


While most kids are excited for that start of summer vacation, Princess Charlotte can’t wait to get back to school!

Princess Charlotte, 4, will join her big brother, Prince George, 5, at Thomas’s Battersea in September, Kensington Palace announced last month.



During one of Kate and William's walkabouts during their official royal visit to Cumbria, the royals opened up about their daughter. The publication spoke to Helen Jones, who brought her four-year-old daughter, Eva, along to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. And according to Jones, Kate "said Charlotte was looking forward to school," and she was also "very friendly."

这么说来,是不是该给公主殿下看看他哥头一天去上学时不情不愿的样子↓ 当时乔治上学可是引来了不少媒体的围观,不过小王子表现得有些害羞,紧紧抓着爸爸的手。


Prince George's first day was a well-documented affair, with press invited to cover the event. The third-in-line to the throne looked a little timid as he arrived at Thomas's Battersea, holding onto his dad's hand and shying away from the cameras. Sadly, Kate was unable to drop off her son as she was suffering from severe morning sickness at home. Kate was pregnant with her third child, Prince Louis, at the time.



Charlotte previously attended Willcocks Nursery School, which she began in January 2018. The school, which is housed in a church hall, is next door to London’s Royal Albert Hall, and very close to the family’s Kensington Palace home.



“We are delighted that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have decided that Princess Charlotte will join her elder brother, Prince George, at Thomas’s Battersea,” Headmaster Simon O’Malley said. “We greatly look forward to welcoming her and all of our new pupils to the school in September.”



Prince George began attending Thomas’s Battersea in London in 2017.

The establishment is about four miles south of the family’s Kensington Palace home.

The fees for George are £6,429 a term or £19,287 a year, while for Charlotte they will be £6,305 a term of £18,915 a year - the lower figure being due to a small discount given to a family's second child.


Thomas's prides itself on a 'rounded education', with as much emphasis on kindness as academic results - although many of its 540 boys and girls, aged four to 13, go on to top public schools such as Eton.


Society magazine Tatler says it is populated by 'pushy professional parents'.

However the Good Schools Guide describes it as 'competitive' and chosen by parents who want the 'best education money can buy'.


All children are required to learn an instrument and there are two pottery rooms.

而关于这所学校的课程,之前乔治小王子入学时英媒就有过报道. 学校从小就培养孩子的礼仪,每天上学放学都要跟老师握手并有眼神交流。( 学校这是把小朋友们都向领导者培养呢~)

Never too early to teach good etiquette, the school day begins and ends with a firm handshake, plus good eye contact with the teacher — highly important skills, of course, for youngsters destined to become leaders in their fields.


Pupils will have the chance to join a debating club — it's never too early to train for the Oxbridge societies — study philosophy, learn Italian or try their hands at songwriting, fencing, golf or pottery.


Ballet is compulsory for boys and girls until the age of seven. Pupils are entered for the prestigious Royal Academy of Dance examination, also putting on ballet shows for family and friends.


The school owns Daheim ski chalet in the beautiful Wurzeralm region of the Austrian Alps. Bought 25 years ago by the Thomas family, it's where pupils are taken on trips in years 5 and 6.


Sporty parents like Prince William and Kate may have been partly attracted to the school by the amount of physical activity – sports take up 20 percent of the curriculum time.



Princess Charlotte has already picked up some Spanish. Nanny Maria Turrion Borrallo is from Spain.

“She’s very sweet and very confident — she’s always chatting away,” a source said of the little royal, adding that she “is so polite, but also fun and energetic. She has beautiful manners.”




综合来源:People, Hello!, Daily Mail, Harper's Bazaar, Express

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