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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Follow The World’s Specialty to visit Mongolia | Harvest "gifts of the four seasons" from our northern neighbor when the Spring Festival meets the Tsagaan SarEP.4跟随《全球国货之光》的镜头,我们领略了中东沙漠绿洲的壮美、东南亚雨林的丰茂、拉美高原的秀丽。值此卯兔新春,新一期《全球国货之光》将继续带领我们踏上蒙古高原,感受草原的四季之美……蒙古国驻华大使图布辛·巴德尔勒一句“《全球国货之光》,我们来了!”展现出蒙古国人民特有的豪迈热情!Following the lens of The World’s Specialty, we enjoyed the magnificent desert oasis in the Middle East, the lush rainforest in Southeast Asia, and the beauty of the Latin American plateau. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, the new episode of "The World’s Specialty" will continue to lead us to set foot on the Mongolian plateau and feel the beauty of the four seasons of the grassland... Tuvshin Badral, Mongolian Ambassador to China, said, "The World’s Specialty, here we are!" which showed the unique heroic enthusiasm of the Mongolian people.中国首档大型对外文化经贸交流节目《全球国货之光》由海南广播电视总台、海南省外事办公室联合主办,海南卫视1月23日(大年初二)20:00精彩呈现,敬请期待!"The World’s Specialty", China's first large-scale cultural and economic exchange program with foreign countries, is co-sponsored by Hainan Broadcasting Group and Hainan Foreign Affairs Office. It will be presented by Hainan TV at 20:00pm on January 23 (the second day of Chinese New Year). Stay tuned!一方水土不仅养一方人,而且也滋养着一方“国货”。本期节目中,巴德尔勒大使带来的蒙古国特色国货,就分别诞生自蒙古草原的四季自然之中。正如大使阁下所说,蒙古人民“在自然中享受四季的馈赠”。The unique features of a local environment always give special characteristics to its inhabitants and specialties. In this program, the Mongolian special products brought by Ambassador Badral were born in the four seasons of nature on the Mongolian steppe. As His Excellency Ambassador said, the Mongolian people "enjoy the bounty of the four seasons in nature.”<<<左右滑动查看>>>“春天,我们庆祝蒙古农历新年,吃传统的食物和饮料,玩羊拐游戏;夏天,我们庆祝那达慕节,喝发酵的马奶;秋天,我们享受富含天然维生素的野生浆果;冬天,我们穿优质的羊绒服饰。蒙古有不同的四季美景和特产。”“In the spring, we celebrate Mongolian Lunar New Year Festival, having traditional food and drinks and playing knuckle bone game. In the summer, we celebrate Nadam festival and drink fermented horse milk. In autumn, we enjoy the natural vitamins of wild berries. In winter, we wear our high quality cashmere clothes. Mongolia’s beautiful scenery and different specialties in four seasons.”蒙古 Mongolia《全球国货之光》蒙古专场 Episode for Mongolia❤春之餐桌 Spring table<<<左右滑动查看>>><<< Swipe to see more >>>你知道蒙古国有哪些肉食烹饪的特殊技艺吗?今天广受欢迎的风干肉是如何被发明出来的?被称作蒙古族“春节”的白月节背后,有着怎样的历史与文化传统?Do you know any special techniques of meat cooking in Mongolia? How was today's popular air-dried meat invented? What are the historical and cultural traditions behind the Tsagaan Sar, known as the Mongolian "Spring Festival"?新春佳节,合家团圆。国货推荐官们将跟随蒙古国驻华大使馆商务参赞图门巴亚尔带领我们一同奔赴“春之餐桌”,品味蒙古国特色肉食盛宴,大快朵颐!The Spring Festival is all about family reunion. Recommendation officers will follow Tumen Bayar, Commercial Counselor of the Mongolian Embassy in China, and lead us to the "Spring Table" to enjoy the Mongolian feast of meat.❤夏之节日 Summer festival你可曾去过蒙古国最古老的修道院?哪里是欣赏蒙古国“湖光山色”的最好去处?那达慕节的另一个名字是什么?骆驼节和赛马节又在何时举行?Have you ever been to the oldest monastery in Mongolia? Where is the best place to see the "lakes and mountains" of Mongolia? What's another name for the Nadam Festival? When is the Camel Festival and the Horse Racing Festival?