

书接上文,这次我们来了解西洋书法。Europe (欧洲)

Main article: Western calligraphy (西方书法)History (历史)

Western calligraphy is recognizable by the use of the Latin . The Latin alphabet appeared about 600 BC, in Rome, and by the first century developed into Roman imperial capitals carved on stones, Rustic capitals painted on walls, and Roman cursive for daily use. In the second and third centuries the uncial lettering style developed. As writing withdrew to monasteries, uncial was found more suitable for copying the Bible and other religious texts. It was the monasteries which preserved calligraphic traditions during the fourth and fifth centuries, when the Roman Empire fell and Europe entered the Dark Ages.


At the height of the Empire, its power reached as far as Great Britain; when the empire fell, its literary influence remained. The Semi-uncial generated the Irish Semi-uncial, the small Anglo-Saxon. Each region developed its own standards following the main monastery of the region (i.e. Merovingian , Laon , Luxeuil , Visigothic , Beneventan ), which are mostly cursive and hardly readable.

在帝国最繁荣时,它控制了英国; 虽然后来帝国沦陷了,但它的文学影响依然存在。由Semi-uncial产生的爱尔兰Semi-uncial,small Anglo-Saxon。每个地区遵循该地区的主要修道院制定了自己的标准(即Merovingian ,Laon ,Luxeuil ,Visigothic ,Beneventan ),这些字体大多是草书,读起来有些困难。

Christian churches promoted the development of writing through the prolific copying of the Bible, particularly the New Testament and other sacred texts. Two distinct styles of writing known as uncial and half-uncial (from the Latin "uncia", or "inch") developed from a variety of Roman bookhands. The 7th-9th centuries in northern Europe were the heyday of Celtic illuminated manus, such as the Book of Durrow, Lindisfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells.



注:凯尔斯书(Book of Kells),约在8世纪后期—9世纪早期制成的带有泥金装饰画的四部《新约福音书》手抄本,它是华美的爱尔兰-撒克逊风格风格的一个杰作,特点是用几何设计而不是自然主义的重现,彩色的平面和复杂的交错图型,得名于凯尔斯修道院,可能在苏格兰的爱奥那岛上的爱尔兰修道院里开始绘制。经维京人袭击後,很明显这本书被拿到了米斯郡的凯尔斯修道院,在那里完成了许多部分。




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