凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 (Katie Holmes) 独家报道:《道森溪》不会重启

Bad news for anyone who doesn’t want to wait to see a “Dawson’s Creek” reboot.对于不想等着看“道森溪”重启的人来说,这是个坏消息。

Katie Holmes says there is no interest among the cast in doing an update on the popular teen drama that aired for six seasons on the WB between 1998 and 2003.凯蒂霍尔姆斯说,演员们没有兴趣对这部 1998 年至 2003 年间在 WB 播出了六季的流行青少年剧进行更新。

“No,” she told Screen Rant Tuesday when asked if she’d be up for revisiting those characters. “I’m so grateful for that experience. We’ve definitely talked about it over the years, but I feel like that show captured that time period and that time in all of our lives.“不,”周二,当被问及是否愿意重温这些角色时,她告诉 Screen Rant,“我非常感谢那次经历。多年来我们肯定谈论过它,但我觉得那个节目定格了那段时间和我们一生中的那段时间。

“So I think it’s great that you are nostalgic for it. So am I. But it’s like, do we want to see them not at that age? I don’t know. I don’t think (so). We all decided we don’t actually.”“所以我认为你对它仍有怀念也很好,我也是。但我们还想看到他们演绎不在那个年龄段的节目吗?我不知道,我不这么认为。我们实际上都决定我们并不想。”

Holmes became a star on “Dawson’s Creek” playing Joey Potter and co-starring with James Van Der Beek, Joshua Jackson and Michelle Williams. Fans have continued to watch them in reruns and got to see them reunite for the 20th anniversary of the show’s premiere in 2018.福尔摩斯成为“道森溪”中的明星,扮演乔伊波特,并与詹姆斯范德比克、约书亚杰克逊和米歇尔威廉姆斯共同主演。粉丝们继续观看他们的重播,并看到他们在该节目首映 20 周年之际重聚2018 年。

And while Holmes has nixed the idea of “Dawson’s Creek” joining the legion of shows going the reboot route, Mary-Margaret Humes, who played Dawson’s mom, Gail Leery, on the drama, previously said the cast had indeed talked about it.虽然福尔摩斯已经拒绝了“道森的小溪”加入大量重启路线的剧集的想法,但在剧中扮演道森的妈妈盖尔·李瑞的玛丽-玛格丽特·休姆斯此前曾表示,演员阵容已经确实谈到了。

“There has been a secret text message going around among all we actors,” she said in March 2021 on ATX TV’s “Mother Knows Best: A Look at ‘90s TV Moms.” “Katie Holmes and I have talked about it extensively. James Van Der Beek and I have talked about it.”“我们所有演员之间都有一条秘密短信,”她在 2021 年 3 月在 ATX 电视台的“母亲最清楚:看看 90 年代的电视妈妈”中说。“凯蒂霍尔姆斯和我已经广泛讨论过。詹姆斯范德贝克和我已经谈过了。”

“As far as I know — personal information from the kids — there’s a strong possibility,” she added. “I’d like to keep that hope alive for everybody, because the fans are clamoring for it and they want to live a simpler life like we had back in 1998.”“据我所知——来自孩子们的个人信息——很有可能,”她补充道,“我想让每个人都保持这种希望,因为粉丝们都在大声疾呼,他们希望过上更简单的生活就像我们在 1998 年一样。”

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