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英文版:莱山区国家现代农业产业园项目 创建农民专业合作社示范社21家

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线


  The planned area of National Modern Agricultural Park of Laishan District is 126 square kilometers, covering a population of 60,000. The main projects include the digital upgrading of standardized grape plantations, technological innovation and incubation centers for the whole grape industry chain, with the aim of building a modern agricultural park that is "ecologically beautiful, prosperous for farmers, diversified in formats, high in output value, and strong in driving force."


  First is to integrate three industries and promote development. The primary industry focuses on grape and apple planting, introducing 17 well-known grape varieties and radiating to more than 100,000 acres in the surrounding areas as well as cultivating 75 million high-quality new apple seedlings. The secondary industry focuses on wine processing, with an annual production of 4 million bottles of wine. The tertiary industry focuses on the high-end winery experience center and "double innovation" incubation base, and constructs a full industry chain of "agriculture, culture, and tourism" by integrating wine production and brewing, apple-related product development, and ecological tourism.


  Second is to lead improvement with science and technology. We will establish a modern agriculture and big data center system, set up a demonstration base for Yantai Rural Revitalization Strategy Research Institute, land an industrial park as professors’ workstation for China Agricultural University, and attract China Huadian Group to settle and build the Puguang complementary dual-carbon demonstration project, reducing the use of fertilizer and pesticide to 20% and raising disease and pest control coverage to over 75%. The quality and safety inspection qualification rates for grapes and apples have remained stable at over 99%.


  Third is to work with farmers, bring wealth to them and promote rejuvenation. The park transferred 25,000 mu of land in advance, established 21 farmers' professional demonstrating cooperatives, and implemented the cooperation system of "association + sub-association + members" and the interest linkage model of order agriculture, which led 14 villages and more than 3,600 farmers to achieve an average annual income increase of 26,000 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of farmers in the park was 30% higher than that of surrounding farmers. The collective income of all villages in the park has reached more than 100,000 yuan.


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