【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-12-27)



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s
Regular Press Conference on December 27, 2022

经认真研究,国务院联防联控机制相关单位制定了新型冠状病毒感染实施乙类乙管后中外人员往来暂行措施。今天,我们首先就暂行措施内容向大家作简要介绍。  Following the latest decision to manage COVID-19 with measures against Class-B infectious diseases, relevant departments under the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism have, after full assessment, formulated provisional measures on cross-border travel. I will now briefly go over these measures.

一是来华人员在行前48小时进行核酸检测,结果阴性者可来华。检测结果填入海关健康申明卡,无需向我驻外使领馆申请健康码。如呈阳性,相关人员须在转阴后再来华。  First, inbound travelers will need to show a negative nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours prior to departure. The test result will need to be noted in the customs health declaration form. Inbound travelers no longer need to apply for a health code from Chinese embassies or consulates. Those who test positive need to postpone their travel until they have a negative test result.

二是不再对入境人员实施全员核酸检测,对健康申报正常且海关口岸常规检疫无异常者,可放行进入社会面。健康申报异常或出现发热等症状人员,由海关进行抗原检测。结果为阳性者,若属于未合并严重基础疾病的无症状感染者或轻型病例,可采取居家、居所隔离或自我照护,其他情况提倡尽快前往医疗机构诊治。结果为阴性者,由海关依惯例按照《国境卫生检疫法》等法律法规实施常规检疫。  Second, nucleic acid tests will no longer be conducted on inbound travelers upon arrival. Those with no issues to report in their health declaration who have been given regular customs inspection and quarantine clearance can enter China without being subject to quarantine. Those with issues to report in their health declaration or symptoms such as fever shall receive antigen tests at the customs. For travelers who test positive, those determined to be asymptomatic or mild cases without serious underlying health conditions may self-quarantine or exercise self-care at home or place of residence. Other types of cases are advised to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Those who test negative shall go through regular customs inspection and quarantine clearance in accordance with the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and other established laws and regulations of China.

三是取消国际航班的客座率限制,分阶段增加航班数量,优化航线分布。各航司继续做好机上防疫,乘客乘机时须佩戴口罩。  Third, passenger capacity limits on international flights will be removed with phased increases in the number of flights and refined distribution of flight routes. Airlines need to keep proper prevention measures in place on board including mandatory mask-wearing for passengers.

四是进一步优化复工复产、商务、留学、探亲、团聚等外籍人士来华安排,提供相应签证便利。  Fourth, China will further refine arrangements for foreign nationals’ entry into China for such purposes as resumption of work, business, education, visiting relatives and family reunion and provide corresponding visa facilitation.

五是调整口岸“客停货通”等政策,逐步恢复陆路、水路口岸客运出入境,并为中外籍船员在中国境内换班提供更多便利。  Fifth, China will adjust the cargo-only policy at ports of entry and gradually resume entry and exit of passengers by land and water and provide greater convenience for Chinese and foreign crew change in China.

六是本着试点先行原则,有序恢复中国公民出境旅游。  Sixth, China will resume outbound tourism for Chinese citizens in an orderly fashion, starting with a pilot scheme.

上述暂行措施将于北京时间2023年1月8日起实施。中国各驻外使领馆亦将发布相应通知。请来华人员密切关注。同时,请注意加强个人防护,降低感染风险。中方将根据疫情的新发展、新形势,持续提高防控的科学精准水平,为中外人员安全健康有序往来创造更好条件。  These provisional measures will take effect on January 8, 2023 Beijing time. Chinese embassies and consulates will also issue relevant notices. Those who plan to travel to China are advised to closely follow the updates and take effective self-protection steps to reduce the risk of infection. China will continue working to make its COVID response measures more science-based, targeted and responsive to the evolving COVID situation, and better facilitate the safe and orderly cross-border travel of Chinese and foreign nationals.

法新社记者:你所宣布的消息是否意味着中国下月会恢复签发旅游签证?发言人能否确认这一点?  AFP: A follow-up question. Does it mean that China will start to issue tourist visas again next month? Can you clarify this?

