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日期: 来源:天眼新闻收集编辑:天眼新闻

Talking about Yelang Valley means necessarily talking about Song Peilun and The Yelang Tribe. However, allow me to tell you what we felt from the very beginning. When being there, the first sensation was that we were facing up with an impressive place and there was something ethereal in the air, maybe a certain mystical energy that led us to imagine diverse stories as lucid dreams.


Due to the fact that we had been seeking some information related to this scenery, we already had a rough idea of what we were going to see. However, it was so a pleasant impression to see in person that exceeded expectations. Considering our simple and ignorant human eye, we were almost able to confirm that Yelang Valley is a genuine artwork.


The memorial historic character of this place is reflected at every step not only for the history itself but also for the hard work made by the former professor and local villagers. While visiting it, the only thing I could think was that its creator spent 20 years infusing life into such a sprawling garden. I also wondered for the most time what led Song Peilun to do such a colossal sculpture garden and mainly the specific moment when he was struck by the idea of doing so. I personally presume that he had been thinking about it for a long time.


On the other hand, another thing that I could not stop thinking about was that Song Peilun could not have honored better the Yelang Tribe, its culture, its customs, lifestyle, and its ancient architecture. It is important to point out that the inhabitants of Yelang lived in the 3rd century, according to the first records. This means that it is impossible not to burden ourselves with the weight of the memory in a metaphorical way. Although, somehow, they sowed the seeds of certain harmonic music whose sound has reached the present.


Kenny Ausubel echoed this when he said, “Seeds carry life from generation to generation without end. Through the seeds speak the voices of the ancestors. Each time we plant a seed, we become ancestors for the generations to come”.


As for describing the sculptures, something springs to mind, the decorative technique reminded me of the slight resemblance to one which was used by the internationally renowned Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, and well-known for being an expert in this field. He used to say, “Nothing is art if it does not come from nature”.

这些雕塑还让我想到国际知名的加泰罗尼亚建筑师安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí),他曾经说过,"如果不是来自于自然,就不可称之为艺术"。

There is no corner, plant, sculpture, or path that does not ooze greatness on all four sides. Song Peilun, whose hands made this tribute a true fact, recreated a garden-like city for honoring ancient people and experienced a real dream. The former professor once thought this Eden was worth 20 years of his lifetime. Thus, visiting this memorial is worth not only our time but our curious minds and our impatient eyes.


"The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting something" (Seth Godin). “Always nurture your inner childhood dreams, life will become beautiful” (Invajy).

创意鬼才赛斯.高汀(Seth Godin)曾说,"比失败更糟糕的事情……是没有开始。"


Song Peilun pursued his idea, his illusion, and thanks to him we have the chance to enjoy an entirely real oneiric garden full of lovely sculptures, as well as this will give us the possibility to collaborate with its maintenance for a small fee. We will go back there because it is a moral imperative…


特约撰稿人:Victoria B. Santisteban

翻译/编辑:朱紫蒨 彭义 胡锐



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