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英文版:黄渤海新区科教园区项目 突出赋能产业发展的功能定位

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线


  Yantai Huang-Bohai New Area Science and Education Park is the core strategic part of the New Area based on the new development stage and the shaping of new momentum and new advantages. It covers a total area of 3,200 acres, with a planned construction area of 1.25 million square meters. Relying on the advantages of industry-university-research cluster and favorable industrial foundations, it has laid out one graduate school, two undergraduate schools and two vocational colleges as well as a series of supporting projects.


  Among them, Yantai Graduate School of Harbin Engineering University, as the city's first "double first-class" university talent training base, has been completed and put into use in August 2020, and the number of graduate students is currently more than 2,000; the Science and Education Park of Yantai University, covering a total area of 1,000 acres with 422,000-square -meters construction area for the first-phase, will be centred on the leading industries of the New Area and precisely introducing related colleges such as chemistry, life science, marine studies and other five, which will be put into use this September; Shandong Jianzhou University Industry-Universal-Research Base (Yantai), covering a total area of 800 acres with 240,000-square-meter construction area for the first-phase, will introduce offshore engineering, intelligent manufacturing and other five professional clusters, one international education college and 27 advantageous disciplines after completion in September this year; Yantai Ship-Building Industry School, covering a total area of 500 acres and 142,000-square-meter construction area for the first phase, mainly trains professional talents in electromechanical engineering, automotive engineering, manufacturing engineering and other aspects, and will be put into use in September 2023 as well; Yantai Health Vocational College is still under construction, which covers an area of 840 acres and 192,000-square-meter construction area for the first phase. It will be completed in June 2024, to boost the integration process of "medical - nursing - caring" in Yantai.


  The Science and Education Park will highlight the functional positioning of enabling industry development, establish an "education chain" and a "talent chain" that perfectly matches the "industrial chain". It is going to attract 1,000 talents with doctoral degrees or above, 3,000 talents with master's degrees and 30,000 talents with college degrees by 2026. The project invites first-class domestic agencies for design and planning, introduces industry-leading constructor to improve supporting functions and construction standard, and to contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of the city eventually.


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