[ Post Game Thread ] The Houston Rockets blow out the Golden State Warriors, 127-105, to even up the series at 1-1
[ 赛后 ] 勇士 105-127 火箭,哈登 27+10,戈登 27 分,杜兰特 38 分,火箭 1-1 勇士
[ – ] [ BOS ] Isaiah ThomasDurantula5 99 指標 9 分鐘前
What in the fuck happened to Eric Gordon?
凯尔特人球迷:MLGBD 埃里克 - 戈登到底怎么了? [ 译注 1 ]
[ 译注 1 ] 上场比赛 Reddit 赛后的最高亮。
[ – ] Rocketsftama 17 指標 7 分鐘前
The news of his demise have been greatly exaggerated
[ – ] Raptorsdue11 111 指標 10 分鐘前
Reports of Houston Rockets death was greatly exaggerated
猛龙球迷:有关休斯顿火箭队已经消亡的报道显然是被严重夸大了。 [ 译注 2 ]
[ 译注 2 ] 以上两句话均改编自马克 - 吐温的名言。
[ – ] jiggawara 51 指標 36 分鐘前
Eric Gordon punched those warriors in the mouth
埃里克 - 戈登今晚这是朝着勇士嘴上打啊。
[ – ] HeatNumber333 50 指標 36 分鐘前
That run when they cut it to 89-100 and then his 3... holy shit
勇士那波高潮把比分迫近到了 89:100,然后戈登抬手就是个三分,看湿了。
[ – ] WarriorsXaldes 128 指標 12 分鐘前
This sub is so reactionary lmao. The 1st game thread was all memes about this series being over already and here we are. Well played Rockets. Tucker and Gordon were the difference makers. Their 3s are gonna keep me up tonight.
"What in the fuck happened to Eric Gordon?"
另外,回顾下第一场的最高亮 "MLGBD 埃里克 - 戈登到底怎么啦?"
[ – ] RocketsAaronRodgers16 238 指標 56 分鐘前
Maybe we shouldn't have declared the series over after one game
[ – ] NuggetsTheEagleHasNotLanded 168 指標 57 分鐘前
I'd love to think that this game would be a lesson in overreacting to a single blowout, but I think it's going to be the exact opposite. What extreme lessons can we take from 48 minutes of playoff basketball today?
掘金球迷:我真的希望这场比赛能给大家一个教训,那就是不要对一场一面倒的吊打比赛反应过度,玩一场论。但我估计没屌用。今天这 48 分钟的季后赛级别比赛能给我们什么启发呢?
The amount of "Warriors in 4", "See lol people pretended Houston had a chance", "Durant ruined the league" talk was overwhelming. Is it going to be "Draymond is dirty", "Steph got exposed on defense", "KD is too selfish to help his team win" today?
Blowouts happen in basketball. Players get hot and cold. That's why they play 7 game series.
第一场比赛后,诸如什么 " 勇士要横扫啦、哈哈哈哈还真有人觉得火箭有机会呢、杜兰特毁了这个联盟 " 的言论甚嚣尘上。今天过后是不是又要 " 格林脏 B"、" 库里在防守端被打爆 "、" 杜兰特太自私,无法帮助球队赢球 " 啦?
[ – ] Hawkstacojenkins 364 指標 1 小時前
第一场后的话题区:" 杜兰特这条蛇毁了篮球,还看个屁看 "
第二场后的话题区:" 哈哈哈哈勇士垃圾库里被高估啦,火箭六场内获胜!"
[ – ] [ HOU ] Carlos Delfinowiggles97 268 指標 9 分鐘前
Thank you Charles Barkley. Also, PJ is the real playoff P
火箭球迷:谢谢你查尔斯 - 巴克利。另外,PJ- 塔克才是真正的 Playoff P。 [ 译注 3 ]
[ 译注 3 ] 在季后赛第一轮第一场打完后,安东尼称乔治是 Playoff P。(季后赛乔)。
[ – ] [ POR ] Patty Millsshickard 38 指標 8 分鐘前 *
Classic Barkley curse, just like when the Clippers were going to the Western conference finals
[ – ] NBAmom-get-the-camera 266 指標 10 分鐘前
i'Ll TaKe ThE WaRrIoRs iN 3
第一场赛后的巴克利:" 勇士三场之内解决战斗!"
[ – ] Supersonicsreality_czech 58 指標 9 分鐘前
I think Chuck has been wrong about every single playoff series so far
[ – ] LakersPalifaith 76 指標 9 分鐘前 *
Steve Kerr's strategy to sub-out Durant with 38 points failed tonight. The Warriors are 0-5 when Durant scores 39 or more this season.
湖人球迷:科尔换下 38 分杜兰特的战略今晚没有奏效哦。这赛季,杜兰特砍下至少 39 分时,勇士的战绩是 0 胜 5 负。 [ 译注 4 ]
[ 译注 4 ] 上一场,科尔在杜兰特砍下 38 分之后马上换下他,Reddit 网友猜测是因为这个魔咒。
[ – ] [ MIN ] Jimmy Butlerstjornuryk 115 指標 47 分鐘前
He probably would have gotten a flagrant 2 if left in. Him and Dray don ’ t exactly know how to lose.
[ – ] Sunsrichwallace247 144 指標 40 分鐘前
Go to the team that beat you? Isn't that how you lose?
