“A hundred years ago, Wuhan actually had such a close connection with Russia!” declared Ilia, the reporter from the Russian Sputnik News Agency, who came to Wuhan for the first time following the "Belt and Road" node city interview group.
The Livanov Mansion, built in 1902, was the residence of the wealthy Russian businessman Livanov when he ran the tea business in Wuhan. The hundred-year house brought Ilia a sense of familiarity as the style is ubiquitous in the southern part of Russia. He could not help but sigh that there were so many Russian businessmen living in Wuhan a hundred years ago!
In Anna's eyes, Wuhan is a city full of life in southern China. She said that she had been to Wuhan before because of her work, but this interview trip gave her a different impression. For the first time she learned that Wuhan was once a major commercial town in China a hundred years ago.
In the Tea Route Cultural Park at the Riverside Park, two Russian journalists took photos with a group of sculptures excitedly. The statues showcase the history of the tea trade in China, Mongolia and Russia. In the middle of the 19th century, tea embarked on a journey from Hankou and arrived in Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia after crossing the big rivers, wasteland and deserts.
出品:武汉广播电视台 长江国际传播中心
融媒体记者:柏玉娟 吴杰 何思蕾
编辑:李兰 吕艳丽