集微网消息(文/叶子),据外媒消息,华为正在鼓励安卓应用开发者在自家应用商店上架App,从而将自家应用市场作为Google Play Store的替代品。
华为在发给安卓开发者的邮件中指出,华为在过去两年中推出的3.5亿部手机上都有自己的应用商店(其中一半是在供向海外市场的),App Gallery(华为应用商店)每月有2.7亿活跃用户。
此外,在谷歌Play Store排名前15的免费应用程序中,有13个来自美国的开发者,Facebook及其Instagram、WhatsApp和Messenger应用程序将不再预装在华为的手机上,华为将无法为其手机提供这些服务。(校对/叶子)
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Invitation to join Huawei AppGallery
Cher XXX team,
In the last 2 years, Huawei shipped over 350M phones, about half of them in western markets.
All Huawei phones have our official AppStore“AppGallery”preloaded globally, with 270 million monthly active users.
We realized that your great Android App XXX is not yet published in our AppGallery.
In order to guarantee a smooth usage of your App for our users, Huawei is committed to provide you with full support, to help you publish your App into AppGallery.
We would therefore like to invite you to join our 560k developers community for free, in our Huawei Developer portal."-Email from Huawei to Android app developers
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