鲁本斯 · 巴里切罗
The first race of the season was held in Australia in front of 200,000 spectators and it marked the 250th grand prix start for Rubens Barrichello. It was not a happy day for him, however, as he was disqualified after ignoring a red light at the pit-lane exit. Lewis Hamilton qualified his McLaren Mercedes on pole position, and went on to win the race.
2008年3月16日,2008赛季的第一场一级方程式大赛在澳大利亚举行,有20万名观众观赛。这场比赛是鲁本斯·巴里切罗(Rubens Barrichello)的第250次大奖赛发车。然而,当天对他来说并不是十分愉快,因为他在维修站出口处无视红灯被取消了比赛成绩。刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)驾驶迈凯轮梅赛德斯赛车杆位发车,并赢得比赛。
编译 / 闫宏宇
审核 / 吴丹