
翻译整理: 兰桂姬语言文化

From his Belmarsh wedding to his skateboarding round Ecuador’s embassy, Ithaka tells the story of the WikiLeaks founder’s extradition battle, through the eyes of his hard-campaigning father从他的贝尔马什婚礼到他在厄瓜多尔大使馆玩滑板的经历,伊萨卡通过他顽强竞选的父亲的眼睛讲述了维基解密创始人引渡战的故事

The poem Ithaka, written in 1911 by the Greek writer Constantine Cavafy, opens with the lines: “As you set out for Ithaka / hope that your journey is a long one / full of adventure, full of discovery.” It has given a new documentary about Julian Assange both its title and, in many ways, its theme. The film follows Assange’s 76-year-old father, John Shipton, on his own long and winding road to try to save his son from US jail on espionage charges, resulting from the state secrets revealed by WikiLeaks, the organisation Assange founded.

希腊作家康斯坦丁·卡瓦菲 (Constantine Cavafy) 于 1911 年写的一首诗伊萨卡 (Ithaka) 的开头是:“当你出发前往伊萨卡时/希望你的旅程是漫长的/充满冒险和启发的。”它给出了一部关于朱利安·阿桑奇的新纪录片,既有标题,也有很多方面的主题。这部电影讲述了阿桑奇 76 岁的父亲约翰·希普顿(John Shipton)在漫长而曲折的道路上,试图将他的儿子从美国监狱中以Jian-碟 罪名中解救出来,由于阿桑奇创立的组织维基解密披露了国家机密而造成他入狱。


The film – made by Australian director Ben Lawrence and produced by Gabriel Shipton, Assange’s brother – is released in Britain at a crucial stage in the journey. Two weeks ago, home secretary Priti Patel gave the go-ahead for the extradition of Assange, who has been held for the last three years in Belmarsh, the high security prison in London, after spending seven years holed up in the embassy of Ecuador until his arrest in 2019. His legal team are appealing against the latest decision and the battle will be fought over the coming months.

这部电影由澳大利亚导演本·劳伦斯(Ben Lawrence)制作,由阿桑奇的兄弟加布里埃尔·希普顿(Gabriel Shipton)制作,在引渡过程的关键阶段在英国上映。两周前,内政大臣普里蒂·帕特尔(Priti Patel)批准引渡阿桑奇(Assange),他在过去三年被关押在伦敦的高度戒备监狱贝尔马什(Belmarsh),此前他在厄瓜多尔大使馆待了七年,直到他于 2019 年被捕。他的法律团队正在对最新决定提出上诉,这场斗争将在未来几个月内展开。

There have been countless documentaries, books, podcasts and pronouncements about Assange, but Ithaka takes a different and very sideways approach, focusing on a father’s quest for his son’s freedom. “Julian and I are virtually the same age and for someone of my generation he really made a mark,” says director Lawrence in a video call from Sydney. “As an avid reader of the news, I was fascinated by the story. So when the chance came to get involved I was interested straight away.”

有无数关于阿桑奇的纪录片、书籍、播客和声明,但伊萨卡采取了一种不同的、非常侧面的方法,专注于父亲对儿子自由的追求。 “朱利安和我几乎同龄,对于我这一代人来说,他确实取得了成功,”导演劳伦斯在悉尼的视频通话中说。 “作为新闻的狂热读者,我对这个故事很着迷。因此,当有机会参与其中时,我立刻就产生了兴趣。”

Shipton was not part of his son’s life from the time Assange was a precocious three-year-old, nicknamed “Wizard”, until his early 20s. But he has now become a key figure, along with Assange’s wife, Stella Moris, in the fight to have him released. We see Shipton outside the Old Bailey in 2020 as the judge makes the initial decision, since overturned, to halt the extradition on the grounds that it could lead to Assange’s suicide. Footage shows him giving countless interviews and talks at rallies “because Julian can no longer speak for himself”.

