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Guizhou Echo|今日,你“咬春”了吗?

日期: 来源:贵州综合广播收集编辑:贵州综合广播


There is no winter that cannot be overcome, and there is no spring that will not come.


Today, we celebrate the beginning of spring, the first of the twenty-four traditional Chinese solar terms this year.




In Chinese, the pronunciation of the term is “Lichun”.

As the name suggests, "Li" is the beginning.

Lichun means the beginning of spring.


"Bite spring" is a unique custom in China on the day of the beginning of spring. On this day, Chinese folks have the custom of eating spring pancakes. Generally, a round plate is used to contain the cake that is placed in the middle, and various fillings are placed around it to make spring pancakes, also known as spring pans or Wuxin pans.


The Chinese ancients regarded Lichun Festival as the beginning of spring. It is divided based on the meaning of the astronomical level. However, the modern meteorological society uses the average temperature as the basis for spring. The beginning of spring is defined as the first day when the daily average temperature is stable above 10°C for 5 consecutive days. The general rule of spring in our country is early in the south, and late in the north.




The arrival of the beginning of spring brings us the message, hope and warmth of spring.

Let’s expect the spring together!

出品:贵州卫视国际传播中心撰稿:王倩部分资料、图片来源:贵州省文化和旅游厅及网络(若侵犯您的合法权益,请联系本网进行删除,谢谢!)翻译:王倩 李秋辰一审:李秋辰二审:田胤星三审:余晓莹


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