


紧张局势升级,美国政府在叙利亚和伊朗屏蔽了《英雄联盟》 (图 via dotesports.com)

First, they came for the politicians, then, the businessmen... and now, they have come for the gamers. While it is not clear what threat civilians playing computer games pose to the United States, League players in Syria and Iran have been totally unable to log in to the game’s online server since Saturday, instead being greeted by a message from game developer Riot:首先,他们对付政客,然后是商人……现在,他们来对付游戏玩家了。虽然目前还不清楚玩电脑游戏的平民对美国构成什么威胁,但叙利亚和伊朗的《英雄联盟》玩家们自上周六以来一直无法登录游戏的在线服务器,而是收到了游戏开发商Riot公司发来的一条信息:"Due to US laws and regulations, players in your country cannot access League of Legends at this time. Such restrictions are subject to change by the US government, so if and when that happens, we will look forward to having you back on the rift."由于美国法律法规的原因,你们国家的玩家目前无法登录《英雄联盟》。美国政府可能会改变这些限制,因此,如果情况发生变化,我们将期待你们回归系列对抗赛。As a “free to play” game, League sustains itself with in-game microtransactions which seemingly constitute a form of trade, making it subject to sanctions. One might question, however, if blocking people from buying virtual clothes and power-ups for video game characters will actually serve to achieve anything – except for riling the players up.作为一款“免费游戏”,《英雄联盟》通过游戏内置的微交易来维持自己的运作,而这些微交易似乎构成了一种交易形式,这使得《英雄联盟》受到了制裁。然而,有人可能会质疑,阻止人们为视频游戏角色购买虚拟服装和提升能力的道具,除了激怒玩家之外,是否真的能起到任何作用。

▲Sanctions level 90? US embargoes popular VIDEO GAME in Iran & Syria (via rt.com)

(图 via Riot Games)


Tariffs, trade sanctions, and threats of military conflict are frequent when countries are in active dispute, but the step of blocking civilians’ access to video games is a novel course of action. It’s quite a change from politicians regularly debating the dangers of loot boxes and microtransactions. This can easily set a precedent of conflicting countries disabling access to games as part of ongoing tensions.关税、贸易制裁和军事冲突的威胁在国家处于持续的争端时是经常发生的,但阻止平民接触电子游戏的措施是一种新的手段。这与平常政客们热议的虚拟抽奖和小额交易的危险不同。这很容易给处于冲突的国家开创一个先例:在持续紧张局势下,禁止玩家登录(对方国家的)游戏。The ban hasn’t stopped some players from cheating the system and using VPNs to get around the authentication process upon log-in. But this still makes it quite difficult for League players in these affected countries to play since VPNs can be quite expensive in these areas.这项禁令并没有阻止一些玩家欺骗系统,在登录时使用vpn绕过认证过程。但这对这些受影响国家的《英雄联盟》玩家来说仍有难度,因为vpn在这些地区可能非常昂贵。

▲US government blocks League of Legends in Syria and Iran amid escalating tensions (via dotesports.com)

(图 via AFP)


"I’m so shocked, I woke up this morning and I can’t play anymore. Iran is one of [the] big EUW League Communities. There are a lot of players here, and now they can’t play the game,” one poster wrote.“我很震惊,今天早上醒来,我不能再玩(《英雄联盟》)了。伊朗是《英雄联盟》欧洲赛区对抗赛最大的社区之一。这里有很多玩家,现在他们不能玩游戏了。”“Political problems between Iran and America are between governments, players and people have nothing to do with this.”“伊朗和美国之间的政治问题是政府的事儿,和玩家老百姓没关系啊。”

▲Sanctions level 90? US embargoes popular VIDEO GAME in Iran & Syria (via rt.com)


整合:Du Qiongfang



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