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【双语】你好!中国 | 来看看氛围感拉满的元宵节灯会吧!

日期: 来源:文旅中国收集编辑:文旅中国


For thousands of years, lantern festivals have always been the pinnacle of the Lantern Festival atmosphere. Suzhou in Jiangsu, Yu Garden in Shanghai, Zigong in Sichuan... are all popular spots for enjoying lanterns! In China, on this day, people stroll through lantern-lit streets, guess riddles, and the streets are bustling with extraordinary festivity, brimming with a sense of celebration!


In Jiaxing, Zhejiang, more than 3,000 colorful lanterns illuminate the night. They complement each other, radiating colorful lights, allowing visitors to traverse between ancient and modern amidst the lanterns. In Yu Garden, Shanghai, the lantern festival is themed around the Classic of Mountains and Seas, with exotic flowers and strange animals from ancient myths transformed into colorful lanterns, vividly depicting Chinese culture! In Zigong, Sichuan, there is a feeling that "everything can be a lantern" with mech rabbits, game characters, giant dinosaurs, and towers of a thousand lights...


In Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, once again we see the Chang'an lanterns shining as brightly as daylight. As night falls, the splendid lanterns of the Datang Everbright City turn the city into a dazzling nocturnal paradise. Wherever they go, they become the scenery themselves. In the glow of the lights, the ancient capital of Xi'an exudes its unique charm. The Lantern Festival is embellished with romance. At this moment of beautiful scenery and good times, may there be fullness in relationships, joy, and peace!



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