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日期: 来源:幸福钢城收集编辑:幸福钢城


Jinan, a historical and cultural city famous for its springs, is surrounded by Mount Tai and the Yellow River. The folk customs here are honest and unsophisticated, which has bred a culture with a history of thousands of years and gathered numerous outstanding talents. In order to promote a real and comprehensive Jinan, a series of short videos,Foreign Hosts Explore Jinan, supported by the Publicity Department of the CPC Jinan Municipal Committee, and produced by Jinan International Communication Center and China News Service Shandong Bureau, is online. With foreign friends living in Jinan as the leading roles, this series of videos presents the local customs, history, culture and development of Jinan, and shows the unique charm of this ancient city from the perspective of foreign hosts. At close quarters and from multiple angles, let’s follow the international friends to explore Jinan and learn about its high-quality development and achievements.


“The world is a big place, and I want to see just more of it.” Ji Xiang (Dean Gordon Munk) from Canada has lived in Jinan for 5 years. As a special foreign host of Jinan International Communication Center, Ji Xiang will lead everyone into his one-day fantasy trip in Gangcheng District of Jinan.


When he woke up, Ji Xiang was in the Panlong Bangzi Theater. A classic selection of Panlong Bangzi Opera, which promotes Chinese traditional virtue of respecting the elderly, was on stage. “Bravo!” That was Ji Xiang's first time watching Panlong Bangzi Opera.


Panlong Bangzi, also known as Laopo Tune, is a very ancient traditional opera and a provincial intangible cultural heritage, which has a history of nearly 300 years.More than 300 years ago, a family with the surname of Huang from Boshan brought the Zuotouzi Opera (a kind of puppet show) to Gangcheng. After several generations of inheritance, in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, they sorted out 16 singing forms and named it "Panlong Bangzi" according to the local geomantic omen. Panlong Bangzi has a high pitch and a combination of hardness and softness in singing, and is good at interchanging chest voice with falsetto. In the form of performance, the actors have exaggerated body posture and unique singing voice with a strong rural characteristic. It is a popular folk art that is suitable for all ages. In 2016, Panlong Bangzi was officially publicized as a provincial intangible cultural heritage by Shandong Provincial People's Government.


Later, JiXiang met Han Ke, the inheritor of Panlong Bangzi Opera and a farmer screenwriter and director. At the shooting scene, JiXiang made a guest appearance with wooden props in Han Ke's film.


With a knock of the wooden props, JiXiang transferred to Qiaoduo-tiangong Rosewood Culture Museum. Sitting on a round-backed armchair, the most comfortable chair recognized at all times and all over the world, “it’s so comfortable.”he said.


Rosewood was the ballast wood that Zheng He brought back from Southeast Asia during his voyages to the West during the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the rosewood furniture was all made manually by a carpenter from beginning to end. But now, it is made in the way of production management of modern enterprises by assembly line and standardized production. For rosewood furniture doesn't need any screws and is all combined with mortise and tenon, it is also called “Firmnessof Thousands of Years”, which means that it won't go bad even after thousands of years.


“It's so beautiful!”JiXiang raved when he saw the Qiangong-babu Bed, which is known as thelargest and most luxurious bed in the world. The Qiangong-babuBed was specially designed for the ladies of the upper class in ancient China,which was worth more than five million yuan. JiXiang couldn't help sitting on it……


At the moment of sitting down, JiXiang transferred to Qishan Agricultural Products Base. At a farmer's house, the hostess was preparing the raw materials for making pitaya pancakes with the characteristics of Gangcheng District. The reason why the pitaya pancake has become a feature of Gangcheng is that the raw materials of pitaya are picked from their own greenhouses. Gangcheng introduced new varieties of pitaya from the south of China and successfully developed the characteristic industry.


Grinding the batter, making a fire, heating the griddle, spreading the pancakes, the hostess was very skilled at making pancakes. JiXiang also tried it himself. He took a spoon with batter in his left hand and a pancake spreading tool in the right. Under the guidance of the hostess, JiXiang successfully made the first pancake in his life. “Very nice!”After eating the pancake of his own labor, JiXiang felt sweet from the bottom of his heart.


“Today's tour of Gangcheng has given me a new understanding of Jinan.All these people, the farmers, the workers, the carpenters and the film producer, their lives are ordinary but full. What a wonderful day.”JiXiangsaid, “Sometimes a wonderful life is like a dream, but when you experience life carefully, you will find that it could be real. Come to Jinan, and enjoy a better life in Gangcheng District!”



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