戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire to China on The World’s Specialty| Telling the history of the country behind the cocoa beans and the friendship between China and Cote d'Ivoire“国货之美,美美与共”。跟随《全球国货之光》的脚步,你或许已经发现,各国国货都是一方土地的精华,其中蕴含着当地人民对生活的希望。正因如此,被称为“希望大陆”的非洲,自然也在《全球国货之光》节目的探寻之列。在科特迪瓦驻华大使多索·阿达马阁下的带领下,我们走进了“西非明珠”科特迪瓦,为这里的美景、人文与国货所打动。Following the footsteps of The World’s Specialty, you may have found that the national products of each country are the essence of a land, which contains the hope of local people for life. That's why Africa, known as the "continent of hope", is also on the list of our program. Led by Dosso Adama, the Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire to China, we entered the "Pearl of West Africa", Cote d'Ivoire, and were impressed by the beauty, humanity and national products here.【国货诞生于自然】National products are born in nature不论从哪个角度看去,科特迪瓦都是一个美丽的国家。大西洋的暖风抚过科特迪瓦的国土,赋予了这片土地多样共生的存在,星罗棋布在绵长海岸线上的,不仅有热带风情的沙滩,更有一路向着内陆延伸的合流、湖泊和森林。From any angle, Côte d'Ivoire is a beautiful country. The warm breeze from the Atlantic Ocean that passes through the country gives it a variety of landscapes, from tropical beaches along the long coastline to the streams, lakes, and forests that stretch all the way to the interior.多样的自然环境意味着丰富的自然资源,千百年来,这里的人们早已精通如何将自然资源“物尽其用”,成为生活中的“国货大师”。本期节目,多索·阿达马大使就为大家带来了科特迪瓦的三款主打国货:可可、腰果和Attiéké。其中,最引人注目的便是产自科特迪瓦的可可。在这里,一颗可可豆从被培育、采摘到行销全球的过程中,诞生了一个又一个有趣的故事。A diverse natural environment means a wealth of natural resources, and for thousands of years, the people of this region have been well-versed in making the best use of them, becoming the masters of national products in their lives. In this episode, Ambassador Dosso Adama presents three of the country's main national products: cocoa, cashew nuts, and attiéké, and the most notable one is cocoa. Here, one interesting story after another is born from the process of a cocoa bean being cultivated and harvested to being marketed worldwide.【「可可王国」的诞生】The Birth of “Cocoa Kingdom”除了美丽的自然风光,科特迪瓦为世界所熟知的另一个标签,就是著名的“可可王国”。据多索·阿达马大使介绍,科特迪瓦是世界上最大的可可生产国,其可可产量占全球总量的40%以上。In addition to its beautiful natural scenery, Côte d'Ivoire is also known to the world as the "Kingdom of Cocoa". According to Ambassador Dosso Adama, Côte d'Ivoire is the world's largest cocoa producer, accounting for more than 40% of global cocoa production.之所以能够在可可生产领域一骑绝尘,科特迪瓦得天独厚的自然环境是重要原因。科特迪瓦特有的热带气候使得森林中的湿度全年保持百分之九十左右,造就了培植优质可可的有利条件,“这使得科特迪瓦可可的质量比一些国家的其他产品更加优质。”阿达马大使自豪地说。Côte d'Ivoire's unique natural environment is a major reason why it is a leader in cocoa production. The unique tropical climate of Côte d'Ivoire keeps the humidity in the forest at around 90 percent throughout the year, creating favorable conditions for the cultivation of high-quality cocoa, "which makes the quality of our cocoa better than other products from some countries." Ambassador Dosso Adama said proudly.大自然的精华在小小的可可豆中完成了凝聚和升华。在大众眼中,可可似乎是一种高糖高热量的食料。但事实上,科特迪瓦出产的纯天然可可不仅不含糖,而且还是一种非常健康的食物——其内部含有大量的抗氧化剂,丰富的维C,还有镁和铁等元素。 