汪文斌:目前,新冠大流行尚未结束。中方将继续根据疫情形势发展,科学动态调整外国人来华签证政策,为不同目的来华的各国人士提供便利。  Wang Wenbin: The COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ended. China will continue to adjust its visa policy for foreign nationals to keep up with the latest COVID situation and ease the travel of people coming to China for various purposes.

总台央视记者:外交部网站刚刚发布了中外人员往来暂行措施的通知,请问制定上述措施的考虑是什么?  CCTV: The foreign ministry has released on its website the provisional measures on cross-border travel. Could you share the considerations behind these measures?

汪文斌:疫情发生三年来,中国政府高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,本着科学精准、因时因势的原则优化疫情防控措施。根据“二十条优化措施”“新十条”规定和新型冠状病毒感染乙类乙管措施精神,国务院联防联控机制相关单位制定了中外人员往来暂行措施。有关内容与国内疫情防控措施相接轨和协调,这有利于更好统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,使中外人员往来更加便利、安全、有序、高效。  Wang Wenbin: Since COVID-19 began three years ago, the Chinese government has effectively coordinated COVID response with economic and social development and has refined the response measures by keeping them science-based, targeted and responsive to the evolving situation. In accordance with the 20 refined measures, the 10 new measures and the latest decision to downgrade management of COVID-19 to Class-B, relevant departments under the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism formulated these provisional measures on cross-border travel, which are up-to-date and in sync with the current domestic COVID measures. This will facilitate efforts to better coordinate COVID response with economic and social development, and make cross-border travel easier, safer, more orderly and more efficient.

东方卫视记者:据报道,日本政府在23日的临时内阁会议上决定2023财年防卫预算增至6.8万亿日元,这一数值刷新了历史纪录。中方对此有何评论?  Dragon TV: It is reported that at an extraordinary Cabinet meeting on December 23, the Japanese government approved a defense budget that amounted up to 6.8 trillion yen for the fiscal year of 2023, hitting a new record high. What is China’s comment?

汪文斌:我们注意到相关报道,对日本防卫预算明显大幅增长表示关切。日方渲染地区紧张局势以谋求自身军力突破,这一动向十分危险,不得不让亚洲邻国和国际社会对日本是否真心坚持专守防卫、坚持走和平发展道路产生强烈质疑。日方应认真反省侵略历史,在军事安全领域谨言慎行,以免进一步失信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。  Wang Wenbin: We have noted relevant reports and express our concerns over Japan’s significant defense budget hike. Japan has been hyping up regional tensions to seek military breakthroughs. This is a very dangerous development, and has led to serious doubts among Japan’s Asian neighbors and the wider international community over whether Japan is genuinely committed to an exclusively defense-oriented policy and a path of peaceful development. Japan needs to earnestly reflect on its history of aggression, act prudently in military and security fields, and avoid further losing the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

法新社记者:日本首相宣布自中国赴日本的旅客抵达后需进行检测,印度也于近日宣布类似的举措。发言人对此有何评论?  AFP: One more question related to COVID. The Japanese Prime Minister announced that visitors to Japan from China will have to test upon arrival. Do you have any comment on this? And India announced a similar move recently.

汪文斌:疫情发生三年来,中国政府始终秉持科学精准原则,根据疫情形势变化,不断优化各项疫情防控措施,高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,为全球团结抗疫和世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。  Wang Wenbin: Since COVID-19 began three years ago, the Chinese government has refined the response measures by keeping them science-based, targeted and responsive to the evolving situation and has effectively coordinated COVID response with economic and social development, contributing significantly to global solidarity against the pandemic and world economic recovery.

当前,需要各方科学抗疫、携手共进,保障各国人员安全往来,维护全球产业链供应链稳定,推动世界经济恢复增长。中方始终认为,各国防疫措施应当科学适度,不应影响正常的人员交往。  The current COVID situation in the world continues to call for a science-based response approach and joint effort to ensure safe cross-border travel, keep global industrial and supply chains sable, and restore world economic growth. We’ve always believed that for all countries, COVID response measures need to be science-based and proportionate without affecting normal people-to-people exchange.

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