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日期: 来源:川观新闻收集编辑:川观新闻



The Launching Ceremony of the “Blossom of Youth” Exchange Activities of World University Athletes. The ceremony will be held in the new museum of Sichuan University on the evening of 26 July, which includes three chapters: Hello Youth, Traditional Chinese Music and Opera, and Integration and Coexistence. FISU athlete representative, the famous writer Alai, and a prestigious scholar Professor Peng Feng will share stories of sports and culture. The Peking Opera “Genshin Impact: Goddess Defeating the Demons” will be staged. Famous Chinese and foreign music will be played with traditional Chinese musical instruments. Young singers will sing the FISU theme song. The famous university museum will send invitations for the cultural exchange series. It includes eight key activities as follows:


一、“青春 in Time”第31届世界大学生夏季运动会运动员联欢会。


1.“Youth in Time” 31st World University Summer Games Athletes’ Gala. 

The get-together is scheduled to be held on the evening of 29 July at the ASEAN Art Centre Theater in the Chengdu FISU Games Village. Various forms of art will be presented to showcase the dialogue and exchange between traditional and modern civilizations, and the Eastern and Western civilizations, such as the Chinese opera, folk music, Sichuan opera, martial art, rap, street dance, games, magic, electronic music, and birthday celebrations, promoting interactions between Chinese and foreign young artists, athletes, college students and volunteer representatives, and creating a joyful, friendly, passionate and dream-pursuing atmosphere for FISU Games. Some members of national delegations, athletes and volunteers will participate in the party.



2. “Fresh Appeal of National Treasure” Museum Cultural and Creative Exhibition. 

The exhibition will be held in the new museum of Sichuan University from 26 July to 10 August. Exhibitors include the Palace Museum, the National Museum of China, Sichuan Provincial Museum, Jinsha Site Museum, Sanxingdui Museum and other well-known museums in China. The event integrates culture and museum, science and technology, art toy, cultural creativity, and aesthetics. Youth and vitality are narrated in China-Chic.



3. “Exploring Sichuan”. 

Six high-quality routes are recommended to members of FISU delegations, athletes, media professionals and foreign youth in China, namely, a trip to explore Sichuan, a museum stroll, a world heritage classic tour, a visit to Panda Home, a local food tour, and a trip for cultural and artistic works. Visitors are welcome to visit the mountains and rivers of Sichuan and to appreciate the Chinese civilization.



4. “Thumbs Up for FISU Games” Chinese Bridge Champions Greeting FISU Games. 

The Chinese Bridge champions from different countries are invited to record a short video to congratulate the opening of FISU Games to send their best wishes for a bright future. Hundreds of Chinese and foreign teenagers will jointly sing songs for the Chengdu FISU Games. High-quality and inspiring music videos will also be created.



5. “Memories of FISU Games” Youth Film Project. 

See the FISU Games, see China. International students in China and foreign college students are invited to visit Chengdu and experience the FISU Games to shoot documentary short films on topics such as FISU athletes, science technology and sports, and the charm of Chengdu to convey the dreams of Chinese and foreign youth in pursuing the sportsmanship and the FISU Games spirit, and to show the style of Chinese youth in the new era.



6. “Enjoy Reading China” Cultural Masterpieces Exhibition. 

Multilingual publications, audio-visual programs, comics, cultural and creative works and other Chinese cultural works will be displayed in the Main Media Centre (MMC) and the Village. College student films, youth sports themed films and documentaries will be available.



7. “Intangible Charm” Chinese Culture Experiencing Activity. 

The FISU Games Village is where participating delegations reside and live, as well as an important venue for cultural exchange. Rich and colorful events to experience intangible cultural heritage will be launched to promote cultural exchange and mutual learning, and to communicate with the world through art. Athletes from all over the world will personally experience the infinite charm of the Chinese culture in the FISU Games Village.



8. “China in Light” Illuminating Sichuan. 

Posters, short videos and programs showing China’s landscape, culture and history will be shown on large indoor and outdoor screens in Sichuan A-level scenic spots, museums, theaters, star-rated hotels, expressways, metros and airports.


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