
  • 今年迄今为止,泰勒·斯威夫特(美国著名歌星,网友称为“霉霉”)的喷气式飞机比其他任何明星的喷气式飞机排放的二氧化碳都多。她的团队表示,这并不全是她的错。Taylor Swift's jet emitted more CO2 than any other celebrity jet so far this year. Her team says it's not all her fault.


这架飞机的二氧化碳排放总量是人均年排放量(7公吨)的1200倍。The jet's CO2 emissions total around 1,200 times more emissions than the average person's annual emissions — 7 metric tons.

数字营销公司Yard最近的一项研究发现,到目前为止,霉霉的飞机今年已经排放了8293吨二氧化碳,比第二名梅威瑟的飞机多1200多吨。(注:弗洛伊德·梅威瑟,美国职业拳击手,先后获得过五个级别的拳王金腰带。至2015年以49胜0负的纪录宣布退役 A recent study from Yard, a digital marketing firm, found Swift's jet has emitted 8,293 metric tons of CO2 so far this year — over 1,200 metric tons more than the jet of the runner-up, Floyd Mayweather.


霉霉的团队辩解称,她经常把自己的飞机借给别人。Swift's team defended her by saying that she often loans out her jet to other people.

这项研究使用了@CelebJets(明星私人飞机)Twitter账户的数据以追踪各个明星的行程。该账号显示,霉霉的飞机今年已经飞行了170次,其中最短的飞行时间仅为36分钟。The study used data from the @CelebJets Twitter account, which tracks the trips of celebrities. The account showed Swift's jet has taken 170 trips this year. Her shortest flight was 36 minutes.


在气候危机期间,名人因乘坐私人短途航班而遭到强烈反对。美国环境保护署报告称,航空相关排放只占美国温室气体排放的3%,但一般来说,飞机在一次飞行中产生的排放量比许多人一年的排放量还要多。私人飞机的人均排放量更高,因为乘坐私人飞机的人数通常更少。Celebrities have been receiving backlash for their short private flights amid the climate crisis. Aviation-related emissions only make up three percent of the US greenhouse gas emissions, the EPA reported, but planes in general produce more emissions during one flight than many people do in a year. Private jets produce more emissions per passenger because there are usually fewer people traveling in them.

释放到大气中的二氧化碳是当前气候危机的主要驱动因素之一。这种气体会产生温室效应,将热量困在地球上,改变地球的气候模式,引发极端天气事件。CO2 released into the atmosphere one of the main drivers of the current climate crisis. The gas creates a greenhouse effect that traps heat on earth, altering its climate patterns and inducing extreme weather events.

  • 泰勒·斯威夫特回应指责

霉霉通过发言人回应了上述谴责性报告,斥责该报告将其列为私人飞机排放二氧化碳最多的名人名单之首。Taylor Swift has responded via a representative to a damning report that placed her at the top of a list of celebrities whose private jets produce the most carbon dioxide emissions.


霉霉的经纪人告诉《滚石》杂志说:“泰勒的私人飞机会定期租借给其他人。“把大部分或所有这些旅行都归咎于她,显然是不正确的。”“Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals,” the pop star’s rep told Rolling Stone. “To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect.”

然而,研究机构Yard自己也指出,它的排名并不是“结论性的”,因为@CelebJets(明星私人飞机)Twitter账号并没有跟踪每一个乘坐私人飞机的名人。例如,这个账户似乎主要关注娱乐明星。创建@CelebJets的佛罗里达大学生实际上有单独的Twitter账户,用以追踪埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)等亿万富翁的私人航班。However, Yard itself noted that its rankings were not “conclusive,” since @CelebJets does not track every single famous person who takes private flights. For instance, the account appears to largely focus on entertainers, and the Florida college student who created @CelebJets actually has separate Twitter accounts that track the private flights of billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.


尽管如此,霉霉还是上了头条,因为报道称她是今年头号明星二氧化碳排放者,到目前为止,她的飞机总共飞行了170次,共22923分钟。Nevertheless, Swift made headlines after the report dubbed her the number-one celebrity CO2 polluter for the year, with her plane racking up a total of 170 flights and 22,923 minutes in the air so far.

凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner,美国演员、模特、企业家和社交媒体名人)因使用私人飞机而遭到广泛反对后不久,Yard就起草了这份报告,这位真人秀明星在社交媒体上被贴上了“气候罪犯”的标签。但在参与研究的名人中,詹纳甚至没有进入前10名。在霉霉之后,坐飞机最多的名人是弗洛伊德·梅威瑟职业拳击手Jay-Z著名说唱歌手/碧昂斯老公亚历克斯·罗德里格斯职业运动员布莱克·谢尔顿著名乡村男歌手史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格著名导演金·卡戴珊演员、企业界、时尚先锋马克·沃尔伯格著名演员奥普拉·温弗瑞脱口秀一姐特拉维斯·斯科特说唱歌手。《滚石》杂志还联系了名单上的其他名人,但只有霉霉的经纪人回应了。



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