



金庸在1955年-1972年间共创作了15本小说,和古龙、梁羽生 并称为武侠三剑客,另外两位大师也已经离开了我们 。

With 15 classic Wuxia works created between1955 and 1972, Cha has been regarded as one of the three greatest Wuxia writersalong with Gu Long and Liang Yusheng,both of whom had passed away.

金庸的作品影响了好几代中国人,包括前国家领导人邓小平 也是金庸的粉丝。

Cha's works have influenced generations ofChinese people, and former Chinese leaderDeng Xiaoping was also a fan.


Cha's works were not just a hit amongChinese readers. Earlier this year, one of his most popular works, Legends ofthe Condor Heroes, was published in English for the first time.

Translated by Anna Holmwood, the Englishversion brought the spirit of Chinese Wuxia to the world.


让我们从外部视角来看外国人是如何看金庸的 ……


The work of Louis Cha, also known as JinYong, who died on Tuesday, hasa cultural currency in the Chinese-speakingworld roughly equal to that of “Harry Potter” and “Star Wars” combined



His bestknown series of books was the Legends Of The Condor Heroes. Most of his storieswere set in the warlike society of the jianghuwhere martial artists roamedChina trading blows and upholding honour.


In aglittering career he sold more than300 million books worldwide making him oneof China's best read authors.

在金庸辉煌灿烂的一生中,一共卖出超过3亿本 书,当之无愧地成为中国最受欢迎的作家之一。

新加坡《海峡时报》 也刊登了讣闻

Obituary: Jin Yongfused martial artsfantasy, history and romance into must-read novels


In Singapore, for example, a couch potatowho has never read a word of Cha's may know his most beloved characters - GuoJing, the slow, steady hero who grows up on the Mongolian steppes; therebellious Yang Guo, who falls in love with his mentor Xiaolongnu; Zhang Wuji,the gentle, indecisive genius who takes charge of the Ming Cult- from thevarious TV adaptations.



《南华早报》 的标题称金庸是当代最有武侠精神的史诗巨匠

Tributes have been pouring in for Hong Kongmartial arts novelist Louis Cha Leung-yung, the world’s most popular Chinesewriter, who died on Tuesday after a long illness. He was 94.


His son-in-law, Dr Ng Wai-cheong, said theliterary giant was surrounded by family members when he died in the afternoon,while the Chinese-language Ming Pao newspaper, founded by Cha, confirmed hebreathed his last at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital.


Chief Executive CarrieLam Cheng Yuet-ngor ,on a visit to Japan, issued a statement expressing “deep sorrow” over Cha’sdeath and calling him “a learned man and an acclaimed writer”.

香港特首林郑月娥 沉痛悼念金庸,称他学识渊博,受人拥戴,对他的去世表示深切哀悼。

Also among the first to react to the newswas billionaireJack Ma , a lifelong lover of martial arts and chairman ofe-commerce giant Alibaba, which owns the South China Morning Post.

亿万富翁,自称金庸迷弟的马云 也第一时间表示哀悼。

“It’s a huge loss for Chinese people around the world, and it’sespecially sad for us at Alibaba as we have embraced his writings as part ofour corporate culture,” Ma said, referring to the old company practice ofemployees giving themselves nicknames drawn from characters in Cha’s novels.


“The wuxia spirit promoted by Cha has become a core value ofAlibaba,” Ma added. “I have long admired Cha and he has been a source of deepinspiration for me. He will always be in my heart.”



新加坡《海峡时报》 报道称金庸为中国武侠师祖

A former journalist and newspaper editor,Cha was considered the grandfather of Chinese martial arts, or wuxia, fiction.He was known for writing the Legends Of The Condor Heroes series of books.


Hong Kong superstarAndy Lau , who shot tofame with his role as Yang Guo in the 1983 TV adaptation of Return Of TheCondor Heroes, was contacted by iQiyi for his thoughts on Cha's passing.

Lau said: "Jin Yong is a genius in theworld of wuxia fiction. It was fate that led me to play Yang Guo, a characterhe penned."

曾经出演83版杨过的香港艺人刘德华称 金庸是武侠小说世界的奇人,能够演出他笔下的杨过是一种缘分。

He added: "I've actually always askedabout his health and his death is definitely a huge loss to the wuxia world. Ihope he rests in peace and I send my condolences to his family."


Other stars includingAlec Su, Wang Leehomand Jordan Chan also posted their condolences.

其他演艺界人士包括苏有朋,王力宏,陈小春 也纷纷表达痛惜。

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan , star of popularIndian film Three Idiots, also posted on Weibo about Cha's passing, professinghimself a fan of Cha.

He said: "I am very saddened to hearthe sad news of Mr Louis Cha passing away. His book The Deer and The Cauldrongave me a lot of joy. I read it just a few months back. I wish I could have methim. He has given so much joy to so many generations. I am his big fan. I wouldlike to offer my heartfelt condolences to his family. May he rest inpeace."

另外,宝莱坞影星阿米尔 汗也表达了自己的惋惜。他发微博说自己金庸的粉丝,金庸给了他很多快乐。



A great man…My hero



Sad to read about Jin Yong's passing. Hisbooks did more than 12 years of Mandarin classes inhelping me appreciate theChinese side of my heritage, and led to me reading more about history and martialarts to get a handle on the historicity of his novels

听到金庸去世我很难过,读他的武侠小说相当于给我上了12年的中文课,帮助我重拾中国传统文化,让我对中国的历史、武侠更感兴趣 。

Jin Yong is currently the best-sellingChinese author alive. He is 93. His works are part of the Chinese culturein the same way Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin are to ours.


Jin Yong is no more,the last great pillarof Wuxia pian has died :( RIP

金庸之后再无大侠,最后的武侠片支柱 倒下了:( 安息

I'm grateful for having been introduced tohim via Anna Holmwood's recent translation of A HERO BORN for @maclehosepress.

我很感激Anna Holmwood的译本,让我有机会走进金庸的世界。

RIP Master Jin Yong, Thank you for all thebest novels you have created for this world. You will always be the best!#RIPJINYONG

金庸大侠安息 ,感谢你为这个世界创作的优秀小说,你永远是最棒的!

金庸去世了,这会是一个时代的终结吗 ?后悔搬家的时候把金庸的小说扔掉了,现在我分分钟想买一套金庸全集。





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