


Gabocorbo(国米球迷):阿根廷赢了,马特奥脱下了委内瑞拉的球衣,而后又换上了巴西球衣...(Argentina: Wins. Mateo: Takes off Venezuela's shirt and puts on a Brazil one.)

Max0699(曼城球迷):阿根廷正在半决赛血虐巴西,只为到决赛再被智利点球年夜战击败…这便是宿命。(The scenes when Argentina thrash Brazil in the Semis only to lose on penalties to Chile in the final. It is destined.)

Soraka30cmMOLE(未知客队球迷):我好想有个女冤家能像梅西信赖队友同样信赖我…(I want a girl who trust in me like Messi trust in his tea妹妹ates lol.)

Aosaka129(未知客队球迷):我疑心你要给她戴绿帽子。(So you want to cheat on her?)

Matheusj99(巴萨球迷):还真是第一次见梅西被阿根廷队友带着飞的竞赛…(The first time I've ever seen Argentina carrying Messi for game.)

pookachu123(未知客队球迷):这也是第一次见阿根廷的战术没有是传球给梅西而后等他XJBT…(This is the first time I've ever seen Argentina's tactics that were more than "pass the ball to Messi and let him do shit".)


Gnorrn(未知客队球迷):这场竞赛便是巴西正在树模射门怎么样才干“只蹭蹭没有出来”的格式办法。(This game is like a cosmic joke to see how close Brazil can get to scoring without actually putting the ball in the net.)

GiantTurdAsteroid(切尔西球迷):我是中立球迷,但如今我菊花都告急到脱肛了…(I’m a neutral and my asshole is prolapsing.)

capitainfriendly(巴西球迷):每一次感到咱们踢患上好烂的时分,我就抚慰本人最少不踢患上像阿根廷那样更烂…(Everytime I think we're playing bad I think to myself It could be worse, we could be Argentina.)

6_T_I_M_E_S(利物浦球迷):裁判看VAR的时分该当给不雅众也播放VAR展现的内容啊,你播放裁判站正在那看屏幕的镜头有啥意义?(Instead of showing us the ref looking at a fucking screen, roducers need to start showing the exact same images the ref is looking at. That's ridiculous.)


das_not_nais(未知客队球迷):好吧,如今咱们来猜测一下决赛情势——巴西VS智利:“智利喜提三连冠!”巴西VS秘鲁:“尼玛怎样总是你?”阿根廷VS秘鲁:“梅西团体秀!”阿根廷VS智利:“哈哈哈哈!”(Okay, let's look at our banter potential for the Final: Brazil vs Chile = "Chile wins 3rd time". Brazil vs Peru = "Aw shit here we go again". Argentina vs Peru = "Messi time". Argentina vs Chile = "JAJAJAJA")

Noticemesempais(秘鲁球迷):秘鲁这招妙啊,没有朝乌拉圭门将射门,如许他到点球年夜战的时分就冻伤风了!(Peru masterclass. Don't shoot at Uruguayan goalie so he is cold for penalties.)

gabocorbo(国米球迷):穆斯莱拉整场竞赛90分钟都没扑救,加之点球年夜战也仍是不…(Muslera dind't manage a single save duning the 90' and neither during the penalty kicks.)

maxiperalta54(阿根廷球迷):千万没想到,咱们居然是1/4决赛独一能进球的球队…(Who would have thought that we would be the only team to score a goal in the Quarterfinals lmao.)

DerpJungler(曼城球迷):美洲杯的锻炼方案:周一到周五天天3小时踢点球!(Copa America Training regime: 3 hours of penalty kicks monday-friday.)

Igloo433(巴萨球迷):秘鲁对于巴西能输成0-5,如今却又裁减了乌拉圭…(Peru get smacked 5-0 by Brazil but somehow beat Uruguay wow.)

Yimanya(奥林匹亚科斯球迷):美洲杯新战术降生了:靠VAR狗全场,而后点球年夜战取胜!(A new tactic was born in this Copa America: "VAR yourself to Penalty Kicks".)


Afk94(阿根廷球迷):假如咱们还能混到决赛,再以及智利踢个点球年夜战就真蛋疼了…(If we somehow face Chile in the final and it goes to penalties we are so fucked.)

Leancarp900(未知客队球迷):我都预感到了,阿根廷好逝世赖活地赢了巴西,而后决赛里点球输给智利…(Argentina shithousing a victory vs Brazil, then losing the final in penalties vs Chile incoming...)

Joaorsilva(本菲卡球迷):智利以及点球年夜战,另有比这班配的一对于吗?(chile and penaltis, name a better duo.)

GuanaSucxk(未知客队球迷):阿根廷以及亚军。(Argentina and 2nd places.)

Hornetbite8(阿根廷球迷):说患上就跟咱们能进决赛似的…(Are you sure we can manage a final?)

Shabablife(未知客队球迷):看了这么多场女足天下杯,我都快忘了汉子踢球的速率能够这么快了!(Been watching so much Women’s World Cup that I forgot how much faster the men’s game is.)

Mrcyevon(未知客队球迷):哥伦比亚正在小组赛的施展阐发是最佳的,后果出线后碰见的是最难啃的骨头…(Colombia got the toughest team after being the only team going perfect in the group stage.)


thesilentGinlasagna(巴萨球迷):假如现在是中国女足球员去射杀图派克,那他如今该当还在世…(If Tupac’s shooter was a Chinese woman he’d still be alive today.)

75r6q3(中国队球迷):那也比咱们的男足强多啦,哈哈!(Still miles better than our men’s team... h妹妹m.)

MiniHumpback(中国队球迷):何时咱们的男足也能活着界杯裁减赛上踢一次意年夜利啊…(When could our men’s team also play against Italy in a World Cup knockout…)

Lacerdanio(意年夜利球迷):你还记患上前次意年夜利男足进天下杯裁减赛是啥时分么…(Do you remember the last time we were in a World Cup knock out?)

Deansredhalo(热刺球迷):看中国女足踢球让我想起了小时分练篮球的模样,每一次锻练都要让咱们停止传跑练习训练,并且必需实现X次传球才被答应投篮…(Watching China reminds me of when I was growing up and playing youth basketball, the coaches would make us run a drill where we would be required to complete X number of passes before anyone was allowed to shoot.)

Paspoort(意年夜利球迷):这意年夜利国歌让我好意酸,由于我再也看没有到布冯正在场上唱这首歌了…(That Italian anthem made me sad about the fact that we'll never see Buffon sing it again.)


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