从阿桑奇 3 岁早熟、绰号“巫师”到 20 岁出头,希普顿并不是他儿子生活的一部分。但他现在已成为关键人物,与阿桑奇的妻子斯特拉莫里斯一起,争取让他获释。我们在 2020 年看到希普顿在老贝利外面,因为法官做出了最初的决定,自推翻以来,以可能导致阿桑奇自杀为由停止引渡。视频显示他在集会上进行了无数次采访和演讲,“因为朱利安不能再为自己说话了”。


Shipton, who spent his life in the building trade, was – like his son – always on the maverick side. We hear how when he was 11, at a boarding school in Bathurst, New South Wales, he wrote lines from Voltaire on the blackboard while his classmates were at chapel. He was an anti-war activist in his youth when Australia was fighting alongside the US in Vietnam, so there is a symmetry: WikiLeaks’s best-known revelations concern atrocities committed in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the treatment of unconvicted prisoners in Guantánamo Bay. “I never found a war I liked,” says Shipton, remarkably cheerfully, via video from Sheffield, where the film is premiering at the documentary festival.

希普顿一生从事建筑行业,就像他的儿子一样,总是站在特立独行的一边。我们听说他 11 岁时,在新南威尔士州巴瑟斯特的一所寄宿学校,当他的同学们在教堂时,他在黑板上写下了伏尔泰的台词。当澳大利亚在越南与美国并肩作战时,他年轻时是一名反战活动家,因此这样就对上了:维基解密最著名的揭露涉及美国在伊拉克和阿富汗战争中犯下的暴行,以及在关塔纳摩监狱对待未定罪囚犯的方式。 “我从来都不喜欢战争,”希普顿通过来自谢菲尔德的视频非常高兴地说道,这部电影正在谢菲尔德的纪录片节上首映。

The film captures Shipton on his many travels. “I’ve got two passports full of stamps – that’s my reckoning sheet,” he says. “Geneva eight times, Berlin, Oslo, Bergen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stockholm, Gothenburg. It has been exhausting, so when Gabriel and I were travelling across the US and we got a bit down at the end of the day, we used to play the Sean Connery recording of Ithaka on YouTube, with that beautiful brogue that he has.” His current literary companion, he says, is Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo.

这部电影记录了希普顿的多次旅行。 “我有两本印满邮票的护照——那是我的账簿,”他说。 “日内瓦八次,柏林、奥斯陆、卑尔根、爱丁堡、格拉斯哥、斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡。这很累,所以当我和加布里埃尔在美国旅行时,我们在一天结束时有点情绪低落,我们曾经在 YouTube 上播放肖恩康纳利 (Sean Connery) 为伊萨卡 (Ithaka) 录制的唱片,他拥有的那首优美的布洛克风格的音乐。”他说,他目前的文学伴侣是尼采的 Ecce Homo。

Some of the most remarkable scenes in the film centre on CCTV footage from inside the Ecuadorian embassy of Assange and Moris. They did not know, at the time, that they were being filmed. We see Assange skateboarding round his tiny room and having a low-key Christmas meal with his father and Moris. “It’s the embassy’s footage from the security company,” says Lawrence. It contains scenes of Assange’s meetings with his lawyers and doctors – and was supposedly being hand-delivered to the US every 15 days. “Stella was approached by one of the security guards who warned her about it,” he adds. “She stopped going into the embassy at that point. Really grubby stuff.”

