Girard-Perregaux is proud to unveil its new brand ambassador for China, the acclaimed actor Chen Xiao - a young Chinese actor in both television and film, who shows great promise for the future, carving out a name for himself as a result of his intuitive and sparkling performances, earning him many accolades from both the public and the industry.
我粗略翻译一下: Girard-Perregaux非常荣幸地宣布我们中国区品牌代言人,著名演员陈晓——一位中国电影和电视剧青年演员,他用敏锐的直觉和精湛的表演雕刻出自己,未来可期,前程锦绣,并且获得了观众和业界的诸多赞喻。
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