泰勒·斯威夫特:《午夜》乐评 - 充满了自我厌恶和对陈规定型的抨击


泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员。2006年,发行个人首张音乐专辑《Taylor Swift》,该专辑获得美国唱片业协会认证5倍白金唱片销量。2008年,发行音乐专辑《Fearless》,该专辑在美国公告牌专辑榜上获11周冠军,认证7倍白金唱片销量,并获得第52届格莱美奖年度专辑奖。2010年,发行音乐专辑《Speak Now》,单曲《Mean》获2座格莱美奖。同年,获创作人名人堂“哈尔·大卫星光大奖”。2011年,凭借三张实体专辑销量,获得中国区“五白金唱片”销量认证。2012年,开始向流行乐歌手转型,并发行音乐专辑《Red》。2013年,获得第47届乡村音乐协会奖巅峰奖。


Taylor Swift: Midnights review – small-hours pop rich with self-loathing and stereotype-smashing

泰勒·斯威夫特:《午夜》乐评 - 深夜流行音乐,充满了自我厌恶和对陈规定型的抨击

It’s one of the weirder aspects of 21st century pop that every major new album feels like a puzzle to be solved. Nothing is ever just announced, promoted, then released. Instead, breadcrumbs of mysterious hints and visual clues are very gradually dropped via the artist’s social media channels. Fans pore over them and formulate excitable theories as to what’s about to happen. Articles are written collating said fans’ theories and weighing up their potential veracity. Sometimes, it goes on longer than the actual album’s stay in the charts.


It has certainly happened with Taylor Swift’s 10th studio album, Midnights. Everything has been pored over for potential information about its contents, up to and including the kind of eye shadow she wears on the album cover. Conspiracy theories have abounded. Space precludes exploring them here, as does concern for your welfare: reading about them makes one’s head hurt a bit.


Still, perhaps it’s inevitable that people are intrigued as to Swift’s next move. There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the willingness of big stars to service their fans with more of the same: building an immediately recognisable brand in a world where tens of thousands of new tracks are added to streaming services every day. It’s an approach that Midnights’ one marquee-name guest, Lana Del Rey, knows a lot about, but not one to which Swift has adhered. Instead, she has continually pivoted: from Nashville to New York, pedal steel guitars to fizzing synthesisers, Springsteen-like heartland rock to dubstep-infused pop.

不过,也许人们对斯威夫特的下一步行动感到好奇是不可避免的。近年来有很多关于大明星愿意为他们的粉丝提供更多相同的服务的讨论:在一个每天都有数以万计的新曲目被添加到流媒体服务的世界里,建立一个立即可识别的品牌。这是Midnights的一位著名嘉宾Lana Del Rey非常了解的方法,但不是Swift所坚持的方法。相反,她一直在不断地转换:从纳什维尔到纽约,从踏板钢吉他到闪光的合成器,从斯普林斯廷式风格到杜比斯特普(回响贝斯)融合的流行音乐风格。


  • review /rɪˈvjuː/ n.乐评;
  • small-hours n.凌晨;深夜;
  • pop /pɑːp/ n.流行音乐;
  • stereotype-smashing 抨击模式化的思想观念;
  • smashing /ˈsmæʃɪŋ/ n.抨击;
  • breadcrumb /ˈbredkrʌmb/ n.面包渣;
  • hint /hɪnt/ n.暗示;
  • clue /kluː/ n.线索;
  • pore over 仔细研究;
  • formulate /ˈfɔːrmjuleɪt/ vt.提出;想出;
  • weigh up 权衡;
  • veracity /vəˈræsəti/ n.真实性;
  • conspiracy theories 阴谋论;
  • abound /əˈbaʊnd/ vi.大量存在;
  • preclude /prɪˈkluːd/ vt.阻碍;
  • intrigued /ɪnˈtriːɡd/ adj.感兴趣的;
  • track /træk/ n.单曲;
  • streaming services 流媒体服务;
  • marquee-name adj.有名的;
  • adhere /ədˈhɪr/ vi.坚持;
  • pivot /ˈpɪvət/ vi.转换;
  • infused /ɪnˈfjuːzd/ adj.融合的;


文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)

作者:Alexis Petridis

原文发布时间:21 Oct. 2022


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