George R.R. Martin is not hiding his competitive spirit when it comes to HBO's “Game of Thrones” prequel series “House of the Dragon” facing off against Amazon Prime Video's “The Lords of the Rings: The Rings of Power” later this year. “Dragon” is launching its inaugural season on Aug. 21, followed by the Sept. 2 launch of “Rings” on Prime Video. Both series will be overlapping with new episodes. While Martin is thrilled that television viewers are getting more epic fantasy projects, he still wants “Dragon” to beat “Rings.”
“I know a lot of articles, the minute the dates were announced, it's: ‘Oh, the battle for fantasy supremacy. It's ‘Rings of Power’ versus ‘House of Dragon,’ who will win?’ I don't know why they always have to do that,” Martin told The Independent at the Santa Fe Literary Festival. “I hope both shows succeed. I'm competitive enough. I hope we succeed more. If they win six Emmys, and I hope they do, I hope we win seven. But nonetheless, it's good for fantasy. I love fantasy. I love science fiction. I want more shows on television.”
“House of the Dragon” is set 200 years before the events of “Game of Thrones” and stars Paddy Considine (as King Viserys I), Emmy D'Arcy (as Princess Rhaenrya, Viserys' first child and his heir apparent), Matt Smith (as Prince Daemon, Viserys' younger brother), Rhys Ifans (as Ser Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King), Olivia Cooke (as Lady Alicent Hightower, Otto's daughter), Fabien Frankel (as Ser Criston Cole, a knight with eyes for Rhaenrya), Steve Toussaint (as Lord Corlys Velaryon a.k.a. The Sea Snake), Eve Best (as Princess Rhaenys Velaryon) and Sonoya Mizuno (as Mysaria, confidante to Daemon Targaryen).
《龙之家族》的故事发生在《权力的游戏》事件发生前200年,由Paddy Considine(饰演国王韦赛里斯一世),Emmy D ' arcy(饰演公主Rhaenrya,韦赛里斯的第一个孩子和继承人),Matt Smith(饰演戴蒙王子,韦赛里斯的弟弟),Rhys Ifans(饰演国王之手奥托•海托华爵士),Olivia Cooke(饰演奥托的女儿艾丽森特•海托华夫人),Fabien Frankel(饰演克里斯顿•科尔爵士,一位拥有雷恩斯亚家族眼眸颜色的骑士),Steve Toussaint(饰演科利斯•瓦列利安,又名海蛇),Eve Best(饰演雷妮丝•坦格利安公主)和Sonoya Mizuno(饰演梅沙利亚,守护戴蒙王子的红颜知己)。
As Variety exclusively reported last month, “House of the Dragon” cost HBO under $20 million per episode to produce its 10-episode first season. For comparison, “Game of Thrones” cost HBO around $100 million per season. Its per-episode price tag began at roughly $6 million in Season 1 and rose to $15 million for the show's eighth and final season.
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