[ – ] [ CHI ] Cameron PayneSim888 155 指標 11 分鐘前
杜兰特:我的下一章。 [ 译注 5 ] Hottest dude 指哈登。
[ – ] [ MIA ] Goran Dragicmeahoymemoyay 120 指標 12 分鐘前
KD be thinking "damn if only Harden and I were teammates"
热火球迷:杜兰特这会儿估计想 " 我艹,要是我跟哈登是队友该多好呀。"
[ – ] Cavaliersthereturnofjagger 43 指標 11 分鐘前
Could you imagine that. Also if they had Westbrook, that would be even more insane lmao
[ – ] HeatNumber333 331 指標 9 分鐘前
Shoutout to Eric Gordon, PJ Tucker, and Trevor Ariza.
3 role players who balled out of their minds to save their season.
给戈登、PJ- 塔克和阿里扎点赞!
[ – ] BulletsIWasRightOnce 122 指標 9 分鐘前
Shoutout Mbah Moute for finally making a layup.
[ – ] Cavaliers BandwagonFUCK-THE-WARRIORS 23 指標 9 分鐘前
PJ Tucker has played really well with this Rockets team.
[ – ] [ OKC ] Carmelo AnthonyDeadDay 57 指標 9 分鐘前
Ariza was huge tonight. KD would've gotten 60 without him out there
雷霆球迷:阿里扎的作用也不可小视。如果不是阿里扎的出色防守,杜兰特今晚估计会拿到 60 分。
[ – ] RocketsSolar24 126 指標 34 分鐘前
Ariza basically played every minute KD was out there. When he got into foul trouble in game one I knew it was a huge problem.
[ – ] [ BOS ] Paul PierceMan0nTheMoon915 29 指標 11 分鐘前
Houston's supporting cast was unreal today on the offensive and defensive side. Main reason they won.
Houston's ball movement was insane
Steph Curry is off from 3. Just cold.
1. 今天火箭的角色球员打得太不可思议了,攻防两端都有巨大贡献,是火箭赢球的主要原因。
2. 火箭的转移球做得非常出色。
3. 库里三分手感冰凉。
[ – ] [ POR ] Patty Millsshickard 54 指標 39 分鐘前
Houston just beat the Warriors at their own game - running and gunning. They were so much more aggressive on both sides of the floor too.
PJ TUCKER ( 22 points ) just outscored Steph Curry ( 16 ) AND Klay Thompson ( 8 ) . That says it all really.
塔克 22 分,比库里的 16 分和克莱的 8 分还多。
[ – ] ThunderRVP_20_ 49 指標 12 分鐘前
[ – ] LakersJayveesac 211 指標 10 分鐘前
Marv Albert: "The Houston Rockets have gained home court. They have tied the series" so which is it bro
现场解说 Marv Albert:" 休斯顿火箭取得了主场优势。他们扳平了比分。"
[ – ] packersSB53champs 94 指標 10 分鐘前
LMAOOOO this man needs to be put in a home
哈哈哈哈哈哈他真的应该进养老院了。 [ 译注 6 ]
[ 译注 6 ] Marv Albert 是 Reddit 场场都要吐槽的解说,经常犯低级错误。
[ – ] [ LAL ] Smush ParkerDJSaltyNutz 128 指標 37 分鐘前
Dude must have some serious dirt on someone to still have a job
[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron JamesRevMagicDonJuanavan 230 指標 38 分鐘前
Steph lookin like he was shooting for charity out there
骑士球迷:今晚库里是不是以为这场比赛是慈善赛呢? [ 译注 7 ]
[ 译注 7 ] 库里在 2017 年全明星赛的一个互动活动超远三分全失。该活动是为了纪念表彰克雷格 - 赛格、NBA 著名主持人,同时也为了支持 Make-a-Wish(许愿基金)为癌症捐款,NBA 特意举办了这个慈善互动。原本,库里每投中一个三分,就会捐献一大笔钱,但是库里遗憾的全部投丢了。之后在 reddit 便成为一个热门的梗,网友笑称库里是癌症代言人,痛恨慈善。是调侃,不可当真。
[ – ] MagicBig_Apple3AM 45 指標 27 分鐘前
I think Steph needs to shoot 3s from a more realistic rhythmic spot. He's taking these almost heat-check-esque 3s in transition that he's hitting when he's on. But he's clearly not on and he's not getting in a rhythm. Shoot some normal set shots off some screens and get back your shot before you're launching up highlight reel 3s
[ – ] Warriorstalanted_o 22 指標 13 分鐘前
It's cause those are the only 3's he can get off. Rockets are not going to let him shoot in rhythm
[ – ] WarriorsGucciness 9 指標 15 分鐘前
He has no sense of timing and then just gets torched on the other end
[ – ] Raptorsv_95 447 指標 11 分鐘前
Man I hope the Rockets win this series
[ – ] Celticscrackdup 54 指標 10 分鐘前 *
I'm still deathly afraid of LeBron comeback.. But a rockets vs celtics nba finals might be the most refreshing thing
[ – ] [ PHI ] Evan TurnerInakidba 165 指標 11 分鐘前 *
Plz for the love of god. I will literally buy my dad a pen if they do.
76 人球迷:我拜天拜地跪求这个如果实现!要是他们真的会师总决赛,我甚至会决定给我爸买一根钢笔!