
The Prince and Princess of Wales took their children to school yesterday instead of tuning in to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell documentary, a royal expert has claimed.


Prince William and Kate Middleton, are said to have been focusing on their parenting duties and sticking to 'business as usual' amid the highly anticipated release, which saw Meghan appearing to brand the Princess as a subdued alternative to the Sussexes' fiery activism.

梅根和哈里的纪录片发布备受期待。但威廉王子和凯特-米德尔顿在这一过程中一直专注于他们的育儿职责,坚持“一切如常”。在纪录片中,梅根貌似将(凯特)王妃打造成了一个冷漠的形象,以转移对the Sussexes(梅根和哈里)风风火火的激进主义的注意。

Putting on a united front against The Firm, she and Prince Harry claimed that they're now telling the story in their own words.


But senior aides told Vanity Fair's Katie Nicholl that 'keep calm and carry on' was the motto at The Palace, with the family not expected to make remarks 'at every twist and turn'.

但高级助手告诉《名利场》的凯蒂-尼科尔,"保持冷静,继续前进 "是皇宫的座右铭,不期望家族 "每次波折 "都发表言论。

The Duchess of Sussex in the release revealed she was 'barefoot' and wearing ripped jeans when she first met Will and Kate.

梅根(the Duchess of Sussex)在纪录片中透露,她第一次见威廉和凯特时“没穿袜子”,身着破洞牛仔裤。

Meghan admitted she did not know the 'formality' carries through behind closed doors and that she is a 'hugger' - which she did not realise was 'jarring for some Brits'.


In the explosive new Netflix docuseries Harry & Meghan, the former actress admitted she was 'surprised' there is a 'forward facing way of being and then you close the door'.


She said: 'Even when Will and Kate came over and I was meeting her for the first time I remember I was in ripped jeans, I was barefoot. Like I was a hugger, I have always been a hugger I didn't realise that is really jarring for a lot of Brits.'


Meanwhile King Charles also seemed to show no hint of turmoil and appeared in great spirits as he attended a community hub in London on Thursday.


The monarch beamed as he met volunteers and beneficiaries of local community initiatives in King's Cross, during a visit to King's House, which is a community hub founded by King's Cross Church.

查尔斯在访问国王之家(King's House)时,会见了国王十字区当地社区活动的志愿者和受益者,他满脸笑容。国王之家是国王十字区教会创办的一个社区中心。

The royal tried to tune out the the noise surrounding his son's bombshell series, in which the couple took a series of new swipes at the Royal Family and Britain in their new series which is being described as a transatlantic 'TV bomb' aimed at The Firm.


Episode one begins with a thinly-veiled attack on Buckingham Palace's decision not to co-operate with their six-part documentary charting their courtship, marriage and Megxit.


As part of their $100million deal with Netflix, the privacy-conscious couple have handed over a trove of pictures and video from their relationship including the moment Harry proposed in 2017 and filming himself in the VIP lounge at Heathrow as he emigrated in March 2020.


The first three episodes contain a series of barbs, including Harry's claim that he was 'literally brought up' by a 'second family' in Africa where he chose to spend three-month stints in his late teens and twenties as he came to terms with his mother's death.


Harry also describes a 'huge level of unconscious bias' in the Royal Family - with reference to Princess Michael of Kent wearing an offensive Blackamoor-style brooch in front of his wife at Buckingham Palace.


And in a swipe at the choice of wives by his male relatives, viewed as an attack on his father and other senior royals, perhaps even his brother William, Harry insisted that his decision to marry Meghan sets him apart from his family because it was 'from his heart' and not because she 'would fit the mould'.


He said his wife being an American actress 'clouded' his family's view of her - and they believed it wouldn't last.


Senior royals were said to be bracing for the worst and will be prepared to address any unfounded accusations as the new series drops on the streaming service.


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had already made a number of claims in two trailers released by Netflix in recent days, saying they had no protection from the Palace and accused aides of actively leaking and 'planting' stories against them as part of a 'dirty game'.


But the Royal Family was said to believe that the series will actually by slim on new revelations.



1)tune in

[tjuːn ɪn]


英语解释:If you tune in to a particular television or radio station or programme, you watch or listen to it.



汉语解释:vt. 制服;征服;制伏;控制;抑制,压制,克制(感情)

英语解释:1)to bring sb/sth under control, especially by using force;2)to calm or control your feelings



汉语释义:n. 可供选择的事物

英语释义: thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities



汉语释义:n. 座右铭;格言;箴言

英语释义:A motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule for sensible behaviour, especially a way of behaving in a particular situation.



中文释义:adj. 刺耳的;不和谐的;碾轧的;令人惊奇的,略微让人吃惊的;使人身子一震的

英文释义:If something jars on you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking.

6)tune out

[tjuːn aʊt]


英文释义:If you tune out, you stop listening or paying attention to what is being said.




英文释义:a remark that is meant to hurt sb's feelings

8)came to terms with

中文释义:妥协 ; 达成协议 ; 甘心忍受 ; 让步

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