此外,可可内含有的黄酮醇对提高记忆力非常有帮助,苯乙胺则对减缓压力大有助益,给人幸福之感。The essence of nature is coalesced and sublimated in the tiny cocoa bean. In the eyes of the public, cocoa seems to be a high-sugar, high-calorie food. But in fact, the pure and natural cocoa produced in Côte d'Ivoire is not only sugar-free, but also a very healthy food - it contains high amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C, and elements such as magnesium and iron. In addition, the flavonols contained in cocoa are great for improving memory, and phenylethylamine is great for reducing stress and giving people a sense of well-being.但是,如此高品质的可可产品并非仅靠“靠山吃山,靠海吃海”就可以获得的。可可的收获和提炼过程并不像瓜熟蒂落那么容易。据多索·阿达马大使的介绍,可可树大概要2-5年才能成熟,然后才可能结出丰硕的可可果,而一只一千克的可可果,却大概只能用于五十克的可可巧克力。为了生动展示可可的复杂制作工艺,节目组特意以影偶剧的方式,向观众呈现了“可可的一生”。However, cocoa products of such high quality are not easy to obtain. According to Ambassador Dosso Adama, it takes about 2-5 years for a cacao tree to mature before it can produce abundant cacao fruit, and a kilogram of cacao fruit can only be used for about 50 grams of cacao chocolate. In order to vividly demonstrate the complex production process of cocoa, the program team presented the "life of cocoa" to the audience in the form of a puppet show.正因如此,科特迪瓦人民的勤劳坚韧才是“可可王国”名扬四海的关键。正如多索·阿达马大使所说:“科特迪瓦人民是一个勤劳而聪明的民族,他们的活力创造了稳定的生产力,这是科特迪瓦存在的基础。”This is why the hard work and resilience of the people are the key to the fame of the "Kingdom of Cocoa". As Ambassador Dosso Adama said, "The people of Côte d'Ivoire are hard-working and intelligent people whose dynamism has created stable productivity, which is the basis of the existence of Côte d'Ivoire."对科特迪瓦人来说,可可早已经是一种古老的食料。可可之于科特迪瓦人民,正如同茶之于中国人一样,代表着悠久的历史与文化传统。在科特迪瓦,各地居民每年都会举办与可可有关的节日。来自全非洲乃至全世界的可可商家汇聚于此,让可可成为了科特迪瓦的经济和文化名片。For people in Côte d'Ivoire, cocoa has long been an ancient food ingredient. Cocoa is to the people of Cote d'Ivoire what tea is to the Chinese, representing a long history and cultural tradition. In Côte d'Ivoire, cocoa-related festivals are held every year by local residents. Cocoa merchants from all over Africa and the world come together here, making cocoa the economic and cultural card of Côte d'Ivoire.【可可豆背后的国家情谊】The national bond behind cocoa beans在可可销往世界的全球之旅中,还有一段科特迪瓦与中国,与海南的故事。虽然可可在一百年前就扎根非洲,但直到1954年,它才第一次登上中国大陆的土地。而第一站,就是在海南的万宁。从1954年到今天,经过了三代科研人员的持续攻关,可可在中国落地生根,开花结果。In the global journey of cocoa sales to the world, there is also a story of Côte d'Ivoire and China. Although cocoa took root in Africa more than a hundred years ago, it was not until 1954 that it made its first appearance on mainland Chinese soil. And the first stop was in Wanning, Hainan. From 1954 to today, after three generations of researchers' continuous research, cocoa has taken root in China.今天,中国消费者对于可可制品的接受程度不断提高,这使得中国可可市场蕴藏着巨大的潜力。据了解,中国每年进口可可豆及可可制品大约十五万吨,而中国巧克力的市场规模也正以年均10-15%的速度增长。Today, Chinese consumers are becoming more receptive to cocoa products, which makes the Chinese cocoa market hold great potential. It is understood that China imports about 150,000 tons of cocoa beans and cocoa products each year, and the market size of Chinese chocolate is growing at an average annual rate of 10-15%.