孙中山(1866年11月12日--1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,幼名帝象,化名中山樵。 他是中国近代民族民主主义革命的开拓者,中国民主革命伟大先行者,中华民国和中国国民党的缔造者,三民主义的倡导者,创立《五权宪法》。他首举彻底反帝反封建的旗帜,"起共和而终两千年封建帝制"。孙中山为了改造中国耗尽毕生的精力,在历史上留下了不可磨灭的功勋,也为政治和后继者建立了坚固而珍贵的遗产。
Sun Yat-sen(November 12, 1866-March 12, 1925), the name of the text, the word contained, the number of new, and the number of Zhongshanqiao, the young name of the emperor, the name of the emperor. He was the pioneer of the modern Chinese democratic revolution, the great pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, the founder of the Republic of China and the Chinese Kuomintang, and the advocate of the Three People's Principles, and founded the "Five-Power Constitution." He first held the banner of completely anti-imperialist and anti-feudal, "starting from the Republic and ending in two thousand years of feudal imperialism." In order to transform China, Sun Yat-sen exhausted his life's energy and left indelible Meritorious service in history. He also established a solid and precious legacy for politics and successors.
辛亥革命胜利后,孙中山成为中华民国临时大总统。1912年1月3日,中华民国政府宣告成立,清朝灭亡,在中国持续2000 多年的封建君主专制随之结束。民国成立时,由于币制混乱,临时政府财政部长陈锦涛呈文大总统孙中山,鼓铸10万元纪念银币以为整顿。图案采用大总统孙中山肖像,以后的通用银币再改花纹式样。孙中山令财政部行文,同意鼓铸纪念币。中华民国开国纪念币孙中山银元应运而生。
After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, Sun Yat-sen became the interim president of the Republic of China. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was established and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed. The feudal monarchy that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China ended. When the Republic of China was established, due to the chaos of the currency system, the interim government's finance minister, Chenjintao, submitted the president, Sun Yat-sen, to drum up 100,000 yuan to commemorate silver coins for rectification. The pattern uses the portrait of President Sun Yat-sen, and later the general silver coin changes the pattern. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of Finance to write and agree to drum up commemorative coins. Sunzhongshanyinyuan, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China, came into being.
Sunzhongshanyinyuan, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China, was one of the major currencies circulating during the period of the Republic of China. With a distinctive and rich historical imprint during the period of the Republic of China, it was a physical witness of the historical period. It was an important historical material and had profound research value. The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China, Sunzhongshanyinyuan, has a unique design, a clean coin, a good appearance on the front and back, a smooth color, a bright color, a natural pulp, and a superb casting process. It is a fine product of ancient coins. At present, the amount of this coin is relatively small, and it has a certain investment collection value, which is worth collecting by Tibetans.
As a major currency in circulation, Silver Dollar reflected the political, financial and cultural background and historical value at that time. Sun Xiaotou Yinyuan is a fine product of modern Chinese coins. It has historical influence and is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value. It has far-reaching historical commemorative significance. The precious Sun Xiaotou silver yuan records the great history of the Revolution of 1911. After a hundred years of rain and rain, Sun Xiaotou silver yuan was extremely limited in number at that time, and the amount of existence was extremely scarce, especially when the quality of the goods was more scarce, so it was very popular with collectors. favor.
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