than 23 hectares of tea farmland and over 1,500 square meters of advanced tea processing plants, with products delivered nationwide. 

Cooperatives for local tea cultivation include workers from nine surrounding villages, all helping to churn out 15 tons of processed tea leaves a year, Hou said. 

“The villagers are important partners. We have up to 80 people a day who help pick the tea leaves in peak periods, even as we invest in automation and advanced technology to stay ahead of the sector,” he said. 

Wang Yan, secretary of the Party branch committee of Houweijia village who also heads a major sweet potato processing cooperative, said local villagers form the backbone and main beneficiaries of an industry that reflects the rich bounty of the area. 

“Advanced processing facilities help us double production to at least 300,000 kilograms a year,” said Wang, 44. 

“We’re also riding on digital trends, such as livestreaming, with online sales comprising up to half of our total sales,” she said. 

“In winter, when there’s not much to be done in the fields, the villagers can help process and pack the dried sweet potato slices. All of us reap the rewards of development and progress together.”



















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