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黔地岁时记·立夏 | 你说这里,很有夏天的感觉

日期: 来源:天眼新闻收集编辑:天眼新闻



May 6th is the beginning of summer (立夏) and is one of the traditional Chinese solar terms.


From this day on, the weather turns hot, and the wind carries the summer heat. Trees become lush and green, and the Big Dipper constellation points towards the southeast, signaling the start of summer.


The chirping of crickets and grasshoppers can be heard in the fields, announcing the arrival of summer. Earthworms, called by the call of the season, start to emerge from the soil. The vines of watermelons begin to grow rampantly. People who have had the traditional “Li Xia rice” are excited to “Chang Xian”, “Dou Dan”, “Cheng Ren” and fully embrace the presence of summer.


If spring is the season of “birth”, then summer is the season of “growth”. The crops planted in spring gradually grow up, and summer crops enter the later stage of growth. Winter wheat is in the flowering and filling stage, while rapeseed is approaching maturity. On the vast land, everything grows to maturity.


At 25 degrees north latitude in southern Guizhou, China, in the towering mountains of the Miao Mountains, there is still the largest karst primitive forest in the world. Here is the last “green gemstone” at the same latitude in the world, that is Libo, with two world-class name cards: the Natural World Heritage——South China Karst, and the World Man and Biosphere Reserve.



With 300,000 years of vigorous growth, the place has already been covered in the ultimate greenery. On the ancient bridge of Xiaoqikong, there is a heavy green; on the mystical Dragon Pool, there is a passionate green. On the winding and twisting Yuanyang Lake, there is a thriving green.


When the cool breeze of a thousand years passes by, is there any other place that feels more like summer than here?


You have to come to Libo at least once, in the pleasant summer season.


庞博 周璇 高航 刘义鹏 陈大炜

实习生 李钰

设计 齐青杨 周滔




编辑 高鑫 胡岚

二审 胡锐

三审 闵捷


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