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日期: 来源:译球成名收集编辑:译球成名


Carlo Ancelotti, Pep Guardiola and Lionel Scaloni have been revealed as the finalists for The Best FIFA Men’s Coach Award 2022.

卡洛·安切洛蒂、佩普·瓜迪奥拉和莱昂内尔·斯卡洛尼入围FIFA 2022年最佳男子教练奖的最终候选人。

The accoladerecognises exceptional coaching performances in the men’s game from the period of 8 August 2021 to 18 December 2022.

该奖项是为了表彰2021年 8月8日至2022年12月18日期间在男足比赛中表现出色的教练。

The winner will be announced at a Paris ceremony on 27 February 2023. Five candidates were initially nominated for The Best FIFA Men’s Coach award, having been chosen by a panel of experts.


From this shortlist, the three finalists have been selected by an international jury comprisingmen’s national team coaches, men’s national team captains, football journalists and fans who voted on FIFA’s official website.


Finalists in focus 候选人介绍

Carlo Ancelotti 安切洛蒂

Ancelotti wrote another chapter in his extraordinarycareer by leading Real Madrid to a UEFA Champions League and La Liga double in 2021/22.


Real won the Spanish domestic title at a canter, finishing the campaign 13 points ahead of runners-up Barcelona.


The Italian also masterfully navigated Los Blancos’ journey to a 14th European triumph.

这位意大利人还轻车熟路地率领“白衣军团(Los Blancos)”完成第14次欧洲胜利之旅。

Faced with one of the toughest knockout-stage drawsimaginable, Real dispatched Paris St Germain, Chelsea and Manchester City on the way to reaching the final.


Liverpool awaited in the Paris showpiece and Ancelotti’stactical expertisecame to the fore as he oversaw a 1-0 Real victory.


It was the fourth time Ancelotti had won the competition as a manager – more than any other coach in Champions League/European Cup history.


Real also lifted the Supercopa de Espana last season, while the 2022 UEFA Super Cup wasclinched with a 2-0 victory over Eintracht Frankfurt in Helsinki.

皇家马德里上赛季不仅赢得了西班牙超级杯(Supercopa de Espana),还在赫尔辛基以2:0战胜法兰克福赢得2022年欧洲超级杯(UEFA Super Cup)。

As well as his vast experience and deep understanding of the game, Ancelotti’s man-management is frequently cited as a key strength.


"He has given me a lot of advice," Vinicius Jr has commented. "He is like a father to me. He gave me a lot of confidence and was tough with me when he needed to be."


Did you know?Ancelotti is one of only seven individuals to have won the men’s Champions League as a player and a coach. The others are Miguel Munoz, Giovanni Trapattoni, Johan Cruyff, Frank Rijkaard, Pep Guardiola and Zinedine Zidane.


Pep Guardiola 瓜迪奥拉

Guardiola guided Manchester City to a fourth Premier League crownin five seasons in 2021/22.


City won the title in some style, too, scoring 99 league goals and consistently performing with the dazzling fluency for which Guardiola’s teams have become renowned.


The never-say-die attitude the Catalan has embedded in his players was also evident throughout the campaign – and never more so than on the final day of the Premier League season.


Requiring victory over Aston Villa tofend off Liverpool’s challenge, City found themselves two goals down with less than 15 minutes remaining.


They showcased their powers of resolve and self-belief to score three quickfire goals, turning the game on its head and sparking scenes of wild celebration at Etihad Stadium.


Guardiola’s irrepressibleteam also came agonisingly close to reaching a second successive Champions League final, only for a Real Madrid late show to snatch victory from their grasp.


City midfielder Rodri described the deep bond the manager has created with his players when he recently stated: “We all love him, he’s done a great job in recent years. He's the perfect coach for us.”


Did you know?In his 13 completed seasons as coach of Barcelona, Bayern Munich and Manchester City, Guardiola has won an astonishing 32 trophies.


Lionel Scaloni 斯卡洛尼

In leading Argentina to the promised land at Qatar 2022™, Scaloni has ensuredlegendary status in his homeland.

2022年卡塔尔世界杯带领阿根廷抵达胜利的彼岸, 斯卡洛尼在他的祖国获得了传奇般的地位。

Scaloni’s calm, authoritative leadership helped his team swiftly recover from a shock opening-game defeat to Saudi Arabia.


Victories over Mexico and Poland sealed a spotin the Round of 16 and La Albiceleste continued to grow in stature and confidence as the tournament progressed.


Scaloni successfully harnessedthe emotional energy of Argentina’s frenzied support in Qatar, helping strengthen the connection between fans and players.


His galvanised side overcame Australia, the Netherlands and Croatia on the way to reaching the final, as they blended world-class quality with steel, passion and a ferocious will to win.


Holders France stood in the way of sporting immortality, and Scaloni and his team went on to etch their names into the football history books with victory in perhaps the greatest World Cup final of them all.


Superstar Lionel Messi highlighted Scaloni’s meticulous tactical work as a key factor behind Argentina’s triumph, stating: “He leaves nothing to chance. He shows you every detail and then it happens.”

