I have just come back home from the Ancient City of Qing Yan. It has been twice that we have already visited this special scenery, and it's fair to say that it won't be the last time. I am exhausted, I feel a dull ache in my neck, and so other than achy feet, my whole body is pure pain. For those who don't know, I'm already a certain age, and I strongly wanted not to be tired, but my body and my mind go their separate ways. In spite of that, I just wanted to write about this day.
我方才自青岩古镇归来。 这已是我们第二次造访此地,妙趣横生,令人流连忘返,我深信,此行并非最后一次。我身心俱疲,颈项酸痛,足部剧痛,实在是饱经疲劳。对于外人而言,可能认为我已上了年纪,虽期望能够尽兴而归,可惜人老心不老,身体和想法常起分歧。即便如此,我仍然要将今日所见所闻,一一记录下来。
As for the second time, I have been able to enjoy this place at my own pace, and I have to say that the day's weather hasn't been on our side. Though it hasn't prevented that we wanted to delight the most time despite the rain, we have gone around the streets firmly convinced of fitting into this ancestral culture, we don't know do otherwise. So that sensation has made us to feel peaceful enough to see as much as possible, but taking care not to slip due to slick ground.
“No matter the weather”, we tell at each other with just our eyes, and continuing visiting the ancient city. We reach some of the silversmith's to see how the jewellers work, and suddenly I remember when we were in Beijing and visited a famous hutong where there were many of these types of silversmith's and varied shops.
I had been reading something related to Qing Yan and I could know that this ancient town was originally built in the late 14th century. Seven centuries later, Qing Yan still remains as an interesting destination for foreign tourists, local inhabitants and, generally, Chinese citizens. That's why we have revisited some temples, the ancient academy – “it's impossible not to wonder by the inspirational power which is in the air”, I say to myself.
The first time I was here, I could realize that the place offered a wide variety of possibilities -from seeing as much as time permits to buy as much as your wallet allows you- and that's right, however, this time we decide to focus harder on the details. That is, a hidden corner, any buildings' architectural style, as well as the materials, having a tea or a coffee, or try the typical flower pastries.
记得初到此地时,我只觉得这里有多种多样的可能性——从尽可能地游览名胜古迹到尽可能地购买纪念品,和其他游客一样。 然而,这一次我们决定更专注于细节。也就意味着,我们要发掘隐藏的角落,欣赏各种建筑风格和材料,品味茶香咖味,或是尝试传统花糕。
Because we are not in a big hurry, we size the opportunity to celebrate a sort of a Valentine's Day. Someday I will write about our Chinese love story and how this glitzy country turned our lives around, but not yet, not yet. In the midday, we go for some lunch at the same eatery we were last time. We have to eat outdoor without taking off our coats due to the cold wind, it's so cold out here. After that, we go for a well-deserved coffee. It is the occasion for having a break while checking out the photos. I think that restaurants, tea shops, cafés and other type of stores affectionally confer the city a modern touch mixed with the traditional architecture, pure diversity. Someone could see a veiled gentrification, but in my humble opinion, in this country, those who know, are aware enough to do things with the necessary respectful to the historical, social and cultural background.
I particularly enjoy to go around while getting lost in my own thoughts, but without losing sight either where I am or why. It's a bittersweet feeling, however, it's worth to look back in the past through the experienced gaze to see how the life has changed. And suddenly, you bring back to yourself to life from a waking-dream to return to such a dream place.
We go on walking throughout the town and we decided to stop for buying some things as gifts for us due to the upcoming first 18th anniversary -our second anniversary is in October, the things in life... Sun Tzu said, “Opportunities multiply as they are seized”.
The gifts, of course, represent the Chinese essence such as two Chinese dolls and a Chinese silver-engraved ingot with the word Fú, the first Chinese character that came to our lives for the very first time a long time ago.
特约撰稿人:Victoria B. Santisteban
编辑 高鑫 胡锐
编审 闵捷