影片中一些最引人注目的场景集中在厄瓜多尔阿桑奇和莫里斯大使馆内的闭路电视录像中。他们当时并不知道他们正在被拍摄。我们看到阿桑奇在他的小房间里玩滑板,并与他的父亲和莫里斯一起低调地享用圣诞大餐。劳伦斯说:“这是大使馆从保安公司拍摄的镜头。”它包含阿桑奇与他的律师和医生会面的场景 - 据说每 15 天就会被送到美国。他补充说:“一名警卫接近了斯特拉,警告她这件事。” “那时她停止进入大使馆。真是肮脏的东西。”

For all the seriousness of its subject, Ithaka has some touching offbeat moments. In one scene, Moris, on the phone to Assange in Belmarsh, steps outside and the clip-clop of a passing horse can be heard. “That’s a nice sound,” Julian remarks.尽管它的主题很严肃,但伊萨卡有一些令人感动的另类时刻。在一个场景中,莫里斯在给贝尔马什的阿桑奇打电话时,走到外面,可以听到一匹马过马的噼啪声。 “这是一个很好的声音,”朱利安评论道。

“I thought it was such a beautiful moment,” says Lawrence. “A man incarcerated listening to the sounds of the outside world and having a profound appreciation of them, having not heard them for so long.” In another scene, Shipton reflects: “It’s 11 years since Julian was in the company of a tree or a plant or a caterpillar or a butterfly.” Lawrence hopes that this less traditional approach will help the film reach a wider audience – he cites Errol Morris, Frederick Wiseman, Joe Berlinger, Michael Winterbottom and Tom Zubrycki as documentary-makers he admires.

我认为这是一个美好的时刻,”劳伦斯说。 “一个被关押的人,听着外面的世界的声音,对它们有着深刻的欣赏,很久没有听到它们了。”在另一个场景中,希普顿回忆道:“朱利安与一棵树、一棵植物、一只毛毛虫或一只蝴蝶在一起已经 11 年了。”劳伦斯希望这种不那么传统的方法能够帮助这部电影吸引更广泛的观众——他引用埃罗尔·莫里斯、弗雷德里克·怀斯曼、乔·柏林格、迈克尔·温特伯顿和汤姆·祖布里奇作为他钦佩的纪录片制作人。

Assange has at times been a problematic figure, one who has fallen out spectacularly with many journalists - not least some at the Guardian and the New York Times. But even those who found him difficult now argue strongly against his incarceration by US authorities whose shameful – and unpunished – behaviour he exposed through the data leaked to him by Chelsea Manning, who has suffered imprisonment herself. This behaviour included the fatal shooting of Iraqi civilians and Reuters journalists from a US military Apache helicopter in 2007 and details of the torture of prisoners arrested in Afghanistan.

阿桑奇有时是一个争议性的人物,他与许多记者发生了惊人的争吵——尤其是《卫报》和《纽约时报》的一些记者。但即使是那些认为他很难相处的人现在也强烈反对美国当局对他的监禁,他通过切尔西曼宁泄露给他的数据揭露了他可耻且不受惩罚的行为,后者本人也曾被监禁。这种行为包括 2007 年美军阿帕奇直升机对伊拉克平民和路透社记者的致命射击,以及在阿富汗被捕的囚犯遭受酷刑的细节。

Ithaka – by humanising Assange through his likable dad, his loyal wife and his children, and through the spectre of a grim American supermax jail and a reminder of what secrets WikiLeaks revealed – hopes to reach an audience that can play a part in halting the kind of vindictive punishment WikiLeaks has so often exposed. For Shipton, the journey has certainly been a long one. Now he awaits the next adventures and discoveries.伊萨卡——通过他可爱的父亲、他忠诚的妻子和他的孩子,以及通过严峻的美国超级监狱的幽灵和维基解密透露的秘密,将阿桑奇人性化——希望吸引能够在阻止这种情况方面发挥作用的观众维基解密经常曝光的报复性惩罚。对于希普顿来说,这段旅程无疑是漫长的。现在他等待下一次冒险和发现。

Ithaka is released in the UK on 8 July, and is streaming on ABC iview in Australia.Ithaka 于 7 月 8 日在英国上映,并在澳大利亚的 ABC iview 上播放

来源:‘There were plans to poison Julian’: Ithaka, the film charting Assange’s fight for freedom | Film | The Guardian

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