超级球星莱昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)强调,斯卡洛尼一丝不苟的战术工作是阿根廷获胜的关键因素,他说:“他决不留任何纰漏。他向你展示了每一个细节,然后一切都发生了。

Did you know?Scaloni has tasted defeat just once in his past 43 matches as Argentina coach.


How The Best FIFA Men’s Coach Award finalists were determined

FIFA年度最佳男子教练的最终候选人是如何确定的From the five-person shortlist, each voter made their first, second and third choices for the prize. 从五人入围名单中,每位投票人选择第一、第二和第三候选人。Points were given to nominees depending on where they were placed (five points for first, three for second and one for third).被提名者的排位会产生相应的分数(第一名得五分,第二名得三分,第三名得一分)。Nominated national team coaches could not vote for themselves.被提名的国家队教练不能为自己投票。Selections from the four voting groups – coaches, captains, journalists, and fans – each counted for 25 per cent of the total vote, irrespective of the number of voters from each group.四个投票组——教练、队长、记者和球迷——每一个都占总投票的25%,而不考虑每组的投票人数。The Best FIFA Men’s Coach Award will be presented to the individual with the most points.FIFA年度最佳男子教练奖将颁发给得分最高的候选人。If finalists are tied on points, the award will be bestowed on the individual who has received the most first-choice selections.如果候选人的积分相同,则该奖项将授予获得最多投票人第一选择的候选人。The voting procedure for The Best FIFA Men’s Coach Award is supervised by independent observers. Results will be published in full on FIFA+ following the awards ceremony on 27 February 2023.最佳国际足联男子教练奖的投票程序由独立观察员监督。2023年2月27日颁奖典礼后,FIFA+将全文公布投票结果。国家足联的年度殊荣将花落谁家呢?谁又是你心中的最佳教练呢?欢迎留言评论

重点词汇:1)fi·nal·ist n./ˈfaɪnəlɪst/ a person who takes part in the final of a game or competition 参加决赛者• an Olympic finalist 奥运会决赛运动员2)ac·col·ade n./ˈækəleɪd/ /ˌækəˈleɪd/( formal ) praise or an award for an achievement that people admire 赞扬;表扬;奖励;奖赏;荣誉3)ex·cep·tion·al adj. /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ 1.unusually good 杰出的;优秀的;卓越的SYN 近义词outstanding•At the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a musician. 他五岁时就表现出非凡的音乐才能。4)com·prise v./kəmˈpraɪz/( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)[ VN]( also be comprised of ) to have sb/sth as parts or members 包括;包含;由…组成SYN 近义词consist of•The collection comprises 327 paintings. 这部画册收有327幅画。•The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors. 委员会由政府和私人部门的双方代表组成。5)the double[ sing.]the fact of winning two important competitions or beating the same player or team twice, in the same season or year (在同一赛季或年份)双料冠军,两次获胜,两次打败同一对手6)knock·out /ˈnɒkaʊt/[ only before noun] ( especially BrE ) a knockout competition is one in which the winning player/team at each stage competes in the next stage and the losing one no longer takes part in the competition 淘汰赛的;淘汰的•the knockout stages of the tournament 锦标赛的淘汰赛阶段7)Draw ( BrE ) a sports match for which the teams or players are chosen in a draw 由抽签决定对手的比赛•Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United. 利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。8) tac·tic·al adj./ˈtæktɪkl/[ usually before noun] connected with the particular method you use to achieve sth 战术上的;策略上的•tactical planning 对策谋划•to have a tactical advantage 拥有战术上的优势9)be/come to the ˈfore( BrE ) ( NAmE also be at the ˈfore ) to be/become important and noticed by people; to play an important part 变得重要(或突出);起重要作用•She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis. 在危急时刻她总是挺身而出。•The problem has come to the fore again in recent months. 近几个月来这个问题又成为热点。10)clinch/klɪntʃ/[ VN]to succeed in achieving or winning sth 成功取得;赢得•to clinch an argument/a deal/a victory 赢得辩论;成交;赢得胜11) Down:at a lower level or rate在较低水平;下降;下跌•Prices have gone down recently. 最近物价下降了。•We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more) .我们已落后对方两球。12)ir·re·press·ible adj. /ˌɪrɪˈpresəbl/( of a person 人 ) lively, happy and full of energy 情绪高涨的;劲头十足的13) suc·ces·sive adj./səkˈsesɪv/[ only before noun] following immediately one after the other 连续的;接连的;相继的SYN 近义词 consecutive• This was their fourth successive win. 这是他们连续第四次获胜。• Successive governments have tried to tackle the problem. 历届政府都试图解决这个问题。14)har·ness /ˈhɑːnɪs/ to control and use the force or strength of sth to produce power or to achieve sth 控制,利用(以产生能量等)•attempts to harness the sun's rays as a source of energy 利用日光作为能源的尝试•We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce. 我们必须尽量发挥全体职工的技能和创造力。15) me·ticu·lous adj./məˈtɪkjələs/~ (in sth/doing sth)~ (about sth/in doing sth) paying careful attention to every detail 细心的;小心翼翼的•meticulous planning/records/research 周密的计划;详细的记录;一丝不苟的研究欢迎大家关注,多多指教,下期再会!


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