蒙古国驻华大使馆一等秘书特木林将带领国货推荐官们为我们“安利”众多在夏日里举行的蒙古国传统节日,为下一个夏季草长莺飞时节,预定一场探访蒙古国美景的旅程。Temuulen, First Secretary of the Mongolian Embassy in China, will lead the recommendation officers to recommend many Mongolian traditional festivals held in summer, and book a trip to visit the beautiful scenery of Mongolia for the next summer when grass is growing and warbler is flying.❤秋日果实 Autumn fruit在蒙古国,提到“秋日的果实”,必定是富含维生素的沙棘果。而这一凝结于草原上秋露灌溉之下的淡黄色果子,缘何受到全世界消费者的欢迎?又有何资格被选中,随蒙古航天员一起第一次进入太空?它的维生素含量为何可以达到普通水果的五到二十倍?蒙古国外交官们又将传授何种蒙古特色的沙棘果汁饮用技巧及其妙用?In Mongolia, when it comes to "autumn fruit", it must be the vitamin-rich sea-buckthorn fruit. Why is this pale yellow fruit, which is set in the grassland under the irrigation of autumn dew, so popular with consumers around the world? And what qualifies it to be selected to go into space for the first time with Mongolian astronauts? Why can it reach the vitamin content of ordinary fruit five to twenty times? What kind of Mongolian characteristic sea-buckthorn juice drinking skills and magic will Mongolian diplomats teach?沙棘果茶Sea-buckthorn fruit tea新春佳节,美美与共!在本期节目播出的同时,同款沙棘果茶也将在《全球国货之光》的拼多多直播间同步直播发售。观看节目的同时,别忘了拿出手机扫描屏幕二维码,收获来自蒙古国原产地的沙棘果茶,一品秋日果实的芬芳!Spring Festival, hell yeah! At the same time of the broadcast of this program, the same kind of sea-buckthorn fruit tea will also be on sale in the Pinduoduo live streaming room of "The World’s Specialty". While watching the program, don't forget to take out your mobile phone and scan the QR code on the screen. Harvest the sea-buckthorn tea from the origin of Mongolia, and enjoy the fragrance of autumn fruits!❤冬日羊毛 Winter cashmere隆冬腊月,人团圆,衣更暖。巴德尔勒大使将带领我们沉浸体验“冬季薅羊毛”的快乐。羊绒制品作为蒙古国对外贸易的拳头产品闻名久已,但你知道蒙古国是从何时开始生产羊绒制品的吗?在游牧文化的传承之路上,蒙古国人又保有着怎样独特的羊绒加工工艺?素以“保暖又显瘦”而著称的羊绒服饰,上身后是否真的养眼?来中蒙模特服装秀,让我们一饱眼福吧!In the middle of winter, people reunion, clothes warmer. Ambassador Badral will lead us into an immersive experience of "winter cashmere". Cashmere products have long been known as Mongolia's leading foreign trade products, but do you know when Mongolia began to produce cashmere products? On the way of inheriting nomadic culture, what unique cashmere processing technology do the Mongolians have? Known for its "warm and thin", will cashmere clothing really look pretty? Let's have a look at the Sino-Mongolian clothing show!羊绒制品Cashmere products不满足于只是在节目中目睹羊绒服饰的大气美观?想要亲身体验?羊绒的温暖同样“触手可及”!拿出手机扫描屏幕二维码,节目同款羊绒制品等着你,记得到《全球国货之光》的拼多多直播间来下单!Not content to just witness the magnificent beauty of cashmere clothing on the show? Want to try it on for yourself? The warmth of cashmere is "palpable"! Take out your mobile phone and scan the QR code on the screen. The cashmere products same in our show are waiting for you. Remember to place an order in Pinduoduo live streaming room of "The World’s Specialty"!蒙古国的国货中满是草原四季的魅力与生活气息。虽说关山难越,路途遥远,但我们仍然可以通过蒙古国的国货,一窥千里之外这位“北方邻居”家中的琳琅满目。如果你对这些用草原四季魅力和牧民友谊热情造就的国货感兴趣,请一定不要错过本期《全球国货之光》!Mongolian goods are full of the charm of grassland and life atmosphere. Although the distance is relatively far, but we can still have a glimpse of dazzling specialties of the "northern neighbor" thousands of miles away through Mongolia's domestics. If you are interested in these products, please don't miss this episode of The World’s Specialty!评论❤点赞


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