多索·阿达马大使十分坦诚地表示,科特迪瓦也希望进一步开拓大有潜力的中国可可市场:“中国人口超过十亿。如果一个中国人每天早上喝一杯热可可或吃一块巧克力,带来的市场增长将是巨大的。”Ambassador Dosso Adama was very open about the fact that Côte d'Ivoire also wants to further develop the promising Chinese cocoa market: "China has a population of over one billion people. If a Chinese person were to drink a cup of hot cocoa or eat a piece of chocolate every morning, the growth of the market would be enormous."谈到两国关系,多索·阿达马大使说道:“今年我们将庆祝两国建交40周年……我认为如今科中两国关系已经非常深入,而这样的关系未来还会扩大到更多方面。这样具有重要意义的双边关系,正在走向成熟,走向它的黄金时代。”Speaking about the relationship between the two countries, Ambassador Dosso Adama said, "This year we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries ...... I think that today the relationship between the two countries is very deep and such a relationship will be expanded to more aspects in the future. Such a bilateral relationship of great importance is maturing towards its golden age."相似的气候使得海南省与科特迪瓦有了天然的亲近感。用阿达马大使的话说:“我们拥有几乎相同的气候条件。”而在中科关系持续发展的大背景下,科特迪瓦与海南也正在建立着更加广泛的经贸文化合作关系。2022年6月14日,海南绿色金融研究院与科特迪瓦自贸区开展线上学术交流,共同展望海南自贸港与科特迪瓦自贸区的未来合作。无论是在旅游、环境治理、工业和制造业等领域,双方都看到了合作的潜力,也希望探索更多的合作模式。The similar climate gives Hainan Province a natural closeness to Côte d'Ivoire. In the words of Ambassador Dosso Adama, "We share almost the same climatic conditions." And against the backdrop of the continued development of Sino-Côte d'Ivoire relations, Côte d'Ivoire and Hainan are also building a broader economic, trade, and cultural partnership. on June 14, 2022, the Hainan Green Finance Institute and the Côte d'Ivoire Free Trade Zone conducted an online academic exchange to look at the future cooperation between the Hainan Free Trade Port and the Côte d'Ivoire Free Trade Zone. Both sides see the potential for cooperation, whether in tourism, environmental governance, industry or manufacturing, and want to explore more modes of cooperation.小中可以见大,管中可以窥豹。小小的可可豆中,不仅蕴藏着科特迪瓦独具特色的文化与传统,劳动人民的勤劳与汗水,更有“可可王国”传遍全球的美好声誉,以及中科两国合作发展的美好愿景。期待在未来,科特迪瓦国货为更多人所熟知,中国与科特迪瓦的国家友谊更加深厚!The small cocoa beans not only contain the unique culture and tradition of Côte d'Ivoire, the hard work of the working people, but also the beautiful reputation of the "Kingdom of Cocoa" spreading all over the world, the bright vision of cooperation and development between China and Côte d'Ivoire. We hope that in the future, Côte d'Ivoire's national products will be better known to more people and the friendship between China and Côte d'Ivoire will be deeper!世界好物这么多追随各国驻华大使聆听国货故事共享下单快乐There's so much specialties in the worldFollow the diplomatic envoys in ChinaListen to the story of domestic productsShare the joy of ordering每周六晚19:30关注《全球国货之光》国货之美,美美与共Every Saturday night at 19:30Pay attention to "The World’s Specialty”We celebrate the specialties of nations and share with the world.扫描下方二维码获取更多精彩节目内容Scan the QR code belowGet more highlights抖音直播间全球国货之光新浪微博@全球国货之光• END•新海南 | 世界眼 | 家国情 | 潮流范海南